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Welcome to TextBookDiscrimination.com (a free, self-help website for civil rights litigants)!

As of January 31, 2024, TBD’s Founder has spent over 10,000 hours bringing these resources to you (ie, his fellow American). Doing so, importantly, in an independent fashion (and for no money). Although he hasn’t gotten any direct compensation for these efforts, he believes that getting a fair trial will recoup the sacrifices he’s made (and the discriminatory damages he’s suffered).

So, may you please help TBD’s Founder get justice (for free; and independently)? All you’d have to do is write an affidavit. The gist of the affidavit will be to ask a specific judge to give TBD’s Founder a full & fair opportunity to litigate his case.


Step 1: Download the Template (MS Word)

Step 2: Replace the placeholder tags
(eg, “[persNm]” becomes “John Doe”)
Step 3: Add your own words
example: “I want you to give him a fair trial because that’s my Country’s duty
example: “Everybody deserves a fair trial
Step 4: Send the affidavit to the Court

Mail It

Bryan Simpson US Courthouse
300 N. Hogan St.
Jacksonville, FL 32202
c/o 3:20-cv-00905
Step 5: Alert TBD’s Founder
Please know that – win, lose, or draw – TBD’s Founder will be satisfied with just getting a fair trial. He hasn’t gotten one yet. In fact, he’s had to endure a state hearing officer’s perjury; a state agency’s attempts to disappear his case; and an international corporation’s steadfast frauds/lies/deceits (among other things). Despite these obstructions, though, he believes that your affidavit will help him get the fair, independent path to justice that he seeks.

So, if you can spare a few minutes, then may you please draft an affidavit to the court?

Thank You.
Congratulations! You're now booked up on the simple Way You Can Help TBD's Founder Get Justice!

A short affidavit (to the court) can go a long way to help him get the justice that he's helping thousands of other people get.

As always, please get the justice that you deserve.


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