1. Effective 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, February 27, 2013, e-filing through the Portal in the Court will be optional for all attorneys.
2. Effective 12:01 a.m., Monday, April 1, 2013, e-filing through the Portal in the Court will be mandatory for all attorneys.
3. The URL address for the Portal is Prior to filing, each filer will be required to register for a password secured Portal account. Once assigned a user name and password, it is the responsibility of the filer to safeguard his or her username and password to prevent unauthorized filings. Any electronic filings received via the filer’s username are presumed to have been submitted by the filer.
4. Informational training videos about appellate court filings using the Portal are available for all users at
5. Documents may be submitted in an Adobe portable document format (“PDF”), Microsoft Word 97 or higher, or Corel WordPerfect or other format which may be later specified by the Court.
6. The filing date shall be the date of receipt by the Portal. Pleadings filed electronically will automatically have the Court’s time/date stamp electronically affixed along the top of the first page of the document. Filers should leave a sufficient margin on the first page to accommodate the Court’s time/date stamp. Filers must submit pleadings so that they are properly oriented to be read without needing to be rotated (such as on their side or upside-down).
7. When making filings the user should follow instructions provided through the Portal and select the appropriate document type when prompted. Each separate pleading or document filed electronically through the Portal must be submitted as a single complete document. Likewise, multiple documents must be submitted as separate documents.
a. For example, a brief should NOT be filed in separate parts such as the cover page as one filing, the table of contents as a second filing, the table of citations as a third filing and the body of the brief as a fourth filing. A brief is a single document and must be filed as a single filing as a Mandatory Document as indicated within the Portal.
b. If a pleading consists of more than one document (such as an appendix), each document should be filed as an Optional Document as indicated within the Portal.
c. If a separate type of filing is submitted at the same time (such as a Motion for Attorneys’ Fees), it should be filed as an Optional Document as indicated within the Portal.
d. If any document filed is larger than the limitation size indicated on the Documents page of the Portal, it must be broken into parts that will then be numbered and attached as Volumes of that document as indicated within the Portal.
8. Letters and correspondence addressed to the Court or the Clerk of the Court, including transmittal and cover letters, are not permitted to be filed electronically with the Court and may not be included with electronic pleadings.
9. The electronic copy of a document is not required to contain the attorney’s original signature, but may include an electronic signature indicator in the form of /s/ [name] on the appropriate signature line. Submission of a document to the Portal by a registered attorney will constitute a notice of appearance in the case by that attorney if an appearance in the case has not previously been made. By submitting a document to the Portal, an attorney certifies that he or she is complying with all rules of procedure regarding service to his or her opponents or other parties — the Portal is not currently able to provide electronic service to or for parties — in compliance with Rule 2.516 of the Rules of Judicial Administration.
10. After a document has been electronically filed through the Portal, confirmation will be automatically emailed to the filer at his or her registered email address(s) confirming receipt by the Court.
11. Once an electronic filing has been submitted to the Court through the Portal, it becomes a filing with the Court. Court filings will be docketed in the case after processing by the Clerk’s Office during regular business hours unless the electronic filing is not docketed based on a deficiency. The filer will be notified and may then re-file after correcting the deficiency.
12. If the filer discovers after submitting the document that there is a mistake, he or she must file an amended filing as well as a motion requesting that the Court accept the amended filing. To avoid multiple filings of the same document, filers should carefully review their filings before submitting them to the Portal.
13. Failure to comply with this order may result in the filing being stricken and the case being dismissed or the filing being stricken and submission of the case to the Court without the benefit of the filing. If, for any reason, a party is unable to comply with this order, counsel must file a motion as a separate document with the paper original brief or pleading setting forth the reasons for which counsel cannot comply and requesting a hardship exception.
14. No paper copy of any document filed through the Portal by an attorney is required to be filed and will not be accepted by the Court, absent a specific order by the Court. Any requirement for the filing of multiple paper copies that may remain in the rules of procedure is discontinued.
15. Documents that have been filed through the Portal will no longer be accepted via email as provided in Administrative Order 04-84.
16. Non-attorney parties and attorneys not in good standing with The Florida Bar are currently not permitted to file through the Portal at this time and must continue to file in paper format pursuant to the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure and the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration; however, the additional copies to be filed with the Court prescribed by the rules are no longer required.
17. Members of The Florida Bar are requested to remain diligent in keeping track of updated requirements regarding filing through the Portal. Additional Administrative Orders may issue as required and will be posted on this Court’s web site at:
DONE AND ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on February 18, 2013.
Ricky Polston, Chief Justice
Thomas D. Hall, Clerk of Court
Please get the justice you deserve.