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How-To: Serve Court Documents

Background: You have taken legal action pertaining to the FCHR
Problem: You aren't sure how to legally inform the FCHR
Solution: You follow this guide for serving the FCHR with legal documents

I. Definitions

the depositing of documents with the court or with other public officials to become preserved as part of the official record. Often specific deadlines are imposed by which time the documents must be filed. Failure to meet the deadline may result in the imposition of late fees or may result in the document being excluded from consideration. Court documents must be served on the opposing party.
see service. See also return [FILING].

II. Legal Citations

Rule 2.516 Fla. R. Jud. Admin. | Service of Pleadings and Documents
"...every other document filed in any court proceeding, except applications for witness subpoenas and documents served by formal notice or required to be served in the manner provided for service of formal notice, must be served in accordance with this rule on each party.

III. Sample

Recipient: FCHR Clerk (tammy.barton@fchr.myflorida.com)
Subject: SERVICE OF COURT DOCUMENT | Petition for Writ of Mandamus | 1DCA
Body: Dear FCHR,

Here's what I filed today (1/1/01):
Petitioner:John Doe
Case Number:tbd
Court:1DCA - Florida's First District Court of Appeal
Type:Writ of Mandamus
Documents:Petition for Writ of Mandamus
Filing Date:1/1/01

Pursuant to Rule 2.516 Fla. R. Jud. Admin (as well as Art. I §9 Florida Constitution), I am serving you with the documents (see attachments).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

John Doe, Pro Se Litigant
123 Anystreet
Anytown, FL 34567
P: (123) 456-7890
E: johndoe@TextBookDiscrimination.com

IV. Quick Analysis

  • This sample shows a person ("John Doe") serving the FCHR with legal documents (an appellate petition+appendix).
    • He cited the law that required him to serve the papers ("Rule 2.516 Fla. R. Jud. Admin.")
    • Plus - as a bonus - he included the clause that grants the FCHR a constitutional right to be notified

V. Quick Commentary

  • Good News: You can serve the FCHR via email!
  • Legal Note: Read these useful decisions on notification/due process (ie, the FCHR has a right to be notified)
    • Wood v. State, 544 So. 2d 1004, 1006 (Fla.1989)
    • Jenkins v. State, 444 So. 2d 947 (Fla. 1984)
  • Legal Note: Make sure your email conforms to the requirements set in Rule 2.516(b) Fla. R. Jud. Admin.
    • ie, Email Subject must include "SERVICE OF COURT DOCUMENT"
    • ie, the attachment must be a PDF
    • ie, Email Body must include the court's name, the case number, the parties names, the title of each document, and your contact information

VI. Additional Notes

  • Total Time needed ≈ 0.00-0.25 hours

VII. Conclusion

Make sure you serve the FCHR with court documents. You can do so via email. Feel free to use the sample email from above (see Part II.)


Congratulations! You're now booked up on how to serve the FCHR with court documents.

Please get the justice you deserve.


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