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Lookup Table: Nature of Suit Codes

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Section A: Bankruptcy
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A00NOS Section ASection ABankruptcy
A01NOS 422Code 422Appeal 28 USC §158
A02NOS 423Code 423Withdrawal of Reference 28 USC §157
Section B: Civil Rights
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B00NOS Section BSection BCivil Rights
B01NOS 440Code 440Other Civil Rights
B02NOS 441Code 441Voting
B03NOS 442Code 442Employment
B04NOS 443Code 443Housing/Accommodations
B05NOS 445Code 445Americans with Disabilities - Employment
B06NOS 446Code 446Americans with Disabilities - Other
B07NOS 448Code 448Education
Section C: Contract
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C00NOS Section CSection CContract
C01NOS 110Code 110Insurance
C02NOS 120Code 120Marine
C03NOS 130Code 130Miller Act
C04NOS 140Code 140Negotiable Instrument
C05NOS 150Code 150Recovery of Overpayment & Enforcement Judgment
C06NOS 151Code 151Medicare
C07NOS 152Code 152Recovery of Defaulted Student Loans (Excludes Veterans)
C08NOS 153Code 153Recovery of Overpayment of Veterans' Benefits
C09NOS 160Code 160Stockholders' Suits
C10NOS 190Code 190Other Contract
C11NOS 195Code 195Contract Product Liability
C12NOS 196Code 196Franchise
Section D: Federal Tax Suits
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D00NOS Section DSection DFederal Tax Suits
D01NOS 870Code 870Taxes (US Plaintiff or Defendant)
D02NOS 871Code 871IRS-Third Party 26 USC 7609
Section E: Forfeiture/Penalty
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E00NOS Section ESection EForfeiture/Penalty
E01NOS 625Code 625Drug Related Seizure of Property 21 USC §881
E02NOS 690Code 690Other
Section F: Immigration
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F00NOS Section FSection FImmigration
F01NOS 462Code 462Naturalization Application
F02NOS 465Code 465Other Immigration Actions
Section G: Labor
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G00NOS Section GSection GLabor
G01NOS 710Code 710Fair Labor Standards Act (Non-Union
G02NOS 720Code 720Labor/Management Relations (Union)
G03NOS 740Code 740Railway Labor Act
G04NOS 751Code 751Family and Medical Leave Act
G05NOS 790Code 790Other Labor Litigation
G06NOS 791Code 791Employee Retirement Income Security Act
Section H: Other Statutes
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H00NOS Section HSection HOther Statutes
H01NOS 375Code 375False Claims Act
H02NOS 376Code 376Qui Tam (31 USC §3729(a))
H03NOS 400Code 400State Reapportionment
H04NOS 410Code 410Antitrust
H05NOS 430Code 430Banks and Banking
H06NOS 450Code 450Commerce
H07NOS 460Code 460Deportation
H08NOS 470Code 470Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
H09NOS 480Code 480Consumer Credit
H10NOS 485Code 485Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)
H11NOS 490Code 490Cable/Satellite TV
H12NOS 850Code 850Securities/Commodities/Exchange
H13NOS 890Code 890Other Statutory Actions
H14NOS 891Code 891Agricultural Acts
H15NOS 893Code 893Environmental Matters
H16NOS 895Code 895Freedom of Information Act
H17NOS 896Code 896Arbitration
H18NOS 899Code 899Administrative Procedure Act/Review or Appeal of Agency Decision
H19NOS 950Code 950Constitutionality of State Statutes
Section I: Personal Property
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I00NOS Section ISection IPersonal Property
I01NOS 370Code 370Other Fraud (excludes any property that is not real property)
I02NOS 371Code 371Truth in Lending
I03NOS 380Code 380Other Personal Property Damage
I04NOS 385Code 385Property Damage Product Liability
Section J: Prisoner Petitions - Habeas Corpus
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J00NOS Section JSection JPrisoner Petitions - Habeas Corpus
J01NOS 463Code 463Alien Detainee
J02NOS 510Code 510Motions to Vacate Sentence
J03NOS 530Code 530General
J04NOS 535Code 535Death Penalty
Section K: Prisoner Petitions - Other
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K00NOS Section KSection KPrisoner Petitions - Other
K01NOS 540Code 540Mandamus & Other
K01NOS 550Code 550Civil Rights
K01NOS 555Code 555Prison Condition
K01NOS 560Code 560Civil Detainee - Conditions of Confinement (excludes actions by alien detainees)
Section L: Property Rights
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L00NOS Section LSection LProperty Rights
L01NOS 820Code 820Copyright
L02NOS 830Code 830Patent
L03NOS 835Code 835Patent – Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA)
L04NOS 840Code 840Trademark
L05NOS 880Code 880Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (DTSA)
Section M: Real Property
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M00NOS Section MSection MReal Property
M01NOS 210Code 210Land Condemnation
M02NOS 220Code 220Foreclosure
M03NOS 230Code 230Rent Lease & Ejectment
M04NOS 240Code 240Torts to Land
M05NOS 245Code 245Tort Product Liability
M06NOS 290Code 290All Other Real Property
Section N: Social Security
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N00NOS Section NSection NSocial Security
N01NOS 861Code 861HIA (1395ff)
N02NOS 862Code 862Black Lung (923)
N03NOS 863Code 863DIWC/DIWW (405(g))
N04NOS 864Code 864SSID Title XVI
N05NOS 865Code 865RSI (405(g))
Section O: Torts/Personal Injury
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O00NOS Section OSection OTorts/Personal Injury
O01NOS 310Code 310Airplane (excludes airplane product liability claims)
O02NOS 315Code 315Airplane Product Liability
O03NOS 320Code 320Assault Libel & Slander (excludes a government employee)
O04NOS 330Code 330Federal Employers' Liability
O05NOS 340Code 340Marine (excludes marine product liability claims)
O06NOS 345Code 345Marine Product Liability
O07NOS 350Code 350Motor Vehicle
O08NOS 355Code 355Motor Vehicle Product Liability
O09NOS 360Code 360Other Personal Injury
O10NOS 362Code 362Personal Injury - Medical Malpractice
O11NOS 365Code 365Personal Injury - Product Liability (excludes a marine or airplane product)
O12NOS 367Code 367Health Care/Pharmaceutical Personal Injury Product Liability
O13NOS 368Code 368Asbestos Personal Injury Product Liability
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