0:00 = Intro
Now, I’m using the term “perjury” in its legal sense. In Florida law, it means telling the government a known-false statement of material fact.
Judge Early did that on April 18, 2019. He told the Florida Commission on Human Relations that my civil rights case was not based on sex discrimination. It was. He knew it was. He lied to the government. He did so to establish the basis for his false narrative to violate my constitutional rights (due process, equal protection).
Here’s how it happened...
1:12 = Underlying Complaint (Plaintiff's Charge)
1:40 = Underlying Complaint (Defendant's Response)
2:15 = Underlying Complaint (Agency's Affirmation)
2:36 = Underlying Complaint (Hearing Transmitted)
It’s important to note, that my request for a hearing – what they call a “Petition for Relief” – listed only race and sex as the protected characteristics in my complaint.
3:17 = Judge Early's Involvement (Hearing Held)
3:49 = Judge Early's Involvement (Material Facts)
Unfortunately, though, these facts also ran counter to widespread propaganda. Propaganda spread by the Ku Klux Klan itself. So, Judge Early went on the attack.
4:50 = Judge Early's Involvement (Destruction of Evidence)
The 1,200-page transcript was missing one page (and one page only). The only missing page was the one pinpointing the thousand dollar payment disparity – and his cessation order. Based on the facts & circumstances, Judge E. Gary Early willfully and knowingly hid evidence.
And I must repeat: scanning & docketing transcripts was not his job.
5:52 = Judge Early's Involvement (False Statements)
“The Petitioner also, for the first identifiable time, alleged that Allstate, and in particular Lisa Henry, engaged in sexually provocative and inappropriate behaviors, which Petitioner alleged to be “sexual harassment and discrimination”.”He repeated that line “for the first identifiable time” several more times throughout his written piece. That statement, of course, was false (please see Parts I-III).
Crucially, those two statements formed the basis for his recommendation. A recommendation based on his perjury; a recommendation that devolved into a fictional, stereotyped slander.
7:27 = Judge Early's Involvement (Perjury)
On February 6, 2019, Allstate moved Judge Early to take official recognition of the FCHR’s determination. That determination letter read as follows:
“Complainant worked for Respondent as an Actuary. Complainant alleged that Respondent discriminated against him based on his race and sex.”On February 18, 2019, Judge Early granted the motion. Thereby cementing – unequivocally – that he knew that I charged Allstate with sex discrimination. He wrote, this document “provided the point of entry to Petitioner for this proceeding”.
Thus, Judge Early’s repeated “statements” to the contrary were a known lie (a massive lie).
8:57 = Judge Early's Involvement (Outro)
He couldn’t handle the facts of my case so he took the law into his own hands; following the propaganda of the Ku Klux Klan.
He hid evidence and he committed perjury.
9:35 = Legal Note
In fact, he didn’t even have the power to change the condition precedent. The FCHR has repeatedly said that only the FCHR has substantive jurisdiction over what’s been charged. DOAH has acknowledged this, too. Florida’s appellate courts have, and so have federal courts.
Yet, Judge Early, in his personal quest to infringe my constitutional rights to due process, decided he’d take the law into his own hands.
Judge Edward Gary Early of Tallahassee, FL perjured himself in 2019.