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FCRA Wage Project

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Basics (All-in-One, Disclaimer, etc.)
###PDFLink to PageDescription
000LogoAdobeAll-in-OneTBD's PDF/Webpage containing the FCRA Wage Project.
001LogoAdobeDisclaimerOfficial PDF containing the FCRA Wage Project.
002LogoXMLCitationsFull list of citations from this handbook
Chapter 0: Welcome to Florida!
###PDFLink to PageTitle
010LogoAdobeChapter 0Welcome to Florida!
011LogoAdobeWelcomeWelcome to Florida! The Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 (FCRA)
012LogoAdobeQuizHave I Been Discriminated Against? Take the Quiz!
013LogoAdobeLegislatureWhat Does the Florida Law Say?
Chapter 1: What Does the Law Say?
###PDFLink to PageTitle
A--LogoAdobeChapter 1What Does the Law Say?
A00LogoAdobeItem 1-0Chapter Intro - What Does the Law Say?
A01LogoAdobeItem 1-AWhere is the Law Regarding Sex Discrimination in Employment in Florida Found?
A02LogoAdobeItem 1-BTo Whom Does the FCRA Apply?
A03LogoAdobeItem 1-CUnder the FCRA, What Is Illegal?
A04LogoAdobeItem 1-DWhat is an “Employer” this Law?
A05LogoAdobeItem 1-EWhat is an “Employee” Under this Law?
A06LogoAdobeItem 1-FIs there a Federal Law About Sex Discrimination?
A07LogoAdobeItem 1-GHow Does the State Law Compare with Federal in Terms of Coverage?
A08LogoAdobeItem 1-HIs It Ever Okay for my Employer to Treat or Impact Women Differently Because of...
A09LogoAdobeItem 1-IWhat Other Employer Exceptions Exist Under the FCRA?
A10LogoAdobeItem 1-JWhat Could my Employer do to Deny my Allegations, and How Do I Respond to their...
A11LogoAdobeItem 1-KDoes It Matter When the Discrimination Occurred?
A12LogoAdobeItem 1-LWhat Options do I Have if I my Employer Has Fewer than Fifteen Employees?
A13LogoAdobeItem 1-MWho Enforces the Law?
Chapter 2: What Types of Discrimination are Covered Under the Law?
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B--LogoAdobeChapter 2What Types of Discrimination are Covered Under the Law?
B00LogoAdobeItem 2-0Chapter Intro - What Types of Discrimination are Covered Under the Law?
Chapter 3: Equal Pay Claims
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C--LogoAdobeChapter 3Equal Pay Claims
C00LogoAdobeItem 3-0Chapter Intro - Equal Pay Claims
C01LogoAdobeItem 3-AHow Do I Prove That I am Not Receiving Equal Pay for Equal Work?
C02LogoAdobeItem 3-BWhat Does Pay Discrimination Look Like?
C03LogoAdobeItem 3-CWhat Laws Protect Me from Receiving Unequal Pay for Equal Work?
C04LogoAdobeItem 3-DHow Do I Prove That my Work Requires Equal Skill, Effort, and Responsibility as my...
C05LogoAdobeItem 3-EMust I Prove That my Employer Intentionally Paid Me Less Because I am a Female?
C06LogoAdobeItem 3-FDoes It Matter When the Discrimination Occurred?
C07LogoAdobeItem 3-GWhat Options do I Have if I my Employer Has Fewer than Fifteen Employees?
C08LogoAdobeItem 3-HWhat Could my Employer do to Deny my Allegations, and How Do I Respond to its Denials?
Chapter 4: Disparate Impact Claims
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D--LogoAdobeChapter 4Disparate Impact Claims
D00LogoAdobeItem 4-0Chapter Intro - Disparate Impact Claims
D01LogoAdobeItem 4-1Note on Disparate Impact Claims in Florida
D02LogoAdobeItem 4-AWhat Does Disparate Impact Mean?
D03LogoAdobeItem 4-BWhat is a Facially Neutral Policy?
D04LogoAdobeItem 4-CI Think That a Company Policy Adversely Affects Me Because of my Gender, How Do I...
D05LogoAdobeItem 4-DWhat is the Difference Between Disparate Impact and Disparate Treatment?
D06LogoAdobeItem 4-EAre there Times When an Employment Policy or Practice May Legally Impact Women...
D07LogoAdobeItem 4-FWhat Could my Employer do to Deny my Allegations, and How Do I Respond to its Denials?
Chapter 5: Disparate Treatment Claims
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E--LogoAdobeChapter 5Disparate Treatment Claims
E00LogoAdobeItem 5-0Chapter Intro - Disparate Treatment Claims
E01LogoAdobeItem 5-1Note on Disparate Treatment Claims in Florida
E02LogoAdobeItem 5-AWhat Does “Disparate Treatment” Mean?
E03LogoAdobeItem 5-BWhat is the Difference Between Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact?
E04LogoAdobeItem 5-CWhat Kind of Claims Can be Brought as a Disparate Treatment Claim?
E05LogoAdobeItem 5-DI Think That a Company Policy Adversely Affects Me Because of my Gender, How Do I...
E06LogoAdobeItem 5-EAre there Times When an Employment Policy or Practice May Legally Treat Women...
E07LogoAdobeItem 5-FWhat Could my Employer do to Deny my Allegations, and How Do I Respond to its Denials?
Chapter 6: Sexual Harassment
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F--LogoAdobeChapter 6Sexual Harassment
F00LogoAdobeItem 6-0Chapter Intro - Sexual Harassment
F01LogoAdobeItem 6-AWhat Does “Quid Pro Quo” Sexual Harassment Look Like?
F02LogoAdobeItem 6-BWhat Does “Hostile Work Environment” Sexual Harassment Look Like?
F03LogoAdobeItem 6-CI Think I am Being Sexually Harassed at Work, How Do I Prove It?
F04LogoAdobeItem 6-DHow Do I Show That my Employer Knew What Was Going on?
F05LogoAdobeItem 6-ECan I File a Claim Against my Boss/Supervisor or Other Co-Workers Under the FCRA?
F06LogoAdobeItem 6-FCan I Get Damages for Emotional Distress?
F07LogoAdobeItem 6-GI Complained to my Employer and They Reprimanded the Harasser - Can I Still File...
F08LogoAdobeItem 6-HI Reported to my Employer, But They Didn’t do Anything – Can I Still File a Claim?
F09LogoAdobeItem 6-IIs one Incident of Sexual Harassment Sufficient Basis for a Claim?
F10LogoAdobeItem 6-JHow Do I Show That this Conduct Affected my Ability to Work?
F11LogoAdobeItem 6-KWhat is the Difference Between Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment?
F12LogoAdobeItem 6-LWhat Could my Employer do to Deny my Allegations, and How Do I Respond to its Denials?
Chapter 7: Pregnancy Discrimination Claims
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G--LogoAdobeChapter 7Pregnancy Discrimination Claims
G00LogoAdobeItem 7-0Chapter Intro - Pregnancy Discrimination Claims
G01LogoAdobeItem 7-AWhat is Pregnancy Discrimination and Does the FCRA Cover It?
G02LogoAdobeItem 7-BWhat Else Can I Do?
Chapter 8: Discriminatory Hiring Policies
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H--LogoAdobeChapter 8Discriminatory Hiring Policies
H00LogoAdobeItem 8-0Chapter Intro - Discriminatory Hiring Policies
H01LogoAdobeItem 8-AI Think I Wasn’t Hired Because I’m a Woman, How Do I Prove It?
H02LogoAdobeItem 8-BHow Can I Prove That I Didn’t Get the Job Because of my Sex, and Not my...
H03LogoAdobeItem 8-CWhat Could my Employer do to Deny my Allegations, and How Do I Respond to its Denials?
H04LogoAdobeItem 8-DDoes It Matter When the Discrimination Occurred?
H05LogoAdobeItem 8-EWhat Options do I Have if I my Employer Has Fewer than Fifteen Employees?
H06LogoAdobeItem 8-FIf I Prove my Hiring Discrimination Claim, What Kind of Remedies am I Entitled To?
Chapter 9: Wrongfully Denied Promotion
###PDFLink to PageTitle
I--LogoAdobeChapter 9Wrongfully Denied Promotion
I00LogoAdobeItem 9-0Chapter Intro - Wrongfully Denied Promotion
I01LogoAdobeItem 9-AI Think I Did Not Get the Promotion Because I’m a Woman, How Do I Prove It?
I02LogoAdobeItem 9-BMust I Show That I Was Qualified?
I03LogoAdobeItem 9-CMust I Show That my Employer Sought a Replacement with Similar Qualifications?
I04LogoAdobeItem 9-DWhat Could my Employer do to Deny my Allegations, and How Do I Respond to its Denials?
Chapter 10: Discriminatory Firing
###PDFLink to PageTitle
J--LogoAdobeChapter 10Discriminatory Firing
J00LogoAdobeItem 10-0Chapter Intro - Discriminatory Firing
J01LogoAdobeItem 10-AI Think I Was Fired Because I’m a Woman, How Do I Prove It?
J02LogoAdobeItem 10-BFor What Reasons Can I be Fired?
J03LogoAdobeItem 10-CAre Women a “Protected Class”?
J04LogoAdobeItem 10-DHow Do I Show That my Legally Protected Class Led to my Discharge?
J05LogoAdobeItem 10-EWhat Could my Employer do to Deny my Allegations, and How Do I Respond to their...
Chapter 11: Retaliation/Reprisal
###PDFLink to PageTitle
K--LogoAdobeChapter 11Retaliation/Reprisal
K00LogoAdobeItem 11-0Chapter Intro - Retaliation/Reprisal
K01LogoAdobeItem 11-AWhat is Retaliation or Reprisal, and How Do I Prove It?
K02LogoAdobeItem 11-BFor What Reasons Can I be Fired?
K03LogoAdobeItem 11-CWhat is “Protected Conduct”?
K04LogoAdobeItem 11-DHow Do I Show That my Legally Protected Conduct Led to my Discharge?
K05LogoAdobeItem 11-ECan my Employer Retaliate Against Me by Taking an “Adverse Action”?
K06LogoAdobeItem 11-FWhat Could my Employer do to Deny my Allegations, and How Do I Respond to their...
K07LogoAdobeItem 11-GWhat Evidence Must I Show to Prove That my “Protected Conduct” Led to my Being Fired?
Chapter 12: How Do I File A Claim?
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L--LogoAdobeChapter 12How Do I File A Claim?
L00LogoAdobeItem 12-0Chapter Intro - How Do I File a Claim?
L01LogoAdobeItem 12-AHow Do I File a State Claim with the FCHR?
L02LogoAdobeItem 12-BHow Do I Contact the FCHR?
L03LogoAdobeItem 12-CAgainst Whom Can I File a Claim?
L04LogoAdobeItem 12-DIf I Choose to File a Claim, What is Expected of Me?
L05LogoAdobeItem 12-EHow Long Will the Process Take?
L06LogoAdobeItem 12-FDo I Need an Attorney?
L07LogoAdobeItem 12-GDo I Have to Contact the FCHR?
L08LogoAdobeItem 12-HCan’t I Sue my Employer Directly Without Going Through the FCHR?
L09LogoAdobeItem 12-IWho Will Investigate my Complaint?
L10LogoAdobeItem 12-JWhat do I do after my Initial Contact with the FCHR?
L11LogoAdobeItem 12-KWhat Happens after I Submit my Claim?
L12LogoAdobeItem 12-LWhat Happens if the Investigators Determine That No “Reasonable” or “Probable”...
L13LogoAdobeItem 12-MWhat Happens if the Investigator Determines That “Reasonable” or “Probable” Cause...
L14LogoAdobeItem 12-NCan I File a Federal Claim of Employment Discrimination as Well? if So, How?
L15LogoAdobeItem 12-OWhat are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Filing a Federal Claim Over a State...
Chapter 13: What Am I Entitled to If I Win?
###PDFLink to PageTitle
M--LogoAdobeChapter 13What Am I Entitled to If I Win?
M00LogoAdobeItem 13-0Chapter Intro - What am I Entitled to if I Win?
M01LogoAdobeItem 13-AWhat am I Entitled to if I Prove my Claim of Sex Discrimination Under the FCRA?
M02LogoAdobeItem 13-BWhat is Equitable Relief?
M03LogoAdobeItem 13-CWhat is Injunctive Relief?
M04LogoAdobeItem 13-DWhat is the Difference Between Compensatory and Punitive Damages?
M05LogoAdobeItem 13-EAm I Entitled to my Old Job Back?
M06LogoAdobeItem 13-FWill this be the Final Result?
M07LogoAdobeItem 13-GIf I am Not Satisfied with the Result, Can I Appeal?
Chapter 14: Local Ordinances: Does My City Have Its Own Laws About Sex Discrimination?
###PDFLink to PageTitle
N--LogoAdobeChapter 14Does My City Have Its Own Laws About Sex Discrimination?
N00LogoAdobeItem 14-0Chapter Intro - Local Ordinances: Does my City Have its Own Laws About...
N01LogoAdobeItem 14-AWhat are the Differences Between Local and State Law?
N02LogoAdobeItem 14-BWhat are the Advantages or Disadvantages of the Local Law?
N03LogoAdobeItem 14-CWhat is the Procedure of Filing a Local Claim?
N04LogoAdobeItem 14-DWhat are the Remedies Under the Local Law?
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