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How to Write a Motion for Relief

Background: The Court entered an erroneous order/judgment against you
Problem: You don't know how to get the Court to correct its error
Solution: You file a Motion for Relief (with the help of this guide)

I. Definitions

Decree Holding Judgment
the determination of a court of competent jurisdiction upon matters submitted to it; a final determination of the rights of the parties to a lawsuit. See recall a judgment; warrant [WARRANT TO SATISFY JUDGMENT].
1. a direction of the court on a matter incident to the main proceeding that adjudicates a preliminary point or directs some step in the proceeding. If an order closes the matter and precludes future hearing and investigation, it is a FINAL ORDER; but an order that does not completely dispose of the subject matter of the controversy and settle the rights of the parties is not final. A final order is an appealable order.
Relief Vacate

II. Legal Citations

Rule 60 Fed. R. Civ. P. | Relief from a Judgment or Order
Rule 1.540 Fla. R. Civ. P. | Relief from a Judgment, Decrees, or Orders
(a) Clerical Mistakes. Clerical mistakes in judgments, decrees, or other parts of the record and errors therein arising from oversight or omission may be corrected by the court at any time on its own initiative or on the motion of any party and after such notice, if any, as the court orders. During the pendency of an appeal such mistakes may be so corrected before the record on appeal is docketed in the appellate court, and thereafter while the appeal is pending may be so corrected with leave of the appellate court.

(b) Mistakes; Inadvertence; Excusable Neglect; Newly Discovered Evidence; Fraud; etc. On motion and upon such terms as are just, the court may relieve a party or a party’s legal representative from a final judgment, decree, order, or proceeding for the following reasons:

III. Samples

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IV. Templates

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V. Application

VI. Quick Commentary

  • Act swiftly (ie, file this document as soon as you can)
    • Generally speaking, the Court's want you to file your 'Motion for Relief' within 28 days of the erroneous order/ruling
      "(e) MOTION TO ALTER OR AMEND A JUDGMENT. A motion to alter or amend a judgment must be filed no later than 28 days after the entry of the judgment.""
  • Download as many sample documents as you'd like
  • Also, feel free to use the templates (see Part IV - above) to help draft your 'Motion for Relief'
  • Save the final version as a PDF file.
  • File it in court (or at DOAH)

VII. Additional Resources

VIII. Bibliography

IX. Conclusion

A Motion for Relief might help you prevent a reversible error from harming your case any further.

With the use of the templates (as well as the samples above), you can more easily ask your court to correct/vacate its erroneous/mistaken order.


Congratulations! You're now booked up on how to write a Motion for Relief!

You can use this to prevent the harms that a faulty order inflicts.

As always - please get the justice you deserve.


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