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Common Legal Terms that You'll Likely Encounter in your Civil Rights Litigation

IDTermShort Definition
A01Abatementa pause (or a reduction) in a proceeding
A02Abeyancean incomplete state of affairs (compare with abatement)
A03Ab Initiofrom the beginning (usually in the context of clerk default)
A04Abjureto retract/recant/nullify (see nugatory; vitiate)
A05Abridgeto obstruct/interfere-with (eg, abridge a constitutional right)
A06Abrogateto cancel/repeal (usually in the context of legislation)
A07Abuse of Discretionto make arbitrary/unreasonable rulings; reversible on appeal
A08Abuse of Processcommitting a legal act with an ulterior motive (see frivolous)
A09Actiona judicial proceeding
A10Ad HocLat.: for this special purpose (connotes immediacy)
A11Adjudicationthe legal determination of a claim/case/controversy
A12Administrative Agencya governmental/regulatory body that oversees a set of laws
A13A Fortioriwith stronger reason (a second fact is supported by a conclusory fact)
A14Administrative Law Judgethe hearing officer who makes findings of fact regarding executive action
A15Admissible Evidenceinformation that a Court can use in its adjudication
A16Adverse Inferencewhatever you're hiding must be good/incriminating
A17Advocatesomeone who provides legal assistance to a party
A18Affiantthe author of an affidavit
A19Affidavita sworn written statement under oath
A20Affirmationa sworn acknowledgment of truth (subject to penalties of perjury)
A21Agentsomeone who represents another entity (consider with master-servant)
A22Allegationan assertion of fact that the issuing party intends to prove
A23Alt. Dispute Resolutionvarious ways to conclude a suit without trial (eg arbitration, mediation...)
A24Amendalter/update (eg amend a pleading)
A25Amicusa friend of the court (sort of like an interpleader)
A26Ancillary Jurisdictionauthority over an auxiliary claim even if that claim wasn't explicitly stated
A27Answerthe defendant's response to the plaintiff's complaint
A28Apparent Authoritypresumed authority (consider with principal)
A29Appeala request to a higher court to review the decision of a lower court
A30Appearanceshowing up in court to prosecute/defend an action
A31Appellantthe person who filed the appeal
A32Appellatea court that handles appeals
A33Appelleethe appellant's opponent
A34Arbiterthe person who conducts the arbitration hearing; needs court's confirmation
A35Arbitrationa method of alternative dispute resolution which does not require trial
A36Arbitratorthe person who conducts the arbitration hearing; decision is final
A37Argumentpersuasive legal presentation
A38Attorney-Client Privilegeconfidentiality applied when someone consults with a lawyer (see privilege)
A39Attorney Generalthe top cop
A40Authoritythe power to govern over someone/something
A41Awardthe relief/remedy granted by an arbiter
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B01Bad Faithunderhanded/dishonest/defiant conduct (see misconduct, perjury, sanction)
B02Bailiffthe courtroom assistant (the one who typically dresses like a cop)
B03Barprohibit; preclude
B04Bequesta gift/grant/payment/reward
B05Benchsynonym for Judge (cf. the physical location where the judge sits [in a courtroom])]
B06Bindingobligatory (usually set by an appellate court opinion)
B07Bona Fide Occupational Qualification(BFOQ); characteristic of a job that requires discrimination
B08Briberygiving a public official money/gifts in order to influence an official act
B09Briefa legal pleading (usually in an appellate case)
B10Burden of Proofan aspect of adjudication that requires a party to produce evidence
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C01Calumnyvilification/slander (usually found inside settlement agreements)
C02Casean action/cause/lawsuit
C03Cause of Actiona legal claim stemming from a specific event
C04Certiorari (Writ)a writ that a higher court uses to retrieve info from a lower one
C05Cfcompare (latin) (often used in appellate opinions)
C06Challengeto question/object
C07Chanceryequity (old english term)
C08Circuit Courta judicial court that is comprised of many smaller courts
C09Circumstantial Evidenceindirect information that can be used to infer the material facts
C10Citationlegal reference (eg, citation to a statute/opinion/etc).
C11Claimfacts that give rise to a court's adjudication
C12Class Actiona lawsuit that consolidates many similarly-situated plaintiffs as one plaintiff
C13Clear & Convincingobvious (in the context of a [heightened] standard of proof).
C14Clerkthe person who handles many of the court's clerical duties
C15Coercionforcing someone to do something against their free will
C16Cogentcompelling (usually in the context of a legal argument)
C17Cognizablewithin a court's jurisdiction
C18Collateral Attacka legal action that assails the final judgment of a prior case (eg, habeas corpus)
C19Collateral Estoppelissue preclusion; previously litigated matters cannot be re-litigated
C20Color of Lawofficial capacity or even proxy-official capacity
C21Comitydeferring to another jurisdiction
C22Commerce Clauseclause in Art I. §8 US granting Congress power to regulate interstate commerce
C23Common Lawadjudication based on precedent
C24Competent Substantial Evidenceevidence that is fact-based; open for cross examination; and satisfactory to a reasonable mind.
C25Complainantthe person who initiated legal action (context ≈ administrative agency)
C26Complaintthe written allegations/charges/counts [in a lawsuit]
C27Concealmenthiding/destroying material evidence (see spoilation)
C28Conciliationa method of alternative dispute resolution that doesn't require trial
C29Conditiona prerequisite needed to spark a subsequent legal action
C30Confrontation Clausea right for the accused to confront his/her accuser (see 6th Amendment)
C31Consentagreement; often a key element in legal cases
C32Consent Judgmentan agreement between two parties on final judgment (compare settlement)
C33Consolidated Appealjoining/litigating multiple related cases together (in one case)
C34Constitutionfundamental principles of law created by a government
C35Constructionthe way to interpret ambigious statutes
C36Constructive Dischargegetting harassed into quitting
C37Constructive Knowledgea substitute for actual knowledge
C38Contemptdisrepecting or disobeying court orders
C39Contracta legal agreement
C40Contractora party to an agreement (compare independent contractor with servant)
C41Contumacycontemptuous; disrepecting or disobeying court orders
C42Counta distinct allegation (which features legal ramifications)
C43Counterclaima defendant's charges against a plaintiff
C44Courtpractical expression of the judicial branch of government
C45Counselattorney/lawyer; or - in a different context - to advocate
C46Court of Equitya court that deals with fairness
C47Court of Lawa court that deals with law
C48Court Reporterthe person who transcribes testimony
C49Cross-Claima defendant's charges against another defendant
C50Cross Examinationasking a witness questions [on the stand] after he/she testified
C51Curtilagethe immediate area surrounding a building
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D01Damagesthe relief sought as a remedy to the alleged wrongdoing
D02Declaratory Judgmenta court order stating the rights a person has in a particular situation
D03Decreea judgment/determination in a court of equity (eg, divorce decree)
D04De Factobased on fact/practice/tradition (compare with de jure)
D05Defaultfailure to perform a duty
D06Default Judgmentjudgment against a Defendant for that Defendant's failure to answer the complaint
D07Defensedenial/answer/plea disputing the validity of the plaintiff's case
D08DeJurebased on law/rule (compare with de facto)
D09De Minimistrifling/small; not worthy of legal attention
D10Demurrebut a complaint by saying that it is legally insufficient
D11Demurrerformal demur
D12De Novoanew (start a subsequent proceeding as if the first one never happened)
D13Depositiona judicial interrogation of a witness (taken under oath)
D14Dictumadditional, non-binding reasoning in an opinion
D15Diligencespecific attentiveness (which satisfies a legal requirement)
D16Direct Evidenceinformation that is not open to interpretation of the material facts
D17Discoverythe process of recovering evidence pertinent to a case
D18Discretionfreedom to choose
D19Discriminationunequal treatment
D20Dismissalterminating a case; usually without adjudicating the merits of it
D21Dispositionclosing a case
D22Disqualificationremoval from a case due to impropriety (also see recusal)
D23District Courta federal court that has territorial jurisdiction
D24Diversity (Citizenship)the rule that says people of different states can litigate in federal court
D25Docketthe record of documents that are before the court
D26Documentinformation submitted to the court (writings/recordings/etc.)
D27Double Jeopardyprosecution/punishment twice for the same offense (also see res judicata)
D28Due Processlegal fairness (characterized by notice and an opportunity to be heard)
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E01En Bancall of the judges (ie, entire bank of judges) - primarily for appellate decisions
E02Enjoinstop/prevent (see injunction)
E03Equal ProtectionFourteenth Amendment clause prohibiting discrimination in the legal system
E05Equitable Estoppelpreventing the harm caused when an authority misleads an individual
E07Erroneousmistakes/misgivings that were committed within one's authority
E08Establishment ClauseFirst Amendment language prohibiting religious legislation
E10Et Al.and others (often used to indicate co-defendants/co-plaintiffs)
E11Et Seq.so-on & so-forth (often used when citing a statute)
E12Evidenceinformation pertinent to a case
E13Exceptionlegal objection to a ruling
E14Excusable Neglecta forgivable mishap/shortcoming (see equitable; or tolling)
E15Executive Branchthe branch of government that executes/enforces the law
E16Exhibitsinformation submitted as evidence
E17Exigent Circumstancessevere calamity that makes standard procedures more malleable
E18Ex Officioautomatic appointment to a committee/board due to the person's public office
E19Ex Parteone-sided communication with the Court/Judge
E20Expert Witnesssomeone who testifies about a matter he/she has skill/knowledge of
E21Expressformally disclosed in written/oral format
E22Expressio Unius...Lat.: if it's not expressly written in the statute then it was meant to be excluded
E23Ex Rel.lawsuit initiated by a private individual, but between the government and another individual
E24Extensionincrease in the time given to complete a task (ie, pushing a deadline back)
E25Extrajudicialnon-judicial (ie, beyond a court's jurisdiction)
E26Extrinsic Fraudfake junk that will infringe upon due process rights to a fair trial
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F01Fact Finderthe person who makes determinations of fact
F02Federal Courtthe court system that handles federal matters of law
F03Fed. Quest. Jurisdictionwhether the legal controversy is based on a federal law
F04Fed. Tort. Claims Acta legislated waiver of sovereign immunity (see 28 USC §1346)
F05Federalismtiered government; with lower tiers being more protective (cf. Supremacy Clause)
F06Filingsubmitting documents to the court
F07Findinga determination (usually part of a jury verdict)
F08First Impressiona case/controversy that no court has encountered until now
F09Fiscala consistent, self-defined 12-month period (used by legal entities for accounting)
F10Forma Pauperispoor person status; access to Court without prepayment of costs/fees
F11Forumthe area for which conduct occurs
F12Forum Non Conveniensa court that is not convenient for the witnesses and/or parties
F13Fraudfake/underhanded junk that is harmful
F14Free Exercise ClauseFirst Amendment language prohibiting government infringment on the right to worship
F15Frivolousa weak claim that cannot be litigated
F16Full Faith and Creditfederal courts must honor legitimate state court judgments (see 28 USC §1738)
F17Fundamental Rightcore tenet needed to secure liberty & justice
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G01Good Causerational
G02Good Faithvirtuous, pure, (devoid of frivolity)
G03Grantapprove/allow (typically - in this civil rights context - an Order Granting a Motion)
G04Gravamenthe main point
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H01Harassmentabusive/belittling/coercive/demeaning behavior aimed at impeding another person's livelihood/progress (also see Hostile Workplace)
H02Harminjury/loss that must be remedied
H03Harmless Erroran error that [probably] didn't impact the outcome of the case
H04Hearinga less formal trial
H05Hearsaythird-party utterances; admissible in DOAH but not in Court
H06HIPAAthe federal law that protects medical information from disclosure
H07Holdingbinding, authoritative part of a decision/opinion
H08Hostile Workplacean employment setting that is riddled with demographics-based harassment/humiliation/intimidation/etc.
IDTermShort Definition
I01Ida continuation of the cited text (abbreviation for latin word "idem")
I03Immunitya preclusion on liability
I04Impliedinferred from facts/circumstances (compare express)
I05Imputevicarious assignment (compare vicarious liability)
I06Indigentpoor person status; access to Court without prepayment of costs/fees
I07Inferencea preliminary conclusion based on facts/allegations (also see presumption)
I08Inferior Courtthe court whose decisions can be reviewed by an appellate court
I09Infralatin word for below; (antonym to supra)
I10Infringementbreach; obstruction; impairment; hampering (typically used when referring to violations of fundamental rights)
I11Injunctionpreventative remedy
I12In Haec Verbain these verbs (construction)
I13Inherent Powerobvious authority that a government body has
I14Injuryharm/loss that must be remedied
I15In Limineat the threshold/beginning (see motion in limine)
I16In Pari Materiasimilar stuff should be read together (latin for "on like subject matter")
I17In Rea legal action with only one party (latin for "in the matter of")
I18Inter Aliaamong other things (latin)
I20Interrogatorydiscovery tool that asks an entity questions under oath (usually in writing)
I21Interventionallowing an affected person/organization to enter a lawsuit
I22Intrinsic Fraudfake/underhanded junk that was used in an important ruling
I23Invidiousnasty/vile strain of discrimination
I24Ipso Factofacially factual (latin)
I25Irreparable Harmimminent injury that cannot be remedied with money (eg, wife will kill me)
I26Issuea disputed point/fact
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J01Joinderuniting several causes of action or parties
J02Judgmentfinal decision on the facts and law of a case
J03Judicialpertaining to the application of law
J04Judicial Economyconservation of judicial resources/effort
J05Judicial Estoppelprevention of self-induced contradictions
J06Judicial Immunityprotection against liability for discretionary/jurisdictional acts performed on duty
J07Judicial Noticethe court's recognition of indisputable fact derived from irrefutable sources
J08Judicial Reviewappellate proceeding
J09Jurisdictionpower to adjudicate
J10Jurisdictional Amountthe monetary threshold to invoke jurisdiction
J11Jurisprudencethe science of law
J12Jurora member of the jury (ie, a person (alongside his/her peers) who determines the verdict)
J13Justiciablean issue that a court can remedy, because it meets certain criteria
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K01Kangaroo Courta tribunal that is biased and flimsy with the law
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L01Lachesa defense against stale claims (see tolling and statutes of limitation)
L02Law of the Casethe doctrine which holds that previously decided issues cannot be reopened
L03Lay Witnesssomeone who testifies about stuff he/she has observed
L05Legal Fictiona material falsehood (see fraud upon the court)
L06Legislationpertaining to the creation of law
L07Liquidated Damagesdamages that can be determined with certainty (synonym for sum certain)
L08Litigationthe practice of suing
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M01Magistratea judge who supports another judge during the proceeding
M02Malfeasancemisconduct that breaches the public trust
M03Maliceharmful/tortious intent
M04Mandamuswrit directing a public official to complete his/her ministerial duty
M05Mandatea command
M06Manifest Injusticeplain error that infringes someone's rights and impairs a fair proceeding
M07Marshalpublic officer who performs federal court duties (similar to a state Sheriff)
M08Master-and-Servantthe relationship type between an employer and an employee (compare with agent)
M09Materialnecessary, meaningful, pertinent to the adjudication of a matter
M10Mediationa method of alternative dispute resolution which does not result in a decision
M11Memorandumless formal brief
M12Meritthe facts & elements for a cause
M13Mesnemiddle; as in mesne process (see Rule 1.160 Fla. R. Civ. P.)
M14Ministerial Actmandatory act that a public official must complete
M15Minutesa written/recorded summary of a meeting (see 28-102.002 FAC)
M16Miscarriage of Justicea court's error that impugns a fair proceeding
M17Misconductcorrupt behavior by a public officer
M18Mistrialcrucial error that requires a new trial
M19Mootan issue/claim that is no longer active
M20Motionrequest to the court
M21Motion in Liminerequest to exclude prejudicial evidence
M22Movantthe person who filed the motion (ie, the person asking the court for relief)
IDTermShort Definition
N01Negative Pregnantslick talk that doesn't address the overarching fact
N02Notary Publica person who verifies a person's oath/attestation
N03Noticelegal affirmation of knowledge of an important legal matter
N04Nugatorynull; void
N05Nunc Pro Tunc"now for then" (revising history in order to satisfy a prior decision)
IDTermShort Definition
O01Oatha sworn statement taken under the penalty of perjury
O02Obiter Dictaadditional, non-binding statements made in a court opinion
O03Objectionthe primary form of legal opposition
O03Obstructioninterference of a legal action (see perjury; spoilation of evidence)
O04Officera person who has authority in a public domain
O05Omissionto fail to do something (for which you have a duty to complete)
O06Opinionthe Court's explanation of its final decision
O07Oral Argumentvocalized legal presentation
O08Ordera court ruling
O09Original Jurisdictionauthority to consider and decide a case in the first instance
O10Overruleto deny an objection; to void a previous judgment
IDTermShort Definition
P01Panela group conferring on a decision (eg, panel of commissioners, jury panel, etc.)
P02Partyindividuals/organizations directly involved in a legal dispute
P03Paupera poor person (see indigent)
P04Pecuniarytangible (refers to losses/damages)
P05Pendent Jurisdictionfederal court's authority to adjudicate state law claims on a federal case
P06Per Curiamby the court (typically connotes an automatic appellate decision) (see IOP 5.4 (1DCA))
P07Per Diemper day (usually for calculating witness expenses, etc.)
P09Perjurylying under oath
P10Petitiona civil complaint/request
P11Petitionersynonymous with appellant, but signifies a different kind of action
P12Plain Erroran easy-to-see error that impairs a fair trial
P13Plaintiff in Errorappellant (old-fashioned word)
P14Pleadingsbriefs/documents/motions that form the pillars of a legal dispute
P15Plenaryfull; undisturbed; unqualified (ie, fully briefed)
P16Precedentpreviously decided case that acts as authority for disposing of future cases
P18Prep. of Evidencethe standard for adjudication that is loosely based on a 50-50 proposition
P19Presumptiona preliminary conclusion based on facts/allegations (also see inference)
P20Pretrial Conferencea formal meeting to discuss the case
P21Prevailing Partythe litigant who won the lawsuit
P22Prima Facieat face value; indicating a party's claims merit consideration
P23Principalthe person who acts as the company (also see agent)
P24Privilegea legal sanctuary that prevents disclosure of sacred information
P25Privileged Communicationsthe communications that are most commonly protected by legal forums
P26Privysurrogate; proxy; (useful term in evaluating res judicata)
P27Pro Bonofree legal representation
P28Proceedingthe succession of events in a legal action
P29Process Servicedelivery of writs and orders to notify an entity of legal matters
P30Pro Hac Vicetemporary (ex: out-of-state attorneys appearing pro hac vice for one case)
P31Prolixityextraneous information in a pleading (see Rule 8 Fed. R. Civ. P.)
P32Pro Perone's own self
P33Pro Seself-represented litigant
P34Prosecutionthe act of suing someone/something
P35Protective Ordera request that a party/non-party be shielded from discovery
P36Public Officialan elected/appointed person holding a public office
IDTermShort Definition
Q01Quashthe annullment of a discovery request
Q02QuasiLat.: sort of; somewhat; almost (eg, quasi-judicial proceedings mimic judicial proceedings)
Q03Questions of Lawlegal contentions that do not require a findings of fact (see Standard of Review)
Q04Quid Pro Quotransactional/harassing terms & conditions (I scratch your back, you scratch mine)
Q05Qui Tamtaking legal action on behalf of - and alongside (sometimes) - the government
Q06Quoruma panel of decision-makers
Q07Quo Warrantoan extraordinary writ that asks 'with what authority?'
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R01Ratificationconfirmation/establishment (typically of a new legal doctrine/act/law)
R02Rational Basisreasonable grounds for a government rule (compare with strict scrutiny)
R03Rebuttal Evidenceinformation that contradicts an opponent's claim
R04Recordthe docket and all material submitted to the tribunal/court
R05Recusalthe removal of a judge from a case
R06Redressremedy/relief/solution to a legal woe
R07Red Herringa distraction (one with grandstanding talking points); also see straw man
R08Regulationswidespread rules/codes issued/governed by administrative agencies (ie, 'regulatory bodies')
R09Reinstateto place back into your original job/role (see Title VII)
R10Rehearingto re-try the issues
R11Relation Backa legal operation permitting a recent event to be treated like a past event
R12Relatorthe private individual who initiated the ex rel proceeding
R13Releaseto forfeit a claim/issue (usually within the context of a settlement)
R14Reliefthe solution to the immediate problem (also see remedy)
R15Remandto send back (ie, an appellate court tells a lower court to correct something)
R16Remedythe cure for the alleged wrongdoing
R17Removaltransferring a case from one court to another
R18Renderissuing the final decision/verdict
R19Repealnullify/get-rid-of (typically within the context of a statute/law)
R20Replevina legal action to recover personal property that has been withheld
R21Replya response to a response/answer (usually requires leave of court)
R22Reportsgrouped-decisions that are published for the public's consumption
R23Representativesomeone who acts for another person in a special capacity
R24Request for Admissiondiscovery tool that asks a party to admit information
R25Request for Productiondiscovery tool that asks someone to give you legally-pertinent information
R28Res Judicataclaim preclusion; once a cause has been litigated it can't be re-litigated
R29Respondeat Superiorthe parent company/agency (ie, where the buck stops)
R30Respondentthe petitioner's opponent
R31Reversalundoing a lower court's decision (eg, reversing an order of dismissal)
R32Reviewto reexamine a case/action (usually by an appellate court)
R33Ripenessmaturation of facts that will permit adjudication
R34Ruleguidance on conduct
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S01Sanctionpunish (in other contexts: reward)
S02Scienterguilty conscience
S03Seala stamp that authenticates a legal document
S04Sealing Recordsremoving court records from the public's eye
S05Separate but Equallongheld legal tradition commanding racial segregation
S06Separation of Powerscore constitutional mandate that each branch of government must mind its own business
S07Sequestrationquarantine/separate case participants (eg, witnesses, jurors) to prevent tampering
S08Servantthe person who takes the employee role (see independent contractor)
S09Set Asideto nullify (to render void)
S10Settlementamicable resolution of matters
S11Shallmandatory; must. The term denotes a ministerial duty
S12Sham Pleadingan answer/complaint that is wholly false
S13Show Causedemonstrate (typically in response to a Court Order)
S14Sovereignthe governing body that has dominion over a case
S15Sovereign Immunitythe government's protection against lawsuits (see 11th Amendment (US))
S16Spoilationhiding/destruction of material evidence (see concealment)
S17Standinga legal/legitimate right to sue/complaint
S18Stare Decisisprecedent
S19Statementan assertion (typically, one which the party intends to prove)
S20Statutea law
S21Statute of Limitationsthe time period in which claims must be made (or be forever barred)
S22Statutory Lawthe statutes created by the legislature
S23Stayto halt proceedings until further notice
S24Straw Mana fictitious person/scenario erected for the purpose of arguing against it (ie, grandstanding)
S24Strict Constructionusing the literal meanings of statutes and laws
S25Strict Liabilityliability without fault (compare vicarious liability)
S26Strict Scrutinytaking a close look at a rule/statute that will impact fundamental rights
S27Sua Sponteon the court's own volition (a spontaneous act by the court)
S28Subject Matterthe topic for which the claims arise
S29Subpoenawrit commanding someone to appear in court, produce information; or do both.
S30Sui Jurisreaching emancipation/independence
S31Sum Certaindamages that can be calculated accurately (synonym for "liquidated damages")
S32Summary Judgmentfinal decision on the case that precludes the need for a trial/hearing
S33Summonsa writ commanding a defendant to answer to a complaint
S34Suppression of Evidenceblocking information from being used in a litigation
S35Supralatin word for above; (antonym of infra)
S36Supremacy ClauseArt. VI §2 US Constitution (the federal government rules over states)
S37Supreme Courtthe highest court of the land; the court of final review
S38Suspensiona temporary break featuring negative connotations (compare with abeyance)
S39Sustainto approve the request (ie, to approve an objection)
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T01Testimonyoral information submitted under oath
T02Tollextend the time to perform an act (see Statute of Limitations)
T03Torta wrong - in the eyes of society (eg. a judge committing perjury)
T04Tortfeasorone who wrongs another (within the confines of society's expectations)
T05Transcriptwritten record (verbatim) of an official proceeding
T06Traversea pleading that denies the allegations (eg, an answer/response)
T07Trial Courtthe court that adjudicates the facts and laws of a case
T08Tribunalthe governing body that has original jurisdiction
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U01Ultra Viresexcess of authority
U02Unclean Handsactively causing the problem that you took legal action on
U03Unconstitutionalan act that does not conform with the constitution
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V01Vacateto nullify [a prior order]
V02Varianceproofs at trial that are different from charges at indictment
V03Venirethe manner in which a jury is summoned
V04Venuethe place where the issues can be adjudicated
V05Verdictthe final decision handed down by the finder of fact
V06Verificationthe certification of the authenticity/veracity of something (typically, a legal statement)
V07Verifiedthe officially certified authenticity/veracity of something (typically, an oath)
V08Vexatious Litigationexcessive/frivolous litigation
V09Vicarious Liabilitybeing held accountable for a subordinate's actions (see master-&-servant)
V10Vitiateto nullify/void
V11Voidinvalid; worthless
V12Voir Direprocess of evaluating prospective jurors
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W01Waiversurrendering a right/requirement
W02Wantonreckless disregard
W03Warrantan order from a judge that permits search/seizure (see 4th Amendment)
W04Weight of the Evidencehow important the information is
W05Willfulintentional; connoted with desire to inflict damage (also see wanton)
W06Witnesssomeone who supplies testimonies and/or affidavits
W07Work Productlegal notes/materials that are sacred/privileged
W08Writa legal order compelling someone to act
W09Writ of Errora higher-court command [to a lower court] to send up the record (ie, Certiorari)
W10Writ of Prohibitiona legal order directing an officer/governing body to refrain from acting
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X01X[substitute] signature (typically used by people with an impairment that affects a full handwritten signature)
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Y01Yellow Dog Contracta contractual provision that prohibits labor union membership
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Z01Zone of Employmentthe physical area that an employer is legally liable for
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