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(a) Paper or E-Filed CIPs.
(1) Every party and amicus curiae (“filers”) must include a certificate of interested persons and corporate disclosure statement (“CIP”) within every motion, petition, brief, answer, response, and reply filed.

(2) In addition, appellants and petitioners must file a CIP within 14 days after the date the case or appeal is docketed in this court.

(3) Also, all appellees, intervenors, respondents, and all other parties to the case or appeal must file a CIP within 28 days after the date the case or appeal is docketed in this court, regardless of whether appellants and petitioners have filed a CIP. If appellants and petitioners have already filed a CIP, appellees, intervenors, respondents, and all other parties may file a notice either indicating that the CIP is correct and complete, or adding any interested persons or entities omitted from the CIP.
(b) Web-based CIP. On the same day any filer represented by counsel first files its paper or e-filed CIP, that filer must also complete the court’s web-based CIP at www.ca11.uscourts.gov. At the website, counsel for filers will log into the web-based CIP where they will enter stock (“ticker”) symbol information for publicly traded corporations to be used by the court in electronically checking for recusals. If there is no publicly traded corporation involved, and thus no stock ticker symbol to enter, the filer still must complete the web-based CIP by entering “nothing to declare.”

Failure to complete the web-based CIP will delay processing of the motion, case, or appeal, and may result in other sanctions under 11th Cir. R. 26.1-5(c).

The e-filing of a CIP by an attorney registered to use the ECF system does not relieve that attorney of the requirement to complete and keep updated the web-based CIP. Pro se filers (except attorneys appearing in particular cases as pro se parties) are not required or authorized to complete the web-based CIP.
Congratulations! You're now booked up on Local Rule 26.1-1 11th Cir. R.!

You'll probably need to reference it during your pursuit of justice (within the federal system).

As always, please get the justice you deserve.


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