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'HUD' stands for the
"Department of Housing and Urban Development"

Who:HUD = the US Department of Housing and Urban Development
What:Administrative Agency that investigates discrimination
Where:US. Federal. Executive Branch.
How:Statutes: Fair Housing Act
Regulations: 28 CFR 35 - 28 CFR 36
Why:Combat discrimination to help form a more perfect union, and improve the general welfare
Basically, HUD is a federal agency that investigates complaints of housing discrimination.

People submit their complaints to the agency before filing their lawsuits.

Pertinently, HUD typically lets state agencies (eg, the FCHR) perform the investigations. In most instances, those state authorities make findings/determinations. For which HUD reviews/approves. Soon thereafter, litigants can file suit in federal court.

Please note: many things happen between these two timepoints (ie, between filing a state-intercepted HUD charge and getting access to the federal courts).

EXAMPLE A (John Doe)

John Doe lives at Tower XYZ. It dawns on him that his property manager is discriminating against him due to his physical limitations. So, he files a complaint with HUD.

Immediately, though, HUD lets the Florida Commission on Human Relations investigate his complaint. Doing so as stipulated by its contract (annually renewable).

After almost two years, the FCHR closes John Doe's file. Soon thereafter, he's finally allowed to take his case to federal court. Where a jury of his peers ends up awarding him damages.

EXAMPLE B (Jane Doe)

Jane Doe sues Tower ABC (in state court) for denying her the purchase of one of its condominiums. The Court, however, dismisses her cause of action, because she neither:

(a) filed a discrimination complaint with HUD beforehand; nor
(b) filed a discrimination complaint with a FEPA (eg, the FCHR) beforehand.
Such a filing is a condition precedent for litigating a discrimination lawsuit.

Note on State Agencies

HUD has many state agency equivalents (eg, the FCHR).

Some of which have ulterior motives (ie, subverting Title VII's purpose).

Some of which, unfortunately, have repugnant methods (eg, Bribery). So, please beware of the state agencies (ie, the "FEPAs") that purport to support HUD's goals.


Congratulations! You're now booked up on HUD's meaning!

Please get the justice you deserve.


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