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The Commission on District Court of Appeal Performance and Accountability was established in 2002 for the purpose of proposing policies and procedures on matters related to the efficient and effective functioning of Florida’s district courts through the development of comprehensive resource management, performance measurement, and accountability programs. This charge responds to mandates that emanate from section 19, Article III, Constitution of the State of Florida; Chapter 216, Florida Statutes; and the judicial branch’s long-range strategic plan.

Court committees are a vital component in the governance of the judicial branch. Committees established by the Supreme Court assist in the development of policies and operating procedures that enhance the administration of justice. In recent years, as a result of the global recession and the subsequent decline in state financial resources, the Florida State Courts System has sustained significant reductions in operating funds and staff positions. Even given the demanding fiscal times we are in, work of the Commission on District Court of Appeal Performance and Accountability must proceed.

The Commission must, however, be cognizant of the limitations on the resources available to support its efforts as it develops a work plan that will accomplish, to the best of the Commission’s abilities, the important tasks assigned in this administrative order. Accordingly, the chair should use discretion in the establishment of subcommittees that require operating funds and staff support. With regard to meetings, the Commission on District Court of Appeal Performance and Accountability should strive to utilize the most economical means appropriate to the type of work being accomplished.

During the next two years, the Commission is expected to perform the following tasks:
1. Develop a process for the Commission on District Court of Appeal Performance and Accountability to periodically review statewide performance indicators and report to the Supreme Court on the efficiency, effectiveness, and timeliness of case processing in the district courts.

2. Continue to monitor dependency and termination of parental rights case data and provide recommendations for improving case management practices. Collaborate with the multi-disciplinary dependency court improvement panel as needed.

3. Continue to review district court case management information and ensure the establishment of uniform data definitions and uniform reporting procedures, as needed. Work with the Appellate Court Technology Committee regarding any revisions to the district court case management system that may impact the definitions and/or reporting of district court data.

4. Continue to propose judicial branch responses to any statutory requirements and requests by the Florida Legislature and the Office of the Governor related to district court performance and accountability.
The following individuals are appointed to serve on the Commission for terms to expire on June 30, 2012:
The Honorable Chris W. Altenbernd
Judge, Second District Court of Appeal

Mr. Ty W. Berdeaux
Marshal, Fifth District Court of Appeal

Ms. Mary Cay Blanks
Clerk, Third District Court of Appeal

The Honorable Jay P. Cohen
Judge, Fifth District Court of Appeal

Mr. Thomas D. Hall
Clerk, Florida Supreme Court

The Honorable Vance Salter
Judge, Third District Court of Appeal

The Honorable William A. Van Nortwick
Judge, First District Court of Appeal

The Honorable Martha C. Warner
Judge, Fourth District Court of Appeal
Commission reports should be submitted to the Chief Justice through the State Courts Administrator.

The Commission on District Court of Appeal Performance and Accountability is authorized to propose amendments to rules of court procedure on issues involving the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the district courts, for consideration by the Court. Should the Commission recommend amendments to the rules of court procedure or forms, it shall file such recommendations in petition form with the Clerk of the Florida Supreme Court.

Should the Commission on District Court of Appeal Performance and Accountability make recommendations that require additional funding or resources to implement, the Commission is directed to establish the necessary liaison relationship with the District Court of Appeal Budget Commission or the Trial Court Budget Commission, as appropriate. At a minimum, the Commission shall provide the chair of the respective budget commission with copies of Commission reports and recommendations that reference the need for additional court funding or resources, prior to the finalization of those reports.

Should the Commission on District Court of Appeal Performance and Accountability make recommendations about the education and training needs of judges and court staff, the Commission is directed to establish the necessary liaison relationships with the Florida Court Education Council. At a minimum, the Commission shall provide the Chair of the Florida Court Education Council with copies of Commission reports and recommendations that reference court education, prior to the finalization of those reports.

The Judicial Branch Governance Study Group was established in the fall of 2009 and directed by the Supreme Court to undertake an in-depth study of the current governance system of the judicial branch of Florida. There is a possibility the results of that initiative may necessitate a re-evaluation of this administrative order, at a future date.

The Honorable William A. Van Nortwick shall serve as chair through June 30, 2012. The Honorable Ricky L. Polston shall continue to serve as the Supreme Court’s liaison to the Commission. Staff support will be provided by the Office of the State Courts Administrator.

DONE AND ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on August 20, 2010.
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady
Thomas D. Hall, Clerk of Court
Charles T. Canady, Chief Justice
Thomas D. Hall, Clerk of Court
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