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Administrative Orders 09-3 Electronic Filing of Documents via eDCA Portal (Corrected) and 10-3 Electronic Filing of Pleadings in the First District Court of Appeal — which set out procedures for electronic filing using eDCA — are withdrawn. Administrative Order 10-1 Electronic Filing of the Docketing Statement/Notice of Appearance of Counsel is superseded to the extent that it required filers to use eDCA to complete and submit Docketing Statements. Administrative Orders 10-4 Electronic Filing of Records on Appeal, Registration and Filing of Court Reporter Extensions of Time, and Other Pleadings Filed After September 1 , 2010, and 18-1 Electronic Filing of Records on Appeal Through eDCA are superseded to the extent that the orders required lower tribunal clerks and court reporters to use eDCA or FTP procedures to transmit documents and limited filing dates to court business days. In addition, it is no longer necessary for lower tribunal clerks to file the order being appealed separately from the related notice of appeal.
As explained in AOSC 18-74 and Administrative Orders 12-1 Electronic Transmission of Court Orders to Registered eDCA Users, 12-2 Electronic Transmission of Court Opinions to Registered eDCA Users, and 12-3 Electronic Transmission of Mandates to Registered eDCA Users, this Court will continue to use eDCA to serve all acknowledgment letters, orders, opinions, mandates, and other outgoing filings on electronic filers through a link provided by eDCA CaseMail. As a result, in addition to maintaining a registration for the statewide portal, all electronic filers remain obligated to register as eDCA users and remain responsible for ensuring their email addresses are current in their eDCA accounts. eDCA registrations may be completed by going to http://edca.1dca.org to;. Witness the Honorable Bradford L. Thomas, Chief Judge of the District Court of Appeal, First District, and the Seal of said Court, at Tallahassee, Florida, this 7th day of February 2019.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is (a true copy of ) the original court order.
Kristina Samuels, Clerk

Service List
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady, Florida Supreme Court
Florida First District Court of Appeal Judges
PK Jameson, Florida State Courts Administrator
Joshua E. Doyle, Executive Director of The Florida Bar West Publishing Company (for publication in Southern Third Reporter)
Judicial and Administrative Research Associates, Inc. (for publication in The Florida Law Weekly)
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