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Icon-UpArrow How-To: Notice of Appeal

How-To: Initiate a Civil Appeal

Background: You need to appeal an order/judgment/decision from a lower court
Problem: You don't know how to initiate the appeal
Solution: You follow this guide for filing a Notice of Appeal

I. Definitions

a request to a higher court to review and reverse the decision of a lower court. On appeal, no new evidence is introduced; the higher court is limited to considering whether the lower court erred on a question of law or gave a decision plainly contrary to the evidence presented during trial. Unless special permission is granted by the higher court to hear an interlocutory appeal, an appeal cannot be made until the lower court renders a final judgment.
NOTICE OF APPEAL: document filed with the appellate court giving notice of an intention to appeal. It must be served on the opposing party and must comply with specified deadlines for filing.

II. Legal Citations

State (FL)

§120.68 FS | Judicial Review
"(1)(a) A party who is adversely affected by final agency action is entitled to judicial review..."

"(2)(a) Judicial review shall be sought in the appellate district where the agency maintains its headquarters or where a party resides or as otherwise provided by law. All proceedings shall be instituted by filing a notice of appeal or petition for review in accordance with the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure within 30 days after the rendition of the order being appealed. If the appeal is of an order rendered in a proceeding initiated under s. 120.56, the agency whose rule is being challenged shall transmit a copy of the notice of appeal to the committee."
Rule 9.020 Fla. R. App. P. | Definitions
"(h) Rendition (of an Order). An order is rendered when a signed, written order is filed with the clerk of the lower tribunal."
Rule 9.110 Fla. R. App. P. | Appeal Proceedings to Review Final Orders of Lower Tribunals...
"(b) Commencement. Jurisdiction of the court under this rule shall be invoked by filing a notice, accompanied by any filing fees prescribed by law, with the clerk of the lower tribunal within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed, except as provided in rule 9.140(c)(3)."
Rule 9.130 Fla. R. App. P. | Proceedings to Review NonFinal Orders and Specified Final Orders
"(a)(3)(C) Appeals to the district courts of appeal of nonfinal orders are limited to those that... (C) determine... (i) the jurisdiction of the person;"


28 USC §1291 | Final Decisions of District Courts
"The courts of appeals (other than the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit) shall have jurisdiction of appeals from all final decisions of the district courts of the United States"
28 USC §1292 | Interlocutory Decisions
"(a) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d) of this section, the courts of appeals shall have jurisdiction of appeals from:
(1) Interlocutory orders of the district courts of the United States... or of the judges thereof, granting, continuing, modifying, refusing or dissolving injunctions, or refusing to dissolve or modify injunctions, except where a direct review may be had in the Supreme Court;"
Rule 3 Fed. R. App. P. | Appeal as of Right - How Taken
"(a)(1) An appeal permitted by law as of right from a district court to a court of appeals may be taken only by filing a notice of appeal with the district clerk within the time allowed by Rule 4."
Rule 4 Fed. R. App. P. | Appeal as of Right - When Taken
"(a)(1) In a civil case, except as provided in Rules 4(a)(1)(B), 4(a)(4), and 4(c), the notice of appeal required by Rule 3 must be filed with the district clerk within 30 days after entry of the judgment or order appealed from."

III. Samples

# PDF Comments
1logoAdobeTBD case. USFLMD. Pro Se Filing. 2020. Partial Dismissal.iconPriceTag
2logoAdobeUSFLMD. 2015 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Summary Judgment.iconPriceTag
3logoAdobeUSFLMD. 2015 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Final Judgment.iconPriceTag
4logoAdobeUSNYWD. 2007 | Pro Se Filing. Civil. Partial. Dismissal. Handwritten Form.iconPriceTag
5logoAdobeUSNYWD. 2007 | Pro Se Filing. Civil. Final Judgment. Handwritten Form.iconPriceTag
6logoAdobeUSNYWD. 2007 | Prisoner Filing. Civil. Interlocutory. Handwritten Form.iconPriceTag
7logoAdobeUSNYWD. 2007 | Pro Se Filing. Civil. Partial. Dismissal. Handwritten Form. iconPriceTag
8logoAdobeUSNYWD. 2007 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Final Judgment.iconPriceTag
9logoAdobeUSNYWD. 2007 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Final Judgment.iconPriceTag
10logoAdobeUSNYWD. 2007 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Final Judgment.iconPriceTag
11logoAdobeUSNYWD. 2007 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Summary Judgment.iconPriceTag
12logoAdobeUSNYWD. 2007 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Summary Judgment.iconPriceTag
13logoAdobeUSNYWD. 2007 | Pro Se Filing. Civil. Dismisssal Order.iconPriceTag
14logoAdobeUSNYWD. 2007 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Dismissal Order.iconPriceTag
15logoAdobeDOAH. 2007 | Prisoner Filing. Administrative. Rule Challenge. Indigency Attached.iconPriceTag
16logoAdobeDOAH. 2016 | Pro Se Filing. Administrative. FCHR FO.iconPriceTag
17logoAdobeDOAH. 2017 | Pro Se Filing. Administrative. Tolling. Emailed Notice!!!iconPriceTag
18logoAdobeDuval. 2012 | Pro Se Filing. Civil. Settlement Agreement. Handwritten FormiconPriceTag
19logoAdobeDuval. 1992 | Pro Se Filing. Civil. Eviction.iconPriceTag
20logoAdobeDuval. 2013 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Money Judgment. Handwritten FormiconPriceTag
21logoAdobeDuval. 2011 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Foreclosure. Nice Footnote.iconPriceTag
22logoAdobeDuval. 2019 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Injunction.iconPriceTag
23logoAdobeDuval. 2014 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Interlocutory.iconPriceTag
24logoAdobeDuval. 2017 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Discovery Stay.iconPriceTag
25logoAdobeDuval. 2011 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Government Bid.iconPriceTag
26logoAdobeDuval. 2019 | Pro Se Filing. Civil. Dismissal.iconPriceTag
27logoAdobeDuval. 2014 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Recover Costs & Expenses.iconPriceTag
28logoAdobeDuval. 2017 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Declaratory Relief.iconPriceTag
29logoAdobeDuval. 2017 | Pro Se Filing. Civil. Zodiac Stuff.iconPriceTag
30logoAdobeDuval. 2018 | Attorney Filing. Civil. Mandamus.iconPriceTag

IV. Templates

# PDF Comments
1iconMSWordDOAH | Replace the placeholder tags with your information (eg, "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe")iconPriceTag
2iconMSWordFCHR | Replace the placeholder tags with your information (eg, "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe")iconPriceTag
3iconMSWordFederal | Replace the placeholder tags with your information (eg, "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe")iconPriceTag
4iconMSWordState | Replace the placeholder tags with your information (eg, "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe")iconPriceTag

V. Application

  • Non-Refundable: The [federal] appellate filing fee is non-refundable.
    "Moreover, fee-paying litigants have no opportunity to obtain a refund of their filing fees in the event that they withdraw their appeals, and nothing in the PLRA suggests that Congress, after making prisoners liable for filing fees, wanted to give them a refund opportunity not available to others."
  • Potential Extension: The lower court might be lenient towards your 30-day deadline
    "Typically, under the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, notices of appeal must be filed within 30 days from entry of the judgment or order appealed from. Fed. R. App. P. 4. A district court can extend that time if a party files a motion within 30 days after the deadline expires and it shows “excusable neglect or good cause.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(a)(5). In addition, the time to file an appeal may be reopened for 14 days if:
    (1) the moving party did not receive notice of the entry of judgment or order appealed within 21 days after entry;

    (2) the motion is filed within 180 days after the judgment or order is entered or within 14 days of when the moving party received notice of the entry; and

    (3) no party would be prejudiced.
    Fed. R. App. P. 4(a)(6).

    Even if all three prongs are met, however, a district court retains the discretion to deny a motion to reopen. Watkins v. Plantation Police Dep’t, 733 F. App’x 991, 994 (11th Cir. 2018)."

VI. Quick Commentary

  • Download as many sample documents as you'd like
  • Contact TBD if you want more samples
  • Save the final version as a PDF file.
  • Handle the Filing Fee
    • Pay the filing fee (≈$300); OR
    • Apply for a waiver of fees (ie, Application for Civil Indigence
  • File the document with your appellate court.

VII. Additional Notes

VIII. Additional Resources

IX. Bibliography

X. Conclusion

File this simple Notice of Appeal in your trial court/tribunal in order to officially start your appeal.


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