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The purpose of the Trial Court Budget Commission is to oversee the preparation and implementation of the trial court component of the judicial branch budget. The Commission is directly responsible for recommending budgeting and funding policies and procedures for the trial court budget, in order to support a trial court system that will effectively carry out the administration of justice.

When the Commission was originally appointed, a system of staggered terms was instituted to avoid majority turnover in any year. Additionally, pursuant to rule 2.230, Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, the membership must include 14 trial court judges and seven trial court administrators.

Six of the 21 members’ terms expired on November 30, 2018. The following individuals are reappointed to serve as members of the Commission for a term that expires on November 30, 2024:
The Honorable Monica J. Brasington
Circuit Court Judge, Eighth Judicial Circuit

The Honorable Ronald Ficarrotta
Circuit Court Chief Judge, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit

The Honorable Frederick J. Lauten
Circuit Court Chief Judge, Ninth Judicial Circuit

The Honorable Anthony Rondolino
Circuit Court Chief Judge, Sixth Judicial Circuit

Mr. Grant Slayden
Trial Court Administrator, Second Judicial Circuit

The Honorable Bertila Soto
Circuit Court Chief Judge, Eleventh Judicial Circuit
Additionally, a vacancy exists on the Commission in a position previously held by the then-trial court administrator from the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit. The following individual is appointed to fill the remainder of that term, which expires on November 30, 2020:
The Honorable Kathleen Roberts
County Court Judge, Martin County, Nineteenth Judicial Circuit
Further, two vacancies exist on the Commission due to the retirement of The Honorable Catherine M. Brunson, Circuit Court Judge in the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit, and the retirement of The Honorable Patricia V. Thomas, Circuit Court Judge in the Fifth Judicial Circuit. The following individual is appointed to fill the remainder of Judge Brunson’s term, which expires on November 30, 2020:
The Honorable Glenn Kelley
Circuit Court Judge, Fifteenth Judicial Circuit
The following individual is appointed to fill the remainder of Judge Thomas’ term, which expires on November 30, 2022:
Mr. Jonathan Lin
Trial Court Administrator, Fifth Judicial Circuit
DONE AND ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on January 7, 2019.
Chief Justice Jorge Labarga
John A. Tomasino, Clerk of Court
Charles T. Canady, Chief Justice
John A. Tomasino, Clerk of Court
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