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Orders → AOs → FL → Supreme Court → 10-33


The purpose of the Trial Court Budget Commission is to oversee the preparation and implementation of the trial court component of the judicial branch budget. The Commission is directly responsible for recommending budgeting and funding policies and procedures for the trial court budget, in order to support a trial court system that will effectively carry out the administration of justice.

The terms of the chair and vice chair have expired. The Court expresses its appreciation and admiration for the distinguished service rendered by The Honorable Belvin Perry, Jr. as Commission Chair and The Honorable Charles A. Francis as Commission Vice Chair. Judge Perry and Judge Francis will continue to serve as members of the Commission.

The Honorable John Laurent is appointed as Commission Chair and The Honorable Margaret Steinbeck is appointed as Commission Vice-Chair through June 30, 2012.

The Honorable Judy M. Pittman has resigned from the Trial Court Budget Commission. The following individual is appointed to complete the remainder of Judge Pittman’s term on the Commission, which expires on November 30, 2010:
The Honorable Elijah Smiley
Circuit Judge
Fourteenth Judicial Circuit
In accordance with rule 2.053, Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, the chairpersons of the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges and the Florida Conference of County Court Judges serve as ex officio, nonvoting members of the Commission. Accordingly, The Honorable Kevin Emas is appointed to serve on the Commission for his term as Chair of the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges. The Honorable Wayne Miller, who is currently a member of the Trial Court Budget Commission, will continue to serve in that capacity and will also represent the Florida Conference of County Court Judges on the Commission during his term as President of the Conference.

DONE AND ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on July 1, 2010.
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady
Thomas D. Hall, Clerk of Court
Charles T. Canady, Chief Justice
Thomas D. Hall, Clerk of Court
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