Lyrical Breakdown of the Song 'Drop the Steal' (♫)
Background: | TBD directed a new song to the FCHR |
Problem: | You’re unsure of what the song’s lyrics are communicating |
Solution: | You read through this lyrical breakdown to decipher the song |
0 | Entire Lyrics
❝Altogether, this short song is highlighting the FCHR’s penchant for taking federal funds while obstructing people’s lawsuits. An obstruction that hampers the constitutional rights of civil rights litigants:
her name is Cheyanne Cost-steal; stealing is her occupation
she robs and steals federal funds (with little hesitation)
so, I ask her to drop the steal; stop robbing folks of their investigation
drop the steal; stop robbing people of their litigation
drop the steal; from her we need emancipation
drop the steal; and we will have a celebration
- 1st Amendment – petition the government for redress;
- 7th Amendment – right to a trial-by-jury;
- 14th Amendment – due process, equal protection.
1 | The Who
Pursuant to §760.03(7), the executive director serves at the pleasure (and appointment) of Florida's 12-person Commission. Those twelve commissioners, of course, are the Governor’s disciples. Who – themselves – were appointed.
Thus, this song’s audience includes the unelected agency head as well as the unelected 12-person Commission. So far, these lyrics haven’t elected to point that out, but maybe they will (or - perhaps - maybe you will)...?
2 | The What
So, delving deeper reveals that Ms. Costilla – as the head of a state agency – is unlawfully taking federal funds. The FCHR, of course, receives federal funding via the EEOC (its federal parent). The two have an annually renewable contract. Therein, the FCHR is supposed to investigate complaints in a timely manner. A task that the state agency’s been failing at.
3 | The Request: Stop Stealing
4 | The Demand: Stop Stealing
A demand, notably, that mirrors the standard jury trial demand that plaintiffs make in court. Judicial demands, importantly, that the public gets deprived of when the FCHR enters “no reasonable cause” determinations. Determinations that are often false and/or arbitrary (see here). So, this transformation [of the original request into a current demand] shows that the public has become more cognizant of the FCHR’s obstructions. Nevertheless, the fourth line continues by specifically seeking an agreement [from the FCHR] to “stop robbing people of their litigation”. This lyric is also ratcheting up the past call:
Thus, this lyric is hinting at a graver FCHR obstruction. An obstruction that involves the FCHR breaching its executive branch authority by hampering a judicial process.
In laymen's terms, this song is now indicating that the FCHR is trying to prevent litigants from litigating their cases in any forum (judicial or administrative).
5 | Freedom from Tyranny
In other words, this line is calling on the FCHR to end its unconstitutional practice [of entering litigation-hampering “no cause determinations”]. A practice that the EEOC, importantly, has long abandoned (see here).
6 | Celebration
A celebration of the people’s emancipation from state-borne bondage (a lá January 1, 1863)4; and
A celebration of the people’s ability to cooperate rather than coerce.
X | Challenge: Add Your Own Lyrics!
Good News: The song structure is pretty easy to follow (each line has two parts)
Part Two = the informative/requesting/demanding part
How: Simply drop a comment below (ie, you can add song lyrics to 'Drop the Steal (♫)' by using the comment box below).
2 1st Amendment (US Constitution)
3 Independence Day
4 Emancipation Proclamation (effective date)
Please get the justice you deserve.