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How-To Guides | Civil Indigence

Pertinent to Civil Rights Litigation

101Appellate (FL)Step-by-Step guide for obtaining indigent status in an appellate court (FL)
102Appellate (US)Step-by-Step guide for obtaining indigent status in an appellate court (US)
Administrative Agencies
201DOAHStep-by-Step guide for obtaining indigent status at DOAH
202FCHRStep-by-Step guide for obtaining indigent status with the FCHR
Trial Courts
301Federal CourtStep-by-Step guide for obtaining indigent status in Federal Court
302State Court (FL)Step-by-Step guide for obtaining indigent status in State Court
Get booked up on these How-To Guides for Applying for Civil Indigence Status!

You can use them throughout your pursuit of justice.

As always, please get the justice you deserve.


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