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How-To: Write a Motion for Confidentiality

Background: You are a party to a publicly-available civil case
Problem: You want certain documents to be removed from public view
Solution: You ask the Court to make those documents confidential (ie, hidden from public view)

I. Definitions

"1. a particular benefit enjoyed by a person, company or class beyond the advantages of other citizens;""
Sealing Records
the sealing of... records, permitted in some states... so that such records may be examined only by court order.

II. Legal Citations

Art. I §23 FL Constitution | Right of Privacy
"Every natural person has the right to be let alone and free from governmental intrusion into the person’s private life except as otherwise provided herein. This section shall not be construed to limit the public’s right of access to public records and meetings as provided by law."
1.280 Fla. R. Civ. P. | General Provisions Regarding Discovery
"...claiming that it is privileged or subject to protection as trial preparation material, the party shall make the claim expressly and shall describe the nature of the documents, communications, or things not produced or disclosed in a manner that, without revealing information itself privileged or protected, will enable other parties to assess the applicability of the privilege or protection...

(7) that a trade secret or other confidential research, development, or commercial information not be disclosed or be disclosed only in a designated way; and...
2.420 Fla. R. Jud. Admin. | Public Access to and Protection of Judicial Branch Records
"(c) Confidential and Exempt Records. The following records of the judicial branch shall be confidential...""
Rule 412 Fed. R. Evid. | Sex-Offense Cases: The Victim's Sexual Behavior or Predisposition 28-106.204 FAC | Motions
"(1) All requests for relief shall be by motion. All motions shall be in writing unless made on the record during a hearing, and shall fully state the action requested and the grounds relied upon. The original written motion shall be filed with the presiding officer. When time allows, the other parties may, within 7 days of service of a written motion, file a response in opposition. No reply to the response shall be permitted unless leave is sought from and given by the presiding officer. Written motions will normally be disposed of after the response period has expired, based on the motion, together with any supporting or opposing memoranda. The presiding officer shall conduct such proceedings and enter such orders as are deemed necessary to dispose of issues raised by the motion."
28-106.213 FAC | Evidence §90.501 FS - §90.510 FS | Privileges...
[...various privileges...]
§119.07 FS | Inspection and Copying of Records... Exemptions
"(a) Every person who has custody of a public record shall permit the record to be inspected and copied by any person desiring to do so, at any reasonable time, under reasonable conditions, and under supervision by the custodian of the public records."

III. Samples

# PDF Comments
001logoAdobe¿ Unknown ? | DOAH | 2022 | Attorney Filing | "Historical Immunization Records"iconPriceTag
002logoAdobe¿ Unknown ? | DOAH | 2022 | Pro Se Filing | Prevent Retaliation, Protect Privacy | Form UsediconPriceTag
003logoAdobe✓ Granted | DOAH | 2021 | Attorney Filing | Settlement AgreementiconPriceTag
004logoAdobe✓ Granted | DOAH | 2020 | Attorney Filing | Medical InformationiconPriceTag
005logoAdobe¿ Unknown ? | DOAH | 2020 | Pro Se Filing | Medical InformationiconPriceTag
006logoAdobe✓ Granted | DOAH | 2020 | Attorney Filing | Proprietary Information | SealediconPriceTag
007logoAdobe¿ Unknown ? | DOAH | 2019 | Attorney Filing | Unopposed | Medical InformationiconPriceTag
008logoAdobe¿ Unknown ? | DOAH | 2019 | Attorney Filing | SSNs, Account NumbersiconPriceTag
009logoAdobe¿ Unknown ? | DOAH | 2019 | Pro Se Filing | Medical InformationiconPriceTag
010logoAdobe✓ Granted | DOAH | 2018 | Attorney Filing | Settlement AgreementiconPriceTag
011logoAdobeX Denied | DOAH | 2014 | Rep's Filing | Medical InformationiconPriceTag
012logoAdobe✓ Approved | DOAH | 2014 | Pro Se Filing | Medical InformationiconPriceTag
013logoAdobe✓ Granted | DOAH | 2012 | Attorney Filing | Sexually-Explicit VideoiconPriceTag
014logoAdobe± Abandoned | DOAH | 2012 | Attorney Filing | Non-Party Membership AccountsiconPriceTag
015logoAdobe✓ Granted | DOAH | 2010 | Attorney Filing | Discovery | Hiring/PromotionsiconPriceTag
016logoAdobe✓ Granted | DOAH | 2008 | Pro Se Filing | Redact Accidental FilingiconPriceTag
017logoAdobe± Abandoned | DOAH | 2007 | Attorney Filing (Joint) | Financial InformationiconPriceTag
018logoAdobe✓ Granted | DOAH | 2006 | Attorney Filing | Discovery, Employee Records, etc. | Agreement AttachediconPriceTag
019logoAdobe✓ Granted | DOAH | 2006 | Attorney Filing | Trade Secret | Seal ExhibiticonPriceTag

IV. Templates

# Link Comments
1iconMSWordTBD's Template | Replace all placeholder tags with real data (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe").iconPriceTag
2Broward County | Official form (18th Judicial Circuit)Free
3Pasco County | Official form (6th Judicial Circuit)Free
4Pinellas County | Official form (6th Judicial Circuit)Free
5Volusia County | Official form (7th Judicial Circuit)Free

V. Application

  • 3-Pronged Test: (for Sealing Public Documents)
    "Respondent finally argues... that the following requirements be imposed on [the sealing] of a pretrial hearing.
    1. [Sealing] is necessary to prevent a serious and imminent threat to the administration of justice;

    2. No alternatives are available, other than change of venue, which would protect a defendant's right to a fair trial; and

    3. [Sealing] would be effective in protecting the rights of the accused, without being broader than necessary to accomplish this purpose.
    We adopt the three-pronged test proposed by respondent."
    1. Does it prevent imminent threat to the administration of justice?
    2. Are there any alternatives?
    3. Is this remedy as narrow as possible?
  • Categories: (for considering confidentiality)
    "While a strong presumption of openness in judicial proceedings exists, the law has established numerous exceptions to protect competing interests. These exceptions fall into two categories: the first includes those necessary to ensure order and dignity in the courtroom and the second deals with the content of the information."

    1. Maintaining Order & Dignity of the Court; and
    2. Protecting Private Information
  • Fairness Factors:
    "The primary purpose of closure is to protect the defendant's right to a fair trial, one free of widespread hostile publicity, so as to insure him an unbiased jury. The factors to be considered include the extent of prior hostile publicity, the probability that the issues involved at the pretrial hearing will further aggravate the adverse publicity, and whether traditional judicial techniques to insulate the jury from the consequences of such publicity will ameliorate the problem. Absent a showing of widespread adverse publicity, the trial court should not grant a motion to close the hearing. The trial judge must determine if there is a serious and imminent threat that publication will preclude the fair administration of justice. In determining this question, an evidentiary hearing should be held and findings of fact should be recorded by the judge in his order granting or refusing closure."
    1. Extent of Prior Hostility;
    2. Probability of Aggravating Hostility with continued openness; and
    3. Whether traditional judicial techniques (eg, jury sequestration) will remedy the problem
  • Privacy Factors:
    "Courts must first determine whether the individual possesses a legitimate expectation of privacy in the information or subject at issue. If so, then the burden shifts to the State to show that (a) there is a compelling state interest warranting the intrusion into the individual's privacy and (b) the intrusion is accomplished by the least intrusive means."
    1. Legitimate expectation of privacy;
    2. Opponent's compelling interest in the information; and
    3. Least-intrusive means for obtaining
  • Possible Alternatives:
    "The following alternatives [to making public documents confidential] should be considered: continuance, severance, change of venire, voir dire, peremptory challenges, sequestration, and admonition of the jury. One or more of these alternatives may adequately protect the accused's interest and relieve the court of any need to close the proceeding in advance."
    1. Continuance;
    2. Severance;
    3. Change of Venire;
    4. Voir Dire;
    5. Peremptory Challenges;
    6. Sequestration;
    7. Admonition to the Jury;
    8. Whether traditional judicial techniques (eg, jury sequestration) will remedy the problem

VI. Quick Commentary

  • Download as many sample documents as you'd like
    • Contact TBD for more free samples
  • Also, feel free to use the templates (see Part IV - above) to help draft your 'Motion to Determine Confidentiality of Document'
  • Save the final version as a PDF file.
  • File it in court (or at DOAH)

VII. Additional Resources

  • Item 12.01, USNYWD's Pro Se Handbook (Sealing Records)

VIII. Bibliography

IX. Conclusion

A Motion to Make a Document Confidential might help you retain the privacy that you deserve.

With the use of the templates (as well as the samples above), you can more easily ask your court to seal.


Congratulations! You're now booked up on how to write a Motion for Confidentiality!

Please get the justice you deserve.


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