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How-To: Submit a Public Records Request to the FCHR

Background: The FCHR is a state agency; serving the public.
Problem: You lack information which the FCHR has.
Solution: You make a formal request to the FCHR.

I. Definitions

2. a precise history of a suit from beginning to end, including the conclusions of law thereon, drawn by the proper officer to perpetuate the exact facts.
EXAMPLE: A court rule provides that a judge must inform a person convicted of a crime of his or her right to an attorney to pursue an appeal if he or she so desires. Since all comments by the judge are transcribed, a record is produced that will eliminate any question whether the person was informed of his or her rights.
The RECORD ON APPEAL consists of those items introduced in evidence in the lower court, as well as compilation of pleadings, motions, briefs and other papers filed in the proceeding in the inferior court.

II. Legal Citations

§119 Florida Statutes (2020) | Public Records
"§119.01(1) It is the policy of this state that all state, county, and municipal records are open for personal inspection and copying by any person. Providing access to public records is a duty of each agency."

III. Sample

Recipient: FCHR Clerk (tammy.barton@fchr.myflorida.com)
Subject: Records Request | §760.06(4) Gifts & Things | 2016
Body: Dear FCHR,

Pursuant to §119 Florida Statutes, may I please have all documents and recordings (including but not limited to journals, diaries, notes, calendars, e-mails, electronic files, photographs, videotapes, audiotapes, CDs, DVDs, including all hard copy transcriptions thereof) that relate to:
  1. Gifts that the FCHR received in 2016 (to "help finance its activities")
  2. Bequests that the FCHR received in 2016 (to "help finance its activities")
  3. Grants that the FCHR received in 2016 (to "help finance its activities")
  4. Public Payments that the FCHR received in 2016 (to "help finance its activities")
  5. Private Payments that the FCHR received in 2016 (to "help finance its activities")
These items fall under §760.06(4), Powers of the Commission.

Thank you,

John Doe, Pro Se Litigant
123 Anystreet
Anytown, FL 34567
P: (123) 456-7890
E: johndoe@TextBookDiscrimination.com

IV. Quick Analysis

  • This sample shows a person ("John Doe") making a public records request to the FCHR.
    • He cited the law that permitted him to make the request ("§119 Florida Statutes")
    • Plus - as a bonus - he outlined why the FCHR would be the proper custodian of records (ie, "These items fall under §760.06(4), Powers of the [FCHR]"
  • Important Note: You have a "statutory right" to the FCHR's public information (see Part I above).
  • The FCHR has a "ministerial duty" to oblige.
    • This is key, because if they delay/refuse then you can request a Writ of Mandamus to obtain compliance.
    • Which should ultimately lead to you receiving the requested material.
  • The somewhat verbose request (ie, "including but not limited to...") serves to minimize delays/jive
    (see Part II above). You'll find a lot of this kind of legal jargon throughout your case/research.

V. Additional Notes

  • You can also use this methodology to request public information from other state agencies (eg, DOAH).
  • The federal counterpart to this state right is the Freedom of Information Act (5 USC § 552) (FOIA). Which you've probably heard of before.

VI. Additional Resources

VII. Conclusion

You can use these legal citations and samples to request public information from the FCHR (and perhaps other agencies).


Congratulations! You're now booked up on how to request public records from the FCHR!

Please get the justice you deserve.


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