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The cover of the brief must clearly indicate the name of the party on whose behalf the brief is filed. Each copy must comply with FRAP, have a cover of durable quality (at least 90#) on both front and back sides, and be securely bound along the left-hand margin so as to insure that the bound copy will not loosen or fall apart or the cover be detached by shipping and use. Exposed metal prong paper fasteners are prohibited on briefs.
Congratulations! You're now booked up on Local Rule 32-2 11th Cir. R.!

You'll probably need to reference it during your pursuit of justice (within the federal system).

As always, please get the justice you deserve.


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iconWebsite How-To: Appeal
iconWebsite How-To: Opening Brief
iconWebsite How-To: Quo Warranto
iconWebsite How-To: Rehearing
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