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The District Court of Appeal Budget Commission was created to oversee the preparation and implementation of the district court component of the judicial branch budget. The commission is directly responsible for recommending budgeting and funding policies and procedures for the district court budgets, so that the funding requirements of each of the intermediate appellate courts can be adequately addressed while promoting statewide operational consistency.

Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.235(e) provides that the voting membership of the commission shall include the chief judge of each district court of appeal, who shall serve for his or her term as chief judge, and one additional judge from each district court, who shall be appointed by the chief justice with advice from the chief judge.

The Honorable Barbara Lagoa was appointed to the Supreme Court of Florida, and The Honorable Jay P. Cohen completed his term as chief judge, thereby completing their service on the commission. Accordingly, the following individuals are appointed to the commission for terms that extend through their service as chief judge of the respective district court of appeal:
The Honorable Kevin Emas
Third District Court of Appeal

The Honorable Kerry I. Evander
Fifth District Court of Appeal
Additionally, in order to maintain staggered terms for voting members as provided in Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.235(e)(4), and in accordance with a recommendation from the chief judge, The Honorable Ivan F. Fernandez is appointed to serve as the second judge member from the Third District Court of Appeal, for a term that expires on June 30, 2021, which is the remainder of the unexpired term held by his predecessor in that position.

DONE AND ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on February 4, 2019.
Chief Justice Jorge Labarga
John A. Tomasino, Clerk of Court
Charles T. Canady, Chief Justice
John A. Tomasino, Clerk of Court
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