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How-To: Complete the Civil Cover Sheet (Federal)

Background: You are preparing your federal lawsuit
Problem: You are unsure how to complete the Civil Cover Sheet
Solution: You follow this guide for completing the Civil Cover Sheet (Federal)

I. Definitions

the depositing of documents with the court or with other public officials to become preserved as part of the official record. Often specific deadlines are imposed by which time the documents must be filed. Failure to meet the deadline may result in the imposition of late fees or may result in the document being excluded from consideration. Court documents must be served on the opposing party.
see service. See also return [FILING].

II. Legal Citations

Local Rule 1.05(e) USFLMD | Civil Cover Sheet
"(e) The Clerk is authorized and directed to require a complete and executed AO Form JS44, Civil Cover Sheet, which shall accompany each civil case as a condition to the filing thereof. State and federal prisoners, and other persons filing civil cases pro se are exempt from the requirements of this subsection."
Local Rule 5.2 USFLND | Civil Cover Sheet
"An attorney who files or removes a civil case must simultaneously file a civil cover sheet on a form available without charge from the Clerk or on the District’s website. But the Court may allow the civil cover sheet to be filed later. A pro se party need not file a civil cover sheet."

III. Samples

# PDF Comments
1logoAdobeTBD case. USFLMD. Pro Se Filing. 2020. NOS 442. §1981 Case (+ §760 FS). Employment.iconPriceTag
2logoAdobeTBD case. USFLND. Pro Se Filing. 2021. NOS 440. §1983 Case. ALJ Perjury.iconPriceTag
3logoAdobeUSFLMD. Attorney Filing. 2019. NOS 790. Title VII Case (+ §1983). Employment.iconPriceTag
4logoAdobeUSFLMD. Attorney Filing. 2019. NOS 440. Title VII Case (+ §760 FS). Employment.iconPriceTag
5logoAdobeUSFLMD. Attorney Filing. 2019. Title VII Case (+ §760 FS). Employment.iconPriceTag
6logoAdobeUSFLMD. Pro Se Filing. 2020. NOS 442. Title VII (+ §1981; NLRA. EmploymenticonPriceTag
7logoAdobeUSFLMD. Attorney Filing. 2020. NOS 790. Title VII (+ §760 FS). Employment.iconPriceTag

IV. Forms

# Link Comments
1Official Court Form. Interactive/Electronic.Free

V. Quick Analysis

  • 25% of cover sheets indicate a civil rights case
    • 16% prisoner cases; plus
    • 9% non-prisoner cases
  • 43% of filers fail to indicate the nature-of-suit on their cover sheets
For deeper insight, please see TBD's Nature of Suit Analysis

VI. Quick Commentary

  • Note: You might not need to complete this form:
    • some districts (eg, USFLND) don't require it from you (ie, a Pro Se litigant)
    • other districts (eg, USFLMD) will complete it for you
    • check the local rules of court for your district
      • Rule 1.02 USFLMD (Florida, Middle District)
      • Rule 5.2 USFLND (Florida, Northern District)
  • Use the court-issued form (see Part III - above) to complete your federal 'Civil Cover Sheet'
  • Read the court-issued guide for additional help
  • Review the Nature-of-Suit codes to help select the proper one
  • Cite the statute that you are suing under (eg, Title VII, 42 USC §2000e; 42 USC §1981; §760 FS; etc.)
  • Please download as many sample documents as you'd like
  • Save the final version as a PDF file. Print it out as well.
  • File the final version in court

VII. Additional Notes

  • Given these statistics, you will probably make a solid impression on the court (and your opponent's legal counsel) if you accurately fill out this civil cover sheet.
  • Estimated Time ≈ 5-10 minutes

VIII. Additional Resources

  • Item 13.04, Pro Se Handbook (USNYWD)
    • see the 'Cover Sheet' instructions

IX. Conclusion

With the use of the form (as well as the samples above), you can more easily complete the civil cover sheet (federal).


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