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Original Source: FloridaBar.org
All-in-One Document
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000FlaRCrimP-OfficialAll-in-OneOfficial PDF/Page containing Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure.
001FlaRCrimPDisclaimerTBD's copy of the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure.
002LogoXMLCitationsFull list of citations from the Fla. R. Crim. P.
003LogoHTMLHistoryChronicle the changes that the Fla. R. Crim. P. have experienced
004LogoHTMLRenumerationReference table for discovering which rules have been re-numbered
005logoAdobe2017 VersionThe Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure (2017 Version).

Section I | Scope, Purpose, and Construction
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A00logoAdobeSection IScope, Purpose, And Construction
A01logoAdobeRule 3.010Scope
A02logoAdobeRule 3.020Purpose and Construction
A03logoAdobeRule 3.025State and Prosecuting Attorney Defined
Section II | General Provisions
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B00logoAdobeSection IIGeneral Provisions
B01logoAdobeRule 3.030Service of Pleadings and Papers
B02logoAdobeRule 3.040Computation of Time
B03logoAdobeRule 3.050Enlargement of Time
B04logoAdobeRule 3.060Time for Service of Motions and Notice of Hearing
B05logoAdobeRule 3.080Nonverification of Pleadings
B06logoAdobeRule 3.090Pleading Captions
B07logoAdobeRule 3.111Providing Counsel to Indigents
B08logoAdobeRule 3.112Minimum Standards for Attorneys in Capital Cases
B09logoAdobeRule 3.113Minimum Standards for Attorneys in Felony Cases
B10logoAdobeRule 3.115Duties of State Attorney; Criminal Intake
B11logoAdobeRule 3.116Use of Communication Technology
Section III | Preliminary Proceedings
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C00logoAdobeSection IIIPreliminary Proceedings
C01logoAdobeRule 3.120Committing Judge
C02logoAdobeRule 3.121Arrest Warrant
C03logoAdobeRule 3.125Notice to Appear
C04logoAdobeRule 3.130First Appearance
C05logoAdobeRule 3.131Pretrial Release
C06logoAdobeRule 3.132Pretrial Detention
C07logoAdobeRule 3.133Pretrial Probable Cause Determinations and Adversary Preliminary Hearings
C08logoAdobeRule 3.134Time for Filing Formal Charges
C09logoAdobeRule 3.140Indictments; Informations
C10logoAdobeRule 3.150Joinder of Offenses and Defendants
C11logoAdobeRule 3.151Consolidation of Related Offenses
C12logoAdobeRule 3.152Severance of Offenses and Defendants
C13logoAdobeRule 3.153Timeliness of Defendant’s Motion; Waiver
Section IV | Arraignment and Please
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D00logoAdobeSection IVArraignment And Pleas
D01logoAdobeRule 3.160Arraignment
D02logoAdobeRule 3.170Pleas
D03logoAdobeRule 3.171Plea Discussions and Agreements
D04logoAdobeRule 3.172Acceptance of Guilty or Nolo Contendere Plea
D05logoAdobeRule 3.180Presence of Defendant
D06logoAdobeRule 3.181Notice to Seek Death Penalty
Section V | Pretrial Motions and Defenses
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E00logoAdobeSection VPretrial Motions And Defenses
E0AlogoAdobeCompetenceRules 3.210 through 3.219 Fla. R. Crim. P.
E01logoAdobeRule 3.190Pretrial Motions
E02logoAdobeRule 3.191Speedy Trial
E03logoAdobeRule 3.192Motions for Rehearing
E04logoAdobeRule 3.200Notice of Alibi
E05logoAdobeRule 3.201Battered-Spouse Syndrome Defense
E06logoAdobeRule 3.202Expert Testimony of Mental Mitigation During Penalty Phase of Capital Trial...
E07logoAdobeRule 3.203Defendant’s Intellectual Disability as a Bar to Imposition of the Death...
E08logoAdobeRule 3.210Incompetence to Proceed: Procedure for Raising the Issue
E09logoAdobeRule 3.211Competence to Proceed: Scope of Examination and Report
E10logoAdobeRule 3.212Competence to Proceed: Hearing and Disposition
E11logoAdobeRule 3.213Continuing Incompetency to Proceed, Except Incompetency to Proceed with...
E12logoAdobeRule 3.214Incompetency to Proceed to Sentencing: Disposition
E13logoAdobeRule 3.215Effect of Adjudication of Incompetency to Proceed: Psychotropic Medication
E14logoAdobeRule 3.216Insanity at Time of Offense or Probation or Community Control Violation...
E15logoAdobeRule 3.217Judgment of Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Disposition of Defendant
E16logoAdobeRule 3.218Commitment of A Defendant Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
E17logoAdobeRule 3.219Conditional Release
Section VI | Discovery
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F00logoAdobeSection VIDiscovery
F01logoAdobeRule 3.220Discovery
Section VII | Substitution of Judge
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G00logoAdobeSection VIISubstitution of Judge
G01logoAdobeRule 3.231Substitution of Judge
Section VIII | Change of Venue
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H00logoAdobeSection VIIIChange of Venue
H01logoAdobeRule 3.240Change of Venue
Section IX | The Trial
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I00logoAdobeSection IXThe Trial
I01logoAdobeRule 3.250Accused as Witness
I02logoAdobeRule 3.251Right to Trial by Jury
I03logoAdobeRule 3.260Waiver of Jury Trial
I04logoAdobeRule 3.270Number of Jurors
I05logoAdobeRule 3.280Alternate Jurors
I06logoAdobeRule 3.281List of Prospective Jurors
I07logoAdobeRule 3.290Challenge to Panel
I08logoAdobeRule 3.300Voir Dire Examination, Oath, and Excusing of Member
I09logoAdobeRule 3.310Time for Challenge
I10logoAdobeRule 3.315Exercise of Challenges
I11logoAdobeRule 3.320Manner of Challenge
I12logoAdobeRule 3.330Determination of Challenge for Cause
I13logoAdobeRule 3.340Effect of Sustaining Challenge
I14logoAdobeRule 3.350Peremptory Challenges
I15logoAdobeRule 3.360Oath of Trial Jurors
I16logoAdobeRule 3.361Witness Attendance and Subpoenas
Section X | Conduct of Trial; Jury Instruction
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J00logoAdobeSection XConduct of Trial; Jury Instructions
J01logoAdobeRule 3.370Regulation and Separation of Jurors
J02logoAdobeRule 3.371Juror Questions of Witnesses
J03logoAdobeRule 3.372Juror Notebooks
J04logoAdobeRule 3.380Motion for Judgment of Acquittal
J05logoAdobeRule 3.381Final Arguments
J06logoAdobeRule 3.390Jury Instructions
J07logoAdobeRule 3.391Selection of Foreperson of Jury
J08logoAdobeRule 3.400Materials to the Jury Room
J09logoAdobeRule 3.410Jury Request to Review Evidence or for Additional Instructions
J10logoAdobeRule 3.420Recall of Jury for Additional Instructions
J11logoAdobeRule 3.430Jury Not Recallable to Hear Additional Evidence
Section XI | The Verdict
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K00logoAdobeSection XIThe Verdict
K01logoAdobeRule 3.440Rendition of Verdict; Reception and Recording
K02logoAdobeRule 3.450Polling the Jury
K03logoAdobeRule 3.451Judicial Comment on Verdict
K04logoAdobeRule 3.470Proceedings on Sealed Verdict
K05logoAdobeRule 3.490Determination of Degree of Offense
K06logoAdobeRule 3.500Verdict of Guilty Where More Than One Count
K07logoAdobeRule 3.505Inconsistent Verdicts
K08logoAdobeRule 3.510Determination of Attempts and Lesser Included Offenses
K09logoAdobeRule 3.520Verdict in Case of Joint Defendants
K10logoAdobeRule 3.530Reconsideration of Ambiguous or Defective Verdict
K11logoAdobeRule 3.540When Verdict May Be Rendered
K12logoAdobeRule 3.550Disposition of Defendant
K13logoAdobeRule 3.560Discharge of Jurors
K14logoAdobeRule 3.570Irregularity in Rendition, Reception, and Recording of Verdict
K15logoAdobeRule 3.575Motion to Interview Juror
Section XII | Post-Trial Motions
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L00logoAdobeSection XIIPost-Trial Motions
L01logoAdobeRule 3.580Court May Grant New Trial
L02logoAdobeRule 3.590Time for and Method of Making Motions; Procedure; Custody Pending Hearing
L03logoAdobeRule 3.600Grounds for New Trial
L04logoAdobeRule 3.610Motion for Arrest of Judgment; Grounds
L05logoAdobeRule 3.620When Evidence Sustains Only Conviction of Lesser Offense
L06logoAdobeRule 3.630Sentence Before or After Motion Filed
L07logoAdobeRule 3.640Effect of Granting New Trial
Section XIII | Judgment
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M00logoAdobeSection XIIIJudgment
M01logoAdobeRule 3.650Judgment Defined
M02logoAdobeRule 3.670Rendition of Judgment
M03logoAdobeRule 3.680Judgment on Informal Verdict
M04logoAdobeRule 3.690Judgment of Not Guilty; Defendant Discharged and Sureties Exonerated
M05logoAdobeRule 3.691Post-Trial Release
M06logoAdobeRule 3.692Petition to Seal or Expunge
M07logoAdobeRule 3.693Petition to Seal or Expunge; Human Trafficking
M08logoAdobeRule 3.694Petition to Seal or Expunge; Lawful Self-Defense Expunction
Section XIV | Sentence
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N00logoAdobeSection XIVSentence
N01logoAdobeRule 3.700Sentence Defined; Pronouncement and Entry; Sentencing Judge
N02logoAdobeRule 3.701Sentencing Guidelines
N03logoAdobeRule 3.702Sentencing Guidelines (1994)
N04logoAdobeRule 3.703Sentencing Guidelines (1994 as Amended)
N05logoAdobeRule 3.704The Criminal Punishment Code
N06logoAdobeRule 3.710Presentence Report
N07logoAdobeRule 3.711Presentence Report: When Prepared
N08logoAdobeRule 3.712Presentence Report: Disclosure
N09logoAdobeRule 3.713Presentence Investigation Disclosure: Parties
N10logoAdobeRule 3.720Sentencing Hearing
N11logoAdobeRule 3.721Record of the Proceedings
N12logoAdobeRule 3.730Issuance of Capias When Necessary to Bring Defendant Before Court
N13logoAdobeRule 3.750Procedure When Pardon Is Alleged as Cause for Not Pronouncing Sentence
N14logoAdobeRule 3.760Procedure When Nonidentity Is Alleged as Cause for Not Pronouncing Sentence
N15logoAdobeRule 3.770Procedure When Pregnancy Is Alleged as Cause for Not Pronouncing Death...
N16logoAdobeRule 3.780Sentencing Hearing for Capital Cases
N17logoAdobeRule 3.781Sentencing Hearing to Consider the Imposition of a Life Sentence for...
N18logoAdobeRule 3.790Probation and Community Control
N19logoAdobeRule 3.800Correction, Reduction, and Modification of Sentences
N20logoAdobeRule 3.801Correction of Jail Credit
N21logoAdobeRule 3.802Review of Sentences for Juvenile Offenders
Section XV | Execution of Sentence
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O00logoAdobeSection XVExecution of Sentence
O01logoAdobeRule 3.810Commitment of Defendant; Duty of Sheriff
O02logoAdobeRule 3.811Insanity at Time of Execution: Capital Cases
O03logoAdobeRule 3.812Hearing on Insanity at Time of Execution: Capital Cases
O04logoAdobeRule 3.820Habeas Corpus
Section XVI | Criminal Contempt
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P00logoAdobeSection XVICriminal Contempt
P01logoAdobeRule 3.830Direct Criminal Contempt
P02logoAdobeRule 3.840Indirect Criminal Contempt
Section XVII | Post-Conviction Relief
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Q00logoAdobeSection XVIIPostconviction Relief
Q01logoAdobeRule 3.850Motion to Vacate, Set Aside, or Correct Sentence
Q02logoAdobeRule 3.851Collateral Relief After Death Sentence Has Been Imposed and Affirmed on...
Q03logoAdobeRule 3.852Capital Postconviction Public Records Production
Q04logoAdobeRule 3.853Motion for Postconviction DNA Testing
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