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Source Document: USFLMD Rules (PDF)
Source Document: DOAH Rules (PDF)

Comparison: Court Rules (USFLMD vs DOAH)

Background: Different courts/tribunals have different rules for conduct
Problem: You are not familiar with the rules of other courts/tribunals
Solution: You compare these court rules with those of DOAH.

Table A | Basics
File Size (KB):48573
Page Count:1313
Word Count:42,4235,104
Rules Count:7129
Forms Count:100
Comparison Chart (USFLMD vs DOAH)
1Action in Rem
2Actions in Rem and Quasi in Rem: General Provisions
3Actions to Limit Liability
4Agency Enforcement and Disciplinary Actions
5Amendments of Pleadings
7Appearance and Withdrawal
8Appearance by Law Students
9Applications for Costs or Attorney's Fees
10Arbitration Award and Judgment
11Arbitration Hearing
12Attachment and Garnishment: Special Provisions
13Case Management
14Cases for Arbitration
15Certification; Qualification and Compensation of Mediators
16Class Actions
17Computation of Time
18Conduct of Proceedings
20Court Plans
21Courtroom Decorum
23Disposition of Exhibits and Discovery Materials
24Divisions of the Court
25Docketing and Assignment of Cases
26Duties of United States Magistrate Judges
27Failure to Prosecute; Dismissal
28Filing Under Seal
29Final Pretrial Procedures
30Form of Pleadings; General Requirements
31Form of Pleadings; Special Requirements
32General Admission to Practice
33General Provisions (Admiralty and Maritime Rules)
34General Provisions (Mediation)
35In Forma Pauperis Proceedings
36Initiation of Proceedings
37Integrity of Files and Records
39Juries - Selection; Instructions; Prohibition of Post-Trial Interviews
40Management of Funds Held on Deposit with this Court
41Marking and Listing Exhibits
42Marshal to Attend Court
43Marshal's Deeds
44Mediation Report; Notice of Settlement; Judgment
45Misdemeanor and Petty Offenses
46Motions to Compel and for Protective Order
47Motions; Briefs and Hearings
48Notice of Depositions
49Notice of Settlements; Dismissal
50Photographs; Broadcasting or Televising; Use of Computers and Communication Devices
51Possessoory, Petitory and Partition Actions
52Post-Hearing Submittals
53Preliminary Injunctions
54Preparation, Service, and Return of Process; Service of Pleadings Subsequent to Original Complaint
55Pre-Sentence Investigation Reports; Pre-sentencing Procedures
56Presiding Officer
57Procedures to Refer a Case or Claim to Mediation
58Proceedings under 28 USC §2254 and §2255
59Provision of Pretrial Services
61Referral to Arbitration
62Release of Information
63Removal of Cases from State Court
65Review of Magistrates' Reports and Recommendations
66Scheduling the Mediation Conference
67Scope and Construction of Rules
68Service of Subpoenas on State and Federal Officers
69Similar or Successive Cases; Duty of Counsel
70Special Admission to Practice
71Special Filing and Procedural Requirements Applicable to Habeas Corpus Capital Cases
72Statement of Purpose: Certification of Arbitrators
74Temporary Restraining Orders
75Time of Motion to Join Third Parties
76Trial de novo
77Trial of Civil Cases
78Trial Upon Impasse
79Types of Cases Subject to Mediation; Withdrawal
81Written Interrogatories; Filing of Discovery Material; Exchange of Discovery Request by Computer Disk
82Written Stipulations Required
Table B | USFLMD Rules (and their DOAH equivalents)
1USFLMD vs DOAHA more detailed comparison of the rules of court between USFLMD and DOAH
Table C | DOAH Rules which have no USFLMD equivalent
1DOAH vs USFLMDPeek into the DOAH rules which do not have USFLMD equivalents
Congratulations! You're now booked up on how USFLMD's Rules of Court compare with DOAH's!

You'll need them in DOAH, and/or Federal Court.


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