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USFLND Local Rules of Court

US District Court, Florida, Northern District

Original Source: FLND.USCourts.gov
All-in-One Document
####PDFLink to PageDescription
000logoAdobeAll-in-One[Official] PDF containing all of USFLND's Local Rules.
001logoAdobeDisclaimerSingle document/webpage containing all of USFLND's Local Rules.
002logoAdobeHistoryHistory to USFLND's Local Rules
003LogoXMLCitationsFull list of citations from USFLND's Local Rules of Court
Local Rules of Court - US District Court, Florida, Northern District
####PDFLink to PageDescription
101logoAdobeLocal Rule 1.1Scope of the Rules; Citation
102logoAdobeLocal Rule 2.1Definitions
103logoAdobeLocal Rule 3.1Divisions
104logoAdobeLocal Rule 4.1Serving Process on Behalf of a Party Proceeding in Forma Pauperis
105logoAdobeLocal Rule 5.1Form of Documents
106logoAdobeLocal Rule 5.2Civil Cover Sheet
107logoAdobeLocal Rule 5.3Paying a Filing Fee or Proceeding in Forma Pauperis
108logoAdobeLocal Rule 5.4Electronic Filing
109logoAdobeLocal Rule 5.5Sealing Case Files and Documents; Redacting Documents
110logoAdobeLocal Rule 5.6Notice of a Prior or Similar Case
111logoAdobeLocal Rule 5.7Pro Se Civil-Rights Cases and Collateral Attacks on Criminal...
112logoAdobeLocal Rule 5.8Special Procedural and Filing Requirements Applicable to Habeas...
113logoAdobeLocal Rule 5.9Trial and Hearing Exhibits
114logoAdobeLocal Rule 6.1Extensions of Time and Continuances
115logoAdobeLocal Rule 7.1Motions
116logoAdobeLocal Rule 7.2Removing a Case from State Court
117logoAdobeLocal Rule 11.1Attorneys
118logoAdobeLocal Rule 15.1Amending a Pleading
119logoAdobeLocal Rule 16.1Rule 26(F) Attorney Conference; Prior Discovery
120logoAdobeLocal Rule 16.2Notice of a Settlement or Intent to Plead Guilty or Motion to...
121logoAdobeLocal Rule 16.3Mediation
122logoAdobeLocal Rule 23.1Class Actions
123logoAdobeLocal Rule 24.1Constitutional Challenges to Statutes, Rules, and Ordinances
124logoAdobeLocal Rule 26.1Discovery in Civil Cases
125logoAdobeLocal Rule 26.2Discovery in Criminal Cases
126logoAdobeLocal Rule 41.1Dismissal for Failure to Comply with a Rule or Court Order
127logoAdobeLocal Rule 54.1Motions for Attorney’s Fees
128logoAdobeLocal Rule 54.2Taxation of Costs
129logoAdobeLocal Rule 56.1Summary Judgment Motions
130logoAdobeLocal Rule 72.1Authority of United States Magistrate Judges
131logoAdobeLocal Rule 72.2Referral of Matters to Magistrate Judges by This Rule
132logoAdobeLocal Rule 72.3Specific Referrals of Matters to Magistrate Judges
133logoAdobeLocal Rule 72.4Full-Time and Part-Time Magistrate Judges
134logoAdobeLocal Rule 73.1Procedures for Consent to Trial Before a Magistrate Judge
135logoAdobeLocal Rule 77.1Photographing, Recording, and Broadcasting Proceedings
136logoAdobeLocal Rule 77.2Electronic Devices
137logoAdobeLocal Rule 77.3Video and Audio Proceedings
138logoAdobeLocal Rule 77.4Release of Information in Criminal and Civil Cases
139logoAdobeLocal Rule 77.5Marshal to Attend Court
140logoAdobeLocal Rule 87.1Appeals in Bankruptcy Cases
141logoAdobeLocal Rule 88.1Presentence Investigation Reports, Presentencing Procedures...
142logoAdobeLocal Rule 88.2Appeal of a Magistrate Judge’s Rulings in Consent Misdemeanor Cases
143logoAdobeLocal Rule 88.3Patent Rules
144logoAdobeAddendumCustomary and Traditional Conduct and Decorum
145logoAdobeLocal Rule AGeneral Provisions
146logoAdobeLocal Rule BAttachment and Garnishment: Special Provisions
147logoAdobeLocal Rule CAction in Rem
148logoAdobeLocal Rule DPossessory, Petitory, and Partition actions
149logoAdobeLocal Rule EActions in Rem and Quasi in Rem: General Provisions
150logoAdobeLocal Rule FActions to Limit Liability
Get booked up on the Local Rules of Court from the US Northern District of Florida (USFLND).

You might need to reference them during your pursuit of justice.

For instance, you may need to understand certain local rules to recover from the damages that lawbreaking judges/lawyers have inflicted upon you (see this example of a Florida judge who outright committed perjury).

As always, please get the justice you deserve.


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