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TBD produced this analysis. TBD tabulated this data. TBD published this analysis on this website for ease-of-use/ease-of-access.
Shortcomings & Limitations
Timeframe:the underlying data for this analysis encompasses the years 1979 through the present. Actual Cases, however, date back one more decade.
Manual Tabulation:the underlying data for this analysis was manually tabulated. Therefore, there is risk that oversights & errors are present (eg., '50' was mistakenly entered instead of '20').
Unequal Sums:the total data points for each demographic characterisic will not be equal. Reason: cases rarely disclose each demographic trait (ie, race, sex, etc.).
Disability Grouping:TBD grouped disabilities into three categories. The parameters for the categories do not come from scientific sources. Please see/download the underlying data for more.
National Origin Grouping:TBD also grouped the national origins into continents. Many litigants listed 'Hispanic' for this characteristic. Hispanic, however, cannot be mapped to one continent (ie, 'Spain-Europe' vs 'Cuba-North America' vs 'Colombia-South America'). Please see/download the underlying data for more.
Skin Color Oversaturation:The statistics for skin color are highly impacted by one litigant (who has filed many charges - indicating his complexion); thereby oversaturating the data.

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Please Contact TBD if you spot anything that looks awry.
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