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Reading Lists Pertinent to Civil Rights Litigation

Legal Pillars (Appellate Standards of Review, Constitutionality, etc.)
001Clear ErrorInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Clear Error.
002ConstitutionalityInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Constitutionality.
003ConstructionInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Construction.
004Due ProcessInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Due Process.
005JurisdictionInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Jurisdiction.
006RulesInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Rules.
007Stare DecisisInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Stare Decisis.
Damages & Settlements
101DamagesInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Damages.
Discrimination Litigation
201Continuing ViolationInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Continuing Violation.
202Employment DiscriminationInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Employment Discrimination.
203Findings of FactInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Findings of Fact.
Fraud & Misconduct
301FraudInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Fraud.
302MisconductInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Misconduct.
303Manifest InjusticeInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Manifest Injustice.
401Judicial ImmunityInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Judicial Immunity.
402Litigation PrivilegeInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Litigation Privilege.
501Attorney FeesInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Attorney Fees.
502ClarificationInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with clarifying a prior order.
503ConfidentialityInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Confidentiality.
504Collateral EstoppelInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Collateral Estoppel.
505Complaint AmendmentInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Complaint Amendment.
506Conditions PrecedentInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Conditions Precedent.
507ConsolidationInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Consolidation.
508Default (Clerk)Interactive reading list of court decisions that deal with Clerk Default.
509Default JudgmentInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Default Judgment.
510DismissalsInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Dismissals.
511Equitable TollingInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Equitable Tolling.
512ExtensionInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Extensions for Time.
513IndigenceInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Indigence/Pauperis Status.
514In LimineInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Motions in Limine.
515Judicial NoticeInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Judicial Notice.
516Pro SeInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Pro Se Representation.
517ReconsiderationsInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Reconsideration.
518RecordInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with the trial Record.
519RecusalsInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Recusals.
520RehearingInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Rehearing (Rule 40).
521ReliefInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Relief from Judgment (Rule 60).
522RemandInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with the topic of Remand.
523Res JudicataInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Res Judicata.
524SanctionsInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Sanctions.
525Set AsideInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Motions to Set Aside Default.
526StrikeInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Strike.
527TimelinessInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Timeliness.
528Summary JudgmentInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Summary Judgment.
529Vexatious LitigantInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with the topic of Vexatious Litigant.
601CertiorariInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Certiorari.
602MandamusInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Mandamus.
603ProhibitionInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Prohibition.
604Quo WarrantoInteractive reading list of court decisions that deal with Quo Warranto.
Get booked up on these important decisions!

They will help you get the justice that you deserve.


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