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Orders → AOs → FL → Supreme Court → 21-50


Section 40.225, Florida Statutes, provides for the selection of jurors to serve within the county by “an automated electronic system.” Pursuant to that section, the chief judge of the circuit must review and consent to the juror selection process, and the clerk of the circuit court must submit to the Supreme Court of Florida a description of the method for selecting jurors. Section 40.225(3), Florida Statutes, charges the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court with the review and approval of the proposed juror candidate selection process, hereinafter referred to as the “juror pool selection plan.”

The Supreme Court has developed standards necessary to ensure that juror pool selection plans satisfy statutory, methodological, and due process requirements. The Court has tasked the Office of the State Courts Administrator with evaluating proposed plans for compliance with those standards.

By letter dated and received on June 15, 2021, the Clerk of the Court for Taylor County submitted a request for the review and approval of the Taylor County Juror Pool Selection Plan in accordance with section 40.225(2), Florida Statutes. The proposed plan reflects changes to both hardware and software used for juror pool selection in Taylor County.

The Office of the State Courts Administrator has completed an extensive review of the proposed Taylor County Juror Pool Selection Plan, including an evaluation of statutory, due process, statistical, and mathematical elements associated with selection of juror candidates. The plan meets established requirements for approval.

Accordingly, the attached Taylor County Juror Pool Selection Plan, from The Honorable Gary Knowles, Clerk of Court for Taylor County, and approved by The Honorable Mark E. Feagle, Chief Judge of the Third Judicial Circuit, is hereby approved for use.

DONE AND ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on October 13, 2021.
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady
John A. Tomasino, Clerk of Court
Charles T. Canady, Chief Justice
John A. Tomasino, Clerk of Court

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