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Icon-UpArrow Filing Appellate Documents (FL-1DCA)

How-To: File Documents in Florida's DCAs

Background: You are litigating an appellate case
Problem: You do not know where to file your legal documents
Solution: You follow this 1-step guide

I. Definitions

the depositing of documents with the court or with other public officials to become preserved as part of the official record. Often specific deadlines are imposed by which time the documents must be filed. Failure to meet the deadline may result in the imposition of late fees or may result in the document being excluded from consideration. Court documents must be served on the opposing party.
see service. See also return [FILING].

II. Legal Citations

AO 19-1 Florida's 1DCA | Electronic Filing and Electronic Service in the First District
"Effective February 11, 2019, at 7 p.m., the First District Court of Appeal will use the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal (“statewide portal”) for electronic receipt of case documents. Pursuant to Florida Supreme Court Administrative Order AOSC18-74 Electronic Filing and Electronic Service in the District Courts of Appeal, all filings to this Court must be submitted via the statewide portal except when paper filing is authorized under the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration. Registration with the statewide portal may be completed at https://www.myflcourtaccess.com."
AO 18-74 Florida's Supreme Court | Electronic Filing and Electronic Service in the District Courts of Appeal
"Starting December 14, 2018, all filings to the Second District Court of Appeal must be submitted via the statewide portal except when a paper filing is authorized. In 2019, at dates to be announced, all filings to the First, Third, Fourth, and Fifth District Courts of Appeal must be submitted via the statewide portal except when a paper filing is authorized."

III. Step-by-Step Guide

IV. How-To Videos

# Link Comments
1Official tutorial on filing a new case in Florida. Channel = "Florida Courts E-Filing Portal"
2Pro Se tutorial on filing documents onto an existing case. Channel = "Carolyn Weber"

V. Quick Commentary

  • Webpage: myflcourtaccess.com
    • Just click on the "Log In Now!" button and hammer away
    • Note: you will need an account (free; email-based).
  • Please view the tutorials (see Part III - above) to help familiarize yourself with the process.
  • TBD finds the Florida online filing system to be a segway to one-click adjudication
    • TBD's Definition:
      • One-Click Adjudication = being able to write AND file legal briefs/motions/notices with a single click
  • Note: The online system will send you an email confirmation after you submit your filing (≈ 3-5 minutes later)
    • It will also display a confirmation screen on your browser
      • You can take a photo of it for added proof that you submitted your document on time
      • The confirmation page will also have a confirmation number
  • Note: this process should be the same for all 5 appellate courts of Florida
  • Of course, this process differs from how you must proceed at DOAH and the FCHR.
  • Note: your filed document will not make it onto the case docket until the Clerk places it there!
    • the Clerk only works during business hours
    • if there are impermissible deficiencies in your document then the Clerk will send it back to you to revise

VI. Conclusion

Just go to myflcourtaccess.com in order to file your 1DCA documents.


Congratulations! You're now booked up on how to file your documents in Florida's First District Court of Appeal!

Please get the justice you deserve.


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