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021Allstate Discriminationimportant docket entries from discrimination cases (filed against Allstate Insurance Company)1/12/2025
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091GlossaryGlossary updated with new terms (+15)12/22/2024
092Reading ListsListing updated with new items/opinions (+22)1/12/2025
093Standards of ReviewListing updated with new items (+1)12/22/2024
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102FARUpdated Entries from the Florida Administrative Register12/29/2024
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151Graph: Interest Ratesupdated graph for Florida's pre-judgment interest rates1/12/2025
152Table: Interest Ratesupdated lookup table for pre-judgment interest rates1/12/2025

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- 7/19/23 | Anonymous User 088-***-***-099
We are not employees . We have not agreed or have an agreement with corporation that were formed to steal others assets, abuse, held to hide holding ownership of persons with no release, unless you except all there debt and remain homeless and of proverty . Freedom is better than being owned & abused. We are not excepting there debt and we are not allowing to take our farm land, homes, ranch, mineral , oil& gas etc. or have us harmed by enforcement . is that understood!

- 9/22/24 | Anonymous User 104-***-***-186
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