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18-1 Administrative Order


Effective July 1 , 2018, all lower tribunal clerks are required to submit records on appeal and any supplemental records on appeal to this Court in portable document format PDF) through the Court’s eDCA electronic filing system . Lower tribunal clerks may submit records on appeal via eDCA effective immediately. Records on appeal must be filed through eDCA under the registered name of the lower tribunal clerk, not by a party or attorney in the case. This order supplants any contrary provisions of Administrative Order 10-4. Unless otherwise requested by this Court , all confidential information should be redacted from the record on appeal. See Fla. R. App. P. 9.200(d)(1)(c). Pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.200(d), the clerk of the lower tribunal is required to prepare, certify, and transmit the record on appeal to this Court as follows. Excluding the trial transcript , the record on appeal must be transmitted as a text-searchable, appropriately paginated, indexed, and bookmarked document in a single PDF file. The trial transcript must be filed as a separate textsearchable, appropriately paginated PDF file. Records on appeal which are not properly prepared , certified , and transmitted in accordance with the requirements of Rule 9.200 may be rejected . The clerk of the lower tribunal must correct any deficiencies in any rejected records and must timely re- file the corrected record on appeal with this Court. Witness the Honorable Bradford L. Thomas, Chief Judge of the District Court of Appeal, First District, and the Seal of said Court, at Tallahassee, Florida, this 9th day of April 2018.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is ( a true copy of ) the original court order.
Kristina Samuels, Clerk

Service List
Chief Justice Jorge Labarga, Florida Supreme Court
Florida First District Court of Appeal Judges
PK Jameson, Florida State Courts Administrator
Joshua E. Doyle, Executive Director of The Florida Bar
West Publishing Company (for publication in the Southern Third Reporter)
Judicial and Administrative Research Associates, Inc. (for publication in The Florida Law Weekly)
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