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How to Write a Motion for Leave to File a Transcript Order Form Out-of-Time

Background: The clerk indicated that your transcript form will be considered late
Problem: You don't know how to go-about filing it 'late'
Solution: You ask the Court to let you file it 'late' (with help from this guide)

I. Definitions

Clerk Default Diligence
Attention to the matter at hand.

DUE DILIGENCE or REASONABLE DILIGENCE is that level of attention required by the circumstances in order to avoid liability in negligence.
Set Aside
to annul or make void. See reversal.

II. Legal Citations

Rule 10-1 11th Cir. R. | Ordering the Transcript - Duties of Appellant and Appellee
Appellant’s written order for a transcript or certification that no transcript will be ordered, as required by FRAP l0(b), shall be on a form prescribed by the court of appeals. Counsel and pro se parties shall file the form with the district court clerk and the clerk of the court of appeals, and send copies to the appropriate court reporter(s) and all parties, in conformance with instructions included on the form. The form must be filed and sent as indicated above within 14 days after filing the notice of appeal or after entry of an order disposing of the last timely motion of a type specified in FRAP 4(a)(4).

Rule 42-1 11th Cir. R. | Dismissal of Appeals
(b) Dismissal for Failure to Prosecute. Except as otherwise provided for briefs and appendices in civil appeals in 11th Cir. R. 42-2 and 42-3, when appellant fails to file a brief or other required papers within the time permitted, or otherwise fails to comply with the applicable rules, the clerk shall issue a notice to counsel, or to pro se appellant, that upon expiration of 14 days from the date thereof the appeal will be dismissed for want of prosecution if the default has not been remedied by filing the brief or other required papers and a motion to file documents out of time. Within that 14-day notice period a party in default must seek leave of the court, by appropriate motion, to file documents out of time or otherwise remedy the default. Failure to timely file such motion will result in dismissal for want of prosecution.

Rule 4(a) Fed. R. App. P. | Appeal as of Right - When Taken
(4) Effect of a Motion on a Notice of Appeal.
(A) If a party files in the district court any of the following motions under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure — and does so within the time allowed by those rules — the time to file an appeal runs for all parties from the entry of the order disposing of the last such remaining motion:
(i) for judgment under Rule 50(b);

(ii) to amend or make additional factual findings under Rule 52(b), whether or not granting the motion would alter the judgment;

(iii) for attorney’s fees under Rule 54 if the district court extends the time to appeal under Rule 58;

(iv) to alter or amend the judgment under Rule 59;

(v) for a new trial under Rule 59; or

(vi) for relief under Rule 60 if the motion is filed within the time allowed for filing a motion under Rule 59.

III. Samples

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101logoAdobeTBD case | 2024 | Pro Se Filing | Not actually late; Clerk's Order;iconPriceTag
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IV. Templates

# Link Comments
T01iconMSWordUSCA11 | Replace all placeholder tags with real data (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe").iconPriceTag

V. Application

VI. Quick Commentary

  • Purpose of a Default:
    The true purpose of the entry of a default is to speed the cause thereby preventing a dilatory or procrastinating defendant from impeding the plaintiff in the establishment of his claim. It is not procedure intended to furnish an advantage to the plaintiff so that a defense may be defeated or a judgment reached without the difficulty that arises from a contest by the defendant.
  • Act swiftly (ie, file this document as soon as you can)
  • Download as many sample documents as you'd like
  • Also, feel free to use the templates (see Part IV - above) to help draft your 'Motion for Leave to File a Transcript Order Form Out-of-Time'
  • Save the final version as a PDF file.
  • File it in court

VII. Additional Resources

VIII. Bibliography

IX. Conclusion

A Motion for Leave to File a Transcript Order Form 'Out-of-Time' might help you cure a time-based procedural snafu (in your case).

With the use of the templates (as well as the samples above), you can more easily ask your court to relieve you from the due date restrictions.


Congratulations! You're now booked up on how to write a Motion for Leave to File a Transcript Order Form 'Out-of-Time'!

You can use this to get the court to allow you to continue your appeal (without filing errors).

As always - please get the justice you deserve.


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