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Administrative Orders from
Florida's First District Court of Appeals

(Orders which are Pertinent to Civil Rights Litigation)



1) Effective on and after October 26, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. E.S.T., this order supersedes the electronic filing requirements of Administrative Order 07-1.
2) As well as filing with this court the original signed paper version of a document, all attorneys are required and pro se litigants are encouraged to utilize the First District Court of Appeal’s secure eDCA portal accessible through the court’s website at http://www.1dca.org to transmit electronic copies of the following pleadings:
a. All briefs filed pursuant to Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 9.110, 9.130, 9.140, 9.141, 9.145, 9.146, and 9.180, and all appendices to briefs.
b. All original petitions, responses to petitions, and replies to responses to petitions filed pursuant to Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 9.100 and 9.141(c) with their appendices.
Note: While initially, eDCA will be configured to accept only the documents referenced in letters a. and b. above, it is the court’s intention to expand the eDCA portal to accept additional document types in the near future. An administrative order will be issued as to the type of documents accepted and when they can be filed electronically. Those future document types will be bound by the same requirements set forth in this order.

3) Documents will no longer be accepted via email as provided in Administrative Order 07-1. All electronically filed documents must be submitted via the eDCA secure portal.
4) The electronic filing shall be made on the date of the certificate of service of the signed paper original. The official filing date of the brief, original petition, or response or reply in petitions, will remain the date of filing the signed paper original with the court unless otherwise ordered by the court.
5) The electronic copy of a document is not required to contain the attorney’s original signature. However, by submitting a document to the court electronically through the secure eDCA portal, an attorney certifies that he or she is filing an otherwise exact electronic copy of the paper pleading.
6) This order does not change the number of paper copies required by Rule 9.210(g)(2). Any changes in the requirement for the filing of a signed original and the number of copies required by the Rule will be set forth by administrative order.
7) The electronic documents shall be submitted through the eDCA portal only in the Adobe portable document format “PDF.” This requirement is a change from that of this court’s administrative order 07-1 in which documents were accepted only in Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect formats. As a result of this order those document types will not be accepted for filing through the eDCA portal. Documents may be scanned into PDF format or they may be converted directly to PDF format from Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect formats. Information on how to convert files into PDF format can be found on the court’s website. Court personnel will not provide guidance or technical support beyond the information provided on the court’s website. Filers will submit electronic documents through the eDCA portal via the court’s website. Prior to filing, each filer will be required to register for access and will be provided a secure, password protected upload facility for these filings. It will be the filer’s responsibility to follow instructions provided through the eDCA portal and select the appropriate document type when prompted. A filer must complete registration before documents may be electronically filed through the eDCA portal. Once assigned a user name and password, it is the responsibility of the filer to safeguard his or her username and password to prevent unauthorized filings. Any electronic filings received via the filer’s username are presumed to have been submitted by the filer.
8) When filing an electronic copy of a document to the court through the eDCA portal, the document must be in a single file unless otherwise directed by the court. Regarding the electronic filing of appendices, if the paper brief or petition contains an appendix which is attached, then the electronic copy of the appendix should be included in the same file as the electronic copy of the brief or petition. If the paper brief or petition is filed with an appendix which is not attached, then the electronic copy of the appendix should be in a separate file than the electronic copy of the brief or petition.
9) After a document has been electronically filed through the eDCA portal, an automatic confirmation will be emailed to the filer at his or her email address of record confirming receipt by the court.
10) If counsel is unable to comply with this order, counsel must file a motion as a separate paper document with the paper original brief or pleading setting forth the reasons for which counsel cannot comply and requesting a hardship exception.
11) Failure to comply with this order may result in the brief or pleading being stricken and the case being dismissed or the brief or pleading being stricken and submission of the case to the court without the benefit of the brief or pleading.
12) Attorneys filing any electronic or paper document in compliance with this order shall include on the document their (business) email address as well as physical address and phone number.
Paul M. Hawkes, Chief Judge
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is (a true copy of) the original court order.
Jon S. Wheeler, Clerk

Service List
Chief Justice Peggy Quince, Florida Supreme Court
Florida First District Court of Appeal Judges
Lisa Goodner, Florida State Courts Administrator
John F. Harkness, Jr., Executive Director of The Florida Bar
West Publishing Company (for publication in the Southern Third Reporter)
Judicial and Administrative Research Associates, Inc. (for publication in The Florida Law Weekly)



1 ) Effective for all proceedings assigned case number 1D10-1600 and higher, the Docketing Statement/Notice of Appearance of Counsel (“Docketing Statement”) filed by an attorney is required to be electronically completed and submitted to the court through the court’s secure online portal “eDCA.” While pro se litigants are encouraged to electronically complete and submit their Docketing Statements through eDCA, they are not required to do so and may submit paper versions of the court’s pink Docketing Statement instead.
2) Attorneys for appellants and petitioners must electronically complete and submit the Docketing Statement through eDCA immediately upon receipt of the court’s acknowledgment notice and assignment of a case number in cases involving an original writ, an appeal of a non-final order, or in a “child” case (as defined in the court’s Docketing Statement). In all other cases, counsel for the appellant must electronically complete and submit the Docketing Statement via eDCA within 20 days of the date of the court’s acknowledgment notice accepting this case and assigning a case number in the case. Pro se litigants are not required to electronically file their Docketing Statements but must otherwise timely file a paper version of their completed Docketing Statement with the court. Counsel for appellees, respondents, and amicus curiae are not required to file a Docketing Statement unless there are amendments, corrections, or additions to the Docketing Statement filed by appellant/petitioner. Additionally, appellees/respondents and Amici are required to electronically complete and submit a Docketing Statement/Notice of Appearance of Counsel through eDCA if counsel’s name does not already appear on the certificate of service of the notice of appeal. Appellee’s Docketing Statement and notice of appearance, if required, are due to be electronically completed and submitted through eDCA no later than the service of the answer brief.
3) Attorneys are required to register with eDCA and must complete their Docketing Statement online by typing answers to the questions about the case into the court’s electronic Docketing Statement form. Once the attorney has finished answering all the relevant questions and clicked the “submit” button, an electronic version of the attorney’s Docketing Statement will be generated by the court’s online system. An electronic copy of the generated Docketing Statement will be submitted to the court and counsel will have the opportunity to print a copy of the completed electronic docketing statement for his or her records and to use in making service of the Docketing Statement on the opposing side.
4) The date the electronic copy of the Docketing Statement is submitted to and received by the court will constitute the date of filing of the Docketing Statement. A signed paper copy of the Docketing Statement will not be required or permitted to be filed with the court if an electronic copy is required.
5) Service of the Docketing Statement is still required to be made by the filer on the opposing side. Filers may need to print a paper copy or copies of their electronic Docketing Statement generated using eDCA to make service on the opposing side and any other parties/counsel in the case. If permission has been received from the other side to provide service by electronic means, an electronic copy of the Docketing Statement may be served to the Parties of Record or their attorneys in lieu of a paper copy.
6) Submission of the electronic Docketing Statement/Notice of Appearance through eDCA by a registered attorney will constitute a notice of appearance in the case by that attorney if an appearance in the case has not previously been made. A signature is not required on the electronic version of a Docketing Statement completed and submitted through eDCA.
7) If counsel is unable to comply with this order, counsel must file a motion as a separate paper document setting forth the reasons for which counsel cannot comply and requesting a hardship exception. In the rare instance when a hardship exception is granted, counsel will be required to submit a paper version of the Docketing Statement.
Paul M. Hawkes, Chief Judge
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is (a true copy of ) the original court order dated March 24, 2010.
Jon S. Wheeler, Clerk

Service List
Chief Justice Peggy Quince, Florida Supreme Court
Florida First District Court of Appeal Judges
Lisa Goodner, Florida State Courts Administrator
John F. Harkness, Jr., Executive Director of The Florida Bar
West Publishing Company (for publication in the Southern Third Reporter)
Judicial and Administrative Research Associates, Inc. (for publication in The Florida Law Weekly)



To the extent of any conflict, this order supersedes the electronic filing requirements of corrected Administrative Order 09-3. As mandated by the Florida Legislature in SB1718 and as authorized by the Florida Supreme Court's Administrative Order AOSCI0-32, In Re: Interim Policy on Electronic Appellate Court Records, dated June 29, 2010:
A. Effective August 9, 2010,
1. The court's electronic filing portal, eDCA, will be open to registered users to electronically file all filings that were previously required to be filed in paper. Information about categories and pleading titles are available on the court's web-site: http://www.l dca.org
2. Between August 9,2010, and September 1,2010, all filings may be made by registered users either electronically through eDCA or in paper, but no document should be filed by both methods. The court prefers all filings to be made electronically through eDCA.
3. In any situation where duplicate filings are made both in paper and electronically, the version of the document received by the court first will be used to determine the date of filing.
a. Filings submitted electronically should not be filed in paper format. If a filing is made electronically and a subsequent paper version is received, the court will not process the paper version. The electronic filing will constitute the official filing.
b. If a paper filing is received in the court and a subsequent electronic version of the filing is received, the electronic version will be rejected as unnecessarily filed and the paper version will constitute the official filing.

B. Effective September 1, 2010:
Registered eDCA users will no longer be authorized to file any pleading in a paper format. All pleadings will be required to be filed electronically through eDCA pursuant to the following:
1. Attorneys appearing before this court are required, and non-attorneys are encouraged if they are able, to register as users through the electronic portal, eDCA, at: https:lledca.ldca.org/Registration.aspx. This will allow the user to file all pleadings with the court electronically.
2. The previous requirement that duplicate paper filings also be made when pleadings are electronically filed with the court is discontinued. This includes any requirement for multiple additional paper copies required by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. This means, documents filed electronically are not required or permitted to be filed in paper format.
3. Non-attorneys not registered with eDCA may continue to file pleadings in paper format pursuant to the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure and the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration. Such pleadings filed by nonattorneys not registered with eDCA need only file the original; copies prescribed by the rules are no longer required to be filed with the original pleading.
4. Documents filed electronically through eDCA must be in Adobe portable document format "PDF." Documents may be scanned into PDF format or they may be converted directly to PDF format from the filer's word processing program. Information on how to convert files into PDF format can be found on the court's website, www.ldca.org to. Court personnel will not be able to provide guidance or technical support beyond the information provided on the court's website.
5. Registration through eDCA will allow the user to provide a password to allow secure access to all cases the registered user has appeared in, and the electronically captured filings listed on the docket in those cases.
6. When making filings the user should follow instructions provided through the eDCA portal and select the appropriate document type when prompted.
7. Each separate pleading or document filed electronically through eDCA must be submitted as a single complete document. Likewise multiple documents must be filed separately.
a. For example, a brief should NOT be filed in separate parts such as the cover page as one filing, the table of contents as a second filing, the table of citations as a third filing, and the body of the brief as a fourth filing. A brief is a single document and must be filed as a single filing.
b. If a Motion for Attorneys' Fees is electronically filed on the same day as the brief, the Motion for Attorney Fees is a separate document and must be filed separately and not in the same filing as the brief. Both documents should be submitted as separate filings.
c. If a pleading consists of more than one document (such as an appendix), it is the responsibility of the filer to combine those documents before submission to the court; eDCA does not have the ability to combine multiple documents into one filing for a filer.
d. If an appendix to a pleading is filed separately, it must be properly styled and contain its own certificate of service. The cover page of the appendix must also clearly state the pleading to which it is an appendix. Again, an appendix must be filed in one document, not broken up into multiple filings. Electronically filed appendices must be numbered or tabbed and, if tabbed, the tabs must appear within the electronic document. If multiple volumes of an appendix are efiled, each volume of appendix must contain a cover page with the case information and clearly set forth the pleading to which it is an appendix and the volume number of the appendix.

8. Letters and correspondence addressed to the court or the clerk of the court, including transmittal and cover letters, are not permitted to be filed electronically with the court and may not be included with electronic pleadings.
9. Pleadings filed electronically will automatically have the court's time/date stamp and seal electronically affixed to the upper right-hand comer of the first page of the document. Filers should leave the upper right-hand comer of the first page of filings empty to accommodate the court's time/date stamp and seal (approximately 1 inch by 2 inches). Filers must submit pleadings so that they are properly oriented to be read without needing to be rotated (such as on their side or upside-down).
10. All court orders, opinions, and mandates will be issued to all registered users in a case at the same time electronically through "Casemail." A link will allow the registered user to view and print an electronic copy of the court's order, opinion, or mandate. Those documents can also be viewed at any time after release by registered users through the eDCA docket.
11. Shortly, paper copies of court orders, opinions, and mandates will no longer be mailed to registered users. Users are responsible for keeping their email address with the court up-to-date and are responsible for disabling any spam filters or other programs which would prevent emails from the court from reaching their email systems. Non-attorneys not registered with eDCA will continue to receive all orders, opinions, and mandates of the court in paper through the United States Postal Service.
12. Pleadings filed electronically with the court are not required to contain an original signature as provided in Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.515. However, when electronically filing pleadings, as disclosed in the notice provided the user prior to submission through the eDCA web-site and by use of the secure password, the registered user is required to confirm his or her intent that the filing be accepted by the court and the agreement by the user that submitting the document for filing creates the same obligations as the original signature creates on a paper document.
13. All registered users filing a document through eDCA shall include on the document their (business) email address as well as physical address, phone number and Florida Bar number (if applicable).
14. Pleadings are still required to contain a certificate of service pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.420. If a pleading is served on the opposing side electronically by email or some other electronic means, the certificate of service must state the electronic means used as well as the date of service. Electronic filings which do not contain a date of service may be rejected.
15. The date an electronic filing is received by the court through eDCA will constitute the date of filing of that pleading; up to 11 :59 p.m. Eastern Time on the date the document is electronically filed. Any filing on or after midnight will be deemed to be filed the next business day. Filings on a weekend, a holiday, or any other day the court is closed will be deemed to be filed on the next business day. It is the responsibility of filers to ensure filings are properly submitted to the court through eDCA and that time-sensitive electronic filings are submitted to and received by the court in a timely manner.
16. Once an electronic filing has been submitted to the court through eDCA, it becomes a filing with the court. Court filings will be docketed in the case after processing by the clerk's office during regular business hours unless the electronic filing is rejected as deficient. If the filer discovers after submitting the document that there is a mistake, he or she must file an amended filing as well as a motion requesting that the court accept the amended filing. To avoid multiple filings of the same document, filers should carefully review their filings before submitting them to the court

Paul M. Hawkes, Chief Judge
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is (a true copy of) the original court order dated August 2,2010.
Service List
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady, Florida Supreme Court
Florida First District Court of Appeal Judges
Lisa Goodner, Florida State Courts Administrator
John F. Harkness, Jr., Executive Director of The Florida Bar
West Publishing Company (for publication in the Southern Third Reporter)
Judicial and Administrative Research Associates, Inc. (for publication in The Florida Law Weekly)



As mandated by the Florida Legislature in SB1718 and as authorized by the Florida Supreme Court’s Administrative Order AOSC10-32, In Re: Interim Policy on Electronic Appellate Court Records, dated June 29, 2010:
1) Pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.040(f), the clerk is required to transmit a certified copy of the notice of appeal (showing the date of filing) along with the fee and the order being appealed (if available) to this court. Effective October 1, 2010, lower court, lower tribunal , and state agency clerks within the jurisdiction of the First District Court of Appeal shall submit electronic copies of such notices of appeal to the court via eDCA rather than sending certified copies in paper format. Lower court, lower tribunal, and state agency clerks may and are encouraged to electronically file certified notices of appeal prior to October 1, 2010 .
a. Any lower court, lower tribunal, or state agency clerk who is not yet registered with eDCA must register prior to electronically filing a certified notice of appeal. All notices of appeal submitted electronically through eDCA must be filed using the clerk’s registration.
b. Any required appellate filing fees should still be sent separately until such time as the court may authorize electronic payment of the filing fees.
c. The electronic notice of appeal sent by the lower court, lower tribunal, or state agency clerk shall contain either a scanned or electronic certification, and the electronic notice of appeal must clearly reflect the date of filing below.
d. If the certified notice of appeal is required to be filed with a record on appeal , such as in a summary, i.e. those without an evidentiary hearing, Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure Rule 3.800/3.850/3.853 case, the record on appeal shall be electronically transmitted separately through the court’s FTP procedures contemporaneously with electronic submission of the notice of appeal through eDCA.
e. Contemporaneously with the electronically filing of the certified electronic notice of appeal with the court, the lower court, lower tribunal, or state agency clerk shall submit through eDCA as a separate filing any order being appealed that was filed with the notice of appeal.
f. As another separate document, the lower court, tribunal, or state agency clerk shall also submit a completed copy of the First District Court of Appeal ’s “Notice of Appeal Transmittal Form,” a blank copy of which is attached to this order. The “Notice of Appeal Transmittal Form” must be completed to show whether any appellate filing fee has been submitted with the notice of appeal below and is being forwarded separately to the court and whether the record on appeal has been prepared and is simultaneously being submitted to the court through electronic FTP procedures.

2) Effective October 1, 2010, lower courts, lower tribunals, and state agencies within the jurisdiction of the First District Court of Appeal must prepare and submit records on appeal to the court electronically in lieu of printed paper records. The submission of records on appeal electronically is required by all lower courts, tribunals, and state agencies within the jurisdiction of this court unless it is impossible to do so. If it is impossible for a lower court, tribunal, or state agency to submit records on appeal electronically, they may contact the clerk of this court for a waiver of the requirements in this administrative order until such time as it is possible to submit records electronically. Between the date of this order and October 1, 2010, lower courts, lower tribunals, and state agencies are encouraged to file records on appeal electronically in lieu of paper records but are not required to do so.
a. Electronic records properly submitted to this court in Adobe portable document format (“PDF” format) via the court’s procedures for filing electronic records will constitute the official record on appeal filed with the court. When an electronic record is filed, a paper version is neither required nor permitted to be filed with the court. Paper copies of the record are still required to be served on the parties as specified by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Electronic copies of records will not be returned to the lower courts, lower tribunals, and state agencies but will be retained in the case in eDCA.
b. Due to their typically large size, records on appeal must be electronically filed through the court ’s FTP procedures rather than through eDCA. Lower courts, tribunals, and state agencies which have not yet filed records through the FTP procedure should contact the court for instructions on how to do so.
c. When electronically filed with the court, the electronic record shall be compiled in the same format as specified by Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.200, including an index, copy of the lower court, lower tribunal , or state agency docket, and a certification page containing a scanned or electronic copy of the clerk’s certification. The clerk’s certification should contain the clerk’s name, address, phone number, and email address.
d. If a record contains multiple volumes, all volumes of the record on appeal being submitted to the court electronically must be included in the same document. A copy of the index to all volumes of record must be contained at the beginning of the record. Subsequently filed volumes of supplemental record may be transmitted as separate documents. If a record on appeal contains transcripts, those should be electronically filed with the record on appeal. Transmittal letters are not permitted to be filed electronically or in paper with the record on appeal.
e. Electronic records must be complete and readable. Lower tribunal, lower court, and state agency clerks may be required to re-send an electronic record if it is missing pages, missing volumes, or if portions of the record are unreadable. Lower tribunal, lower court, and state agency clerks are encouraged to submit records in indexed and fully searchable PDF format, if possible.
f. Electronic records on appeal containing known confidential information must be marked on the cover page and if possible the specific documents containing the confidential information should be marked on the index to the record. Electronic sealed records must likewise be clearly marked. Confidential and sealed records must be submitted in a separate PDF document from any other portion of the record also being electronically filed with the court.
g. The date an electronic record on appeal is received by the court shall constitute the date of filing up to 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time on the date the record is electronically filed. Any record efiled on or after midnight will be deemed to be filed the next business day. Electronic filings of records on a weekend, a holiday, or any other day the court is closed will be deemed to be filed on the next business day.
h. If possible, paper exhibits (including photographs) should be indexed, scanned and transmitted to the court electronically. To be viewable electronically, pictures should be scanned in color or grayscale. It is also preferable that in lieu of sending physical evidence to the court, photographs no larger than 8 1/2 by 11 inches may be taken of the physical evidence and scanned copies submitted to the court. If a party wishes to request that the actual exhibits or physical evidence and not an electronic version be sent to this court with the record on appeal, the moving party shall file a motion specifically addressing the need for the court to receive the designated exhibits and justify why the filing of the physical exhibits or evidence is necessary.

3) Effective October 1, 2010, court reporters wishing to file any pleadings with this court (including a request for an extension of time to prepare the transcripts) are required to register with eDCA and file any such pleadings with the court electronically via eDCA pursuant to the requirements set forth in this court’s Administrative Order 10-3, issued August 2, 2010. Court reporters may and are encouraged to register and electronically file pleadings with the court through eDCA prior to October 1, 2010.
4) Pursuant to this court’s Administrative Order 10-3, effective September 1, 2010, all attorneys appearing before this court are required to register as users with eDCA. All registered users are required to file all pleadings electronically through eDCA. Any pleadings received from attorneys or registered users in paper format rather than electronically filed through eDCA after September 1, 2010, will not be considered filed with the court and may be discarded without further notice to the filer.
Paul M. Hawkes, Chief Judge
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is (a true copy of ) the original court order dated September 3, 2010.
Jon S. Wheeler, Clerk

Service List
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady, Florida Supreme Court
Florida First District Court of Appeal Judges
Lisa Goodner, Florida State Courts Administrator
John F. Harkness, Jr., Executive Director of The Florida Bar
West Publishing Company (for publication in the Southern Third Reporter)
Judicial and Administrative Research Associates, Inc. (for publication in The Florida Law Weekly)



Effective March 1 , 2012, all orders (except for opinions and mandates) issued by this court will be transmitted to registered eDCA users in electronic format only through a link provided via Casemail. Paper versions of the court’s orders will no longer be sent to registered users, including lower tribunals, clerks, and court reporters. Registered users are responsible for ensuring they have their correct email address updated with eDCA. Non-registered eDCA users will continue to receive all orders of the court in paper format.
Until further order of this court, opinions and mandates will continue to be sent in paper format in addition to electronic Casemail notification.
Robert T. Benton, II, Chief Judge
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is (a true copy of ) the original court order dated February 15, 2012.
Jon S. Wheeler, Clerk

Service List
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady, Florida Supreme Court
Florida First District Court of Appeal Judges
Lisa Goodner, Florida State Courts Administrator
John F. Harkness, Jr., Executive Director of The Florida Bar
West Publishing Company (for publication in the Southern Third Reporter)
Judicial and Administrative Research Associates, Inc. (for publication in The Florida Law Weekly)



Effective May 7, 2012, all opinions issued by this court will be transmitted to registered eDCA users in electronic format only through a link provided via Casemail. Paper versions of the court’s opinions will no longer be sent to registered users, including lower tribunals, clerks, and lower tribunal judges. Registered users are responsible for ensuring they have their correct email addresses updated with eDCA. Those who are not required to use eDCA will continue to receive opinions of the court in paper format. Until further order of the court, mandates will continue to be sent in paper format, in addition to electronic Casemail notification.
Robert T. Benton, II, Chief Judge
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is (a true copy of) the original court order dated May 3, 2012.
Jon S. Wheeler, Clerk

Service List
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady, Florida Supreme Court
Florida First District Court of Appeal Judges
Lisa Goodner, Florida State Courts Administrator
John F. Harkness, Jr., Executive Director of The Florida Bar
West Publishing Company (for publication in the Southern Third Reporter)
Judicial and Administrative Research Associates, Inc. (for publication in The Florida Law Weekly)



Effective June 25, 2012, all mandates issued by this court will be transmitted to registered eDCA users in electronic format only. Mandates will be transmitted to eDCA users through a link provided via Casemail. Paper versions of the court’s mandates will no longer be sent to registered users, including lower tribunals, clerks, and lower tribunal judges. This court’s Administrative Order 12-1, issued February 15, 2012, provided for the electronic transmission of all orders of this court to registered eDCA users in electronic format only effective March 1, 2012. Administrative Order 12-2, issued May 3, 2012, provided for the electronic transmission of all opinions of this court to registered eDCA users in electronic format only effective May 7, 2012. Beginning May 25, 2012, this court began issuing all new case acknowledgment letters electronically through eDCA to registered users. Registered users are responsible for ensuring they have their correct email addresses updated with eDCA. Those who are not required to use eDCA will continue to receive mandates of the court in paper format.
Robert T. Benton, II, Chief Judge
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is (a true copy of) the original court order dated June 19, 2012.
Jon S. Wheeler, Clerk

Service List
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady, Florida Supreme Court
Florida First District Court of Appeal Judges
Lisa Goodner, Florida State Courts Administrator
John F. Harkness, Jr., Executive Director of The Florida Bar
West Publishing Company (for publication in the Southern Third Reporter)
Judicial and Administrative Research Associates, Inc. (for publication in The Florida Law Weekly)


Effective July 1 , 2018, all lower tribunal clerks are required to submit records on appeal and any supplemental records on appeal to this Court in portable document format PDF) through the Court’s eDCA electronic filing system . Lower tribunal clerks may submit records on appeal via eDCA effective immediately. Records on appeal must be filed through eDCA under the registered name of the lower tribunal clerk, not by a party or attorney in the case. This order supplants any contrary provisions of Administrative Order 10-4. Unless otherwise requested by this Court , all confidential information should be redacted from the record on appeal. See Fla. R. App. P. 9.200(d)(1)(c). Pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.200(d), the clerk of the lower tribunal is required to prepare, certify, and transmit the record on appeal to this Court as follows. Excluding the trial transcript , the record on appeal must be transmitted as a text-searchable, appropriately paginated, indexed, and bookmarked document in a single PDF file. The trial transcript must be filed as a separate textsearchable, appropriately paginated PDF file. Records on appeal which are not properly prepared , certified , and transmitted in accordance with the requirements of Rule 9.200 may be rejected . The clerk of the lower tribunal must correct any deficiencies in any rejected records and must timely re- file the corrected record on appeal with this Court. Witness the Honorable Bradford L. Thomas, Chief Judge of the District Court of Appeal, First District, and the Seal of said Court, at Tallahassee, Florida, this 9th day of April 2018.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is ( a true copy of ) the original court order.
Kristina Samuels, Clerk

Service List
Chief Justice Jorge Labarga, Florida Supreme Court
Florida First District Court of Appeal Judges
PK Jameson, Florida State Courts Administrator
Joshua E. Doyle, Executive Director of The Florida Bar
West Publishing Company (for publication in the Southern Third Reporter)
Judicial and Administrative Research Associates, Inc. (for publication in The Florida Law Weekly)



Administrative Orders 09-3 Electronic Filing of Documents via eDCA Portal (Corrected) and 10-3 Electronic Filing of Pleadings in the First District Court of Appeal — which set out procedures for electronic filing using eDCA — are withdrawn. Administrative Order 10-1 Electronic Filing of the Docketing Statement/Notice of Appearance of Counsel is superseded to the extent that it required filers to use eDCA to complete and submit Docketing Statements. Administrative Orders 10-4 Electronic Filing of Records on Appeal, Registration and Filing of Court Reporter Extensions of Time, and Other Pleadings Filed After September 1 , 2010, and 18-1 Electronic Filing of Records on Appeal Through eDCA are superseded to the extent that the orders required lower tribunal clerks and court reporters to use eDCA or FTP procedures to transmit documents and limited filing dates to court business days. In addition, it is no longer necessary for lower tribunal clerks to file the order being appealed separately from the related notice of appeal.
As explained in AOSC 18-74 and Administrative Orders 12-1 Electronic Transmission of Court Orders to Registered eDCA Users, 12-2 Electronic Transmission of Court Opinions to Registered eDCA Users, and 12-3 Electronic Transmission of Mandates to Registered eDCA Users, this Court will continue to use eDCA to serve all acknowledgment letters, orders, opinions, mandates, and other outgoing filings on electronic filers through a link provided by eDCA CaseMail. As a result, in addition to maintaining a registration for the statewide portal, all electronic filers remain obligated to register as eDCA users and remain responsible for ensuring their email addresses are current in their eDCA accounts. eDCA registrations may be completed by going to http://edca.1dca.org to;. Witness the Honorable Bradford L. Thomas, Chief Judge of the District Court of Appeal, First District, and the Seal of said Court, at Tallahassee, Florida, this 7th day of February 2019.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is (a true copy of ) the original court order.
Kristina Samuels, Clerk

Service List
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady, Florida Supreme Court
Florida First District Court of Appeal Judges
PK Jameson, Florida State Courts Administrator
Joshua E. Doyle, Executive Director of The Florida Bar West Publishing Company (for publication in Southern Third Reporter)
Judicial and Administrative Research Associates, Inc. (for publication in The Florida Law Weekly)
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