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(A) Bill of Costs Required; Objections; Deadlines. A party who seeks taxation of costs — other than attorney’s fees — must file a verified bill of costs on a form available from the Clerk or on the District’s website. The deadline for filing the bill of costs is 14 days after the entry of the judgment or, if there is no judgment, 14 days after the case is closed. The party may simultaneously file a memorandum in support of the bill of costs. Any other party may file a memorandum in opposition within 14 days after the bill of costs is filed. An appeal does not extend these deadline unless the Court so orders.

(B) Taxation by the Clerk or the Court. Unless the Court orders otherwise, the Clerk will review and take appropriate action on the bill of costs, after the deadline for filing objections.

(C) Review by the Court. On motion filed within 7 days after the Clerk’s action, the Court may review the action.

(D) Administrative Order. An administrative order may provide guidance to the Clerk and parties on the taxation of categories of costs, but the administrative order will have no legal effect in any dispute over whether a cost legally can or should be taxed in a case.
Congratulations! You're now booked up on USFLND Local Rule 54.2 (ND Fla. Loc. R.)!

You might need to reference it during your pursuit of justice.

For instance, you may need to understand certain local rules to recover from the damages that lawbreaking judges/lawyers have inflicted upon you (see this example of a Florida judge who outright committed perjury).

As always, please get the justice you deserve.


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