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General Reference Tables
001AbbreviationsLookup table for various abbreviations used on TextBookDiscrimination.com
002Interest RatesLookup table for Judgment Interest Rates (used in Florida litigation)
003Records RequestsLookup table for contact information on making records requests
101Courthouse AddressesAddresses for each courthouse in Florida (state, federal)
102Federal Court LookupSimple Lookup table for mapping Federal District Courts to their Circuit Court parents
103Florida Court LookupSimple Lookup table for mapping Florida Circuit Courts to their District Court parents
103Florida's Districts/etcLookup table for Counties-Districts-Divisions for Federal Courts in Florida
Case Specific Tables
201Case NumbersXML Lookup table for civil rights case numbers (DOAH only)
202Nature of SuitLookup table for the "Nature of Suit" field that Federal court dockets use
203Case Number CodesLookup table for the Case Number Codes (eg, "CA") that FL trial courts use
204Cause of ActionLookup table for the "Cause of Action" field that Federal court dockets use
301ADALookup table for the ADA and its statutory equivalence
302EPALookup table for the EPA and its statutory equivalence
303GINALookup table for GINA and its statutory equivalence
304Title VIILookup table for Title VII and its statutory equivalence
Keep going! You're about to get booked up on these lookup tables!

You'll probably need them when litigating your discrimination case.

As always, please get the justice that you deserve.


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