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How-To: Get Free Access to PACER

Background: You are litigating your case in federal court
Problem: You cannot afford the access fees to online court records
Solution: You move the Court to exempt you from PACER access fees

I. Legal Citations

28 USC §1914 | District Court; Filing and Miscellaneous Fees; Rules of Court
"(b) The clerk shall collect from the parties such additional fees only as are prescribed by the Judicial Conference of the United States.
Fee Exemptions | Judicial Conference of the United States
"Courts may exempt certain persons or classes of persons from payment of the user access fee. Examples of individuals and groups that a court may consider exempting include: indigents...

II. Samples

# PDF Comments
1logoAdobeTBD case. Plaintiff's Filing (pro se). Poor Person. Calculation Included. Affidavit Included.iconPriceTag

III. Templates

# Link Comments
1iconMSWordReplace all of the placeholder tags with real information (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe").iconPriceTag

IV. Quick Commentary

  • Legal Note: Read this useful decision on the matter
  • The template is designed for indigents
    • Click Here to learn more
  • Bad News: Your Judge might only grant you free access for your case's docket.
  • Good News: It only takes 20-50 minutes to complete (even faster with the use of TBD's template!)
  • Better News: This is a great introduction into using 'standards for review' for testing the validity of a motion or petition
  • Please download as many sample documents as you'd like
  • Proofread your document as much as possible.
  • Save the final version as a PDF file.
  • Email the PDF to the other party (read about Serving Court Documents here).
  • File the document with your federal court.

V. Additional Notes

  • Total Time needed ≈ 0-1 hours
  • The 'Standard for Review' comes from the Judicial Conference of the United States
  • The Court might ask you to supply your email address (the one the Court will use to alert you of docket entries).

VI. Additional Resources

VII. Bibliography

VIII. Conclusion

Your federal court will need to grant you the privilege of accessing PACER without charge. If you use this template (filled with your own accurate information) then you might get approved.


Congratulations! You're now booked up on how to get a fee exemption for PACER access.

Please get the justice you deserve.


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