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Icon-UpArrow Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure


Original Source: USCourts.gov
All-in-One Document
###PDFLink to PageDescription
0000FedRCrimP-OfficialAll-in-OneOfficial PDF/Page containing Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
0001FedRCrimPDisclaimerTBD's copy of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
0002logoAdobe2019 VersionTBD's copy of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (2019 Version).

###PDFLink to PageDescription
0010logoAdobeIntroductionIntroduction to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (in its entirety).
0011logoAdobeForewordThe foreword to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
0012logoAdobeAuthorityAuthority for Promulgation of Rules | Title 28, United States Code
0013logoAdobeHistoryHistorical Note
Title I | Applicability
###PDFLink to PageDescription
0100logoAdobeTitle IApplicability
0101logoAdobeRule 1Scope; Definitions
0102logoAdobeRule 2Interpretation
Title II | Preliminary Proceedings
###PDFLink to PageDescription
0200logoAdobeTitle IIPreliminary Proceedings
0201logoAdobeRule 3The Complaint
0202logoAdobeRule 4Arrest Warrant or Summons on a Complaint
0203logoAdobeRule 4.1Complaint, Warrant, or Summons by Telephone or Other
0204logoAdobeRule 5Initial Appearance
0205logoAdobeRule 5.1Preliminary Hearing
Title III | The Grand Jury, the Indictment, and the Information
###PDFLink to PageDescription
0300logoAdobeTitle IIIThe Grand Jury, the Indictment, and the Information
0301logoAdobeRule 6The Grand Jury
0302logoAdobeRule 7The Indictment and the Information
0303logoAdobeRule 8Joinder of Offenses or Defendants
0304logoAdobeRule 9Arrest Warrant or Summons on an Indictment or Information
Title IV | Arraignment and Preparation for Trial
###PDFLink to PageDescription
0400logoAdobeTitle IVArraignment and Preparation for Trial
0401logoAdobeRule 10Arraignment
0402logoAdobeRule 11Pleas
0403logoAdobeRule 12Pleadings and Pretrial Motions
0404logoAdobeRule 12.1Notice of an Alibi Defense
0405logoAdobeRule 12.2Notice of an Insanity Defense; Mental Examination
0406logoAdobeRule 12.3Notice of a Public-Authority Defense
0407logoAdobeRule 12.4Disclosure Statement
0408logoAdobeRule 13Joint Trial of Separate Cases
0409logoAdobeRule 14Relief from Prejudicial Joinder
0410logoAdobeRule 15Depositions
0411logoAdobeRule 16Discovery and Inspection
0412logoAdobeRule 16.1Pretrial Discovery Conference; Request for Court Action
0413logoAdobeRule 17Subpoena
0414logoAdobeRule 17.1Pretrial Conference
Title V | Venue
###PDFLink to PageDescription
0500logoAdobeTitle VVenue
0501logoAdobeRule 18Place of Prosecution and Trial
0502logoAdobeRule 19[Reserved]
0503logoAdobeRule 20Transfer for Plea and Sentence
0504logoAdobeRule 21Transfer for Trial
0505logoAdobeRule 22[Transferred]
Title VI | Trial
###PDFLink to PageDescription
0600logoAdobeTitle VITrial
0601logoAdobeRule 23Jury or Nonjury Trial
0602logoAdobeRule 24Trial Jurors
0603logoAdobeRule 25Judge’s Disability
0604logoAdobeRule 26Taking Testimony
0605logoAdobeRule 26.1Foreign Law Determination
0606logoAdobeRule 26.2Producing a Witness’s Statement
0607logoAdobeRule 26.3Mistrial
0608logoAdobeRule 27Proving an Official Record
0609logoAdobeRule 28Interpreters
0610logoAdobeRule 29Motion for a Judgment of Acquittal
0611logoAdobeRule 29.1Closing Argument
0612logoAdobeRule 30Jury Instructions
0613logoAdobeRule 31Jury Verdict
Title VII | Post-Conviction Procedures
###PDFLink to PageDescription
0700logoAdobeTitle VIIPost-Conviction Procedures
0701logoAdobeRule 32Sentencing and Judgment
0702logoAdobeRule 32.1Revoking or Modifying Probation or Supervised Release
0703logoAdobeRule 32.2Criminal Forfeiture
0704logoAdobeRule 33New Trial
0705logoAdobeRule 34Arresting Judgment
0706logoAdobeRule 35Correcting or Reducing a Sentence
0707logoAdobeRule 36Clerical Error
0708logoAdobeRule 37Indicative Ruling on a Motion for Relief That Is Barred by a Pending Appeal
0709logoAdobeRule 38Staying a Sentence or a Disability
0710logoAdobeRule 39[Reserved]
Title VIII | Supplementary and Special Proceedings
###PDFLink to PageDescription
0800logoAdobeTitle VIIISupplementary and Special Proceedings
0801logoAdobeRule 40Arrest for Failing to Appear in Another District or for Violating...
0802logoAdobeRule 41Search and Seizure
0803logoAdobeRule 42Criminal Contempt
Title IX | General Provisions
###PDFLink to PageDescription
0900logoAdobeTitle IXGeneral Provisions
0901logoAdobeRule 43Defendant’s Presence
0902logoAdobeRule 44Right to and Appointment of Counsel
0903logoAdobeRule 45Computing and Extending Time
0904logoAdobeRule 46Release from Custody; Supervising Detention
0905logoAdobeRule 47Motions and Supporting Affidavits
0906logoAdobeRule 48Dismissal
0907logoAdobeRule 49Serving and Filing Papers
0908logoAdobeRule 49.1Privacy Protection For Filings Made with the Court
0909logoAdobeRule 50Prompt Disposition
0910logoAdobeRule 51Preserving Claimed Error
0911logoAdobeRule 52Harmless and Plain Error
0912logoAdobeRule 53Courtroom Photographing and Broadcasting Prohibited
0913logoAdobeRule 54[Transferred]
0914logoAdobeRule 55Records
0915logoAdobeRule 56When Court Is Open
0916logoAdobeRule 57District Court Rules
0917logoAdobeRule 58Petty Offenses and Other Misdemeanors
0918logoAdobeRule 59Matters Before a Magistrate Judge
0919logoAdobeRule 60Victim’s Rights
0920logoAdobeRule 61Title
0921logoAdobeRule 62Criminal Rules Emergency
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