The purpose of these directives was to bring standardization and automation to trial court technology. This would ensure maximization of economies as to the limited resources available for technology, and would ensure that the needs of the judicial branch, its partners in the judicial system, and the needs of the public are met in regards to access to accurate trial court data and information.
The Trial Court Technology Committee has completed its assessment of judicial system needs and has inventoried the technology in the judicial branch. At a joint meeting held on October 25, 2002, the Florida Courts Technology Commission and the Trial Court Technology Committee approved a Functional Requirements Document, Technical Standards, and a statewide Strategic Plan. The Florida Courts Technology Commission also recommended that the Chief Justice enter into an administrative order to implement the above mentioned documents.
Accordingly, it is hereby ordered that:
1. Each circuit court and clerk of the court that undertakes to develop new data systems upgrades to existing hardware and software for the storage and maintenance of trial court data and records must adhere to the Functional Requirements Document, Technical Standards, and the Strategic Plan as approved by the Florida Courts Technology Commission.
2. Before a system that maintains trial court data and records may be implemented by a circuit court or clerk of court, whether it is vendor created or internally created, the specifications must be submitted for approval to the Florida Courts Technology Commission to ensure that the system meets the criteria set forth in the Functional Requirements Document, Technical Standards, and Strategic Plan.
3. In order to maintain standardization within the circuits, each judicial circuit must develop a strategic plan for local implementation that is consistent with the statewide Strategic Plan. The circuit strategic plans must identify future technology initiatives in the circuit and must be submitted by October 1, 2003, to the Florida Courts Technology Commission for approval.
4. By October of each subsequent year, each judicial circuit shall develop an annual operational plan that must be presented to the Florida Courts Technology Commission for approval. This operational plan will outline the tasks to be accomplished during the upcoming fiscal year and the estimated cost to achieve the tasks. To the extent that there are revenues associated with any such initiatives, the revenues should also be identified.
Assistance and guidance in the development and submission of circuit strategic and operational plans shall be provided by the Florida Courts Technology Commission.
If a circuit is not able to meet the deadlines established herein, then the circuit must provide explanation to the Chief Justice of this Court as to why it has not been able to comply with this administrative order.
DONE ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, this eighth day of April, 2003.
Chief Justice Harry Lee Armstead
Thomas D. Hall, Clerk of Court
Please get the justice you deserve.