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Orders → AOs → FL → Supreme Court → 4-84


Pursuant to this Court’s Administrative Orders dated February 5, 1999, and March 13, 2002, parties in the Florida Supreme Court are required, in addition to the paper copy that is filed, to send an electronic copy of the following to the Court:
• all briefs on the merits
• all briefs on jurisdiction
• all pleadings filed in death warrant cases
• all pleadings filed in Judicial Qualifications Commission cases
• all referee reports in Florida Bar disciplinary cases
• all hearing transcripts in death penalty cases
• all petitions requesting rule amendments (including the proposed rules) - this includes Rules Reg. the Florida Bar, Bar Admission Rules,
Code of Judicial Conduct, Jury Instructions, and all Rules of Procedure.
• all petitions requesting procedural rule form amendments (including the proposed forms)
• all comments in rules cases
• all petitions and responses thereto in which the Court determines it will hold oral argument, and
• any other pleadings which the Court may designate. Any case may be so designated because there is significant media or public interest in obtaining briefs, pleadings, petitions, or other documents generated by the case, and parties and counsel in the case shall be notified of this by letter from the Clerk.

Currently the electronic copy is provided by sending the Court a diskette which contains the electronic version of the document. The Court has determined it would be more efficient for the Court and the public to require the electronic version of these pleadings be sent to the Court via e-mail.
Effective October 1, 2004, in addition to filing paper copies, all briefs on the merits, all briefs on jurisdiction, all pleadings filed in Judicial Qualifications Commission cases, all referee reports in Florida Bar disciplinary cases, all transcripts in death penalty cases, all petitions requesting rule amendments (including the proposed rules), all petitions requesting procedural rule form amendments (including the proposed forms), all comments in rules cases, all petitions and responses thereto in which the Court determines it will hold oral argument, and any other pleadings which the Court may designate, shall be submitted electronically either via e-mail, as explained below, or by diskette but not both. If by diskette, it must be in accordance with In Re: Mandatory Submission of Electronic Copies of Documents on Computer Diskette dated November 13, 2002. Effective April 1, 2005, all submissions must be via e-mail. Diskettes will no longer be accepted after April 1, 2005 .
Electronic submissions via e-mail shall be attached to an e-mail sent to the following e-mail address: e-file@flcourts.org. This e-mail address is for this purpose only. The Clerk's Office will not respond to e-mails sent to this address. Pleadings sent to this address will not be considered a filing. The subject line of the e-mail shall contain the Supreme Court case number, if one has been assigned, or the style of the case, if a case number has not been assigned, in substantially the following format: “Filing in SC00-0” or “Filing in Doe v. Roe.” The document must be e-mailed the same day the original paper copy of the document is filed or served.
Effective October 1, 2004, electronic submissions may be submitted in either Microsoft Word format or WordPerfect. Effective January 1, 2005, all electronic submissions in rules cases must be in Microsoft Word. For all other cases, effective April 1, 2005, submissions must be in Microsoft Word. Litigants and counsel should be aware that electronic versions submitted in WordPerfect will be converted by the Court to Microsoft Word and there is no guarantee that the document will be converted without error.
All electronic submissions in death warrant cases shall be sent to a separate e-mail address which will be provided to counsel by the Clerk's office when a death warrant is signed.
The official recorded filing date for these pleadings shall remain the date the paper copies are received by the Clerk's Office.
Any documents required by the order to be submitted in electronic form may be rejected for filing by the Clerk of Court if the electronic version does not conform to the requirements of this order, the rules of court or match the paper copy version.
The Clerk of the Court is directed to send copies of this order to The Florida Bar News for publication in at least two issues of The Florida Bar News.

DONE AND ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on September 13, 2004.
Chief Justice Barbara J. Pariente
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