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How-To: Get eFiling Access in Federal Court

Background: You are litigating your case in federal court (without a lawyer)
Problem: The federal court prohibits you from eFiling
Solution: You move the Court to give you access to 'electronic filing'

I. Definitions

any writing, recording, computer tape, blueprint, X-ray, photograph, or other physical object upon which information is set forth by means of letters, numbers, or other symbols.
the depositing of documents with the court or with other public officials to become preserved as part of the official record. Often specific deadlines are imposed by which time the documents must be filed. Failure to meet the deadline may result in the imposition of late fees or may result in the document being excluded from consideration. Court documents must be served on the opposing party.
see service. See also return [FILING].
permission obtained from a court to take some action that, without such permission, would not be allowable. This permission in some instances may come before or after the expiration of the period in which the action was to be taken. For instance, a trustee may need "leave of court" in order to spend trust corpus for the support of the trust beneficiary; an attorney will need "leave of court" in order to file papers after the time allowed for filing the papers has elapsed.
2. a precise history of a suit from beginning to end, including the conclusions of law thereon, drawn by the proper officer to perpetuate the exact facts.
EXAMPLE: A court rule provides that a judge must inform a person convicted of a crime of his or her right to an attorney to pursue an appeal if he or she so desires. Since all comments by the judge are transcribed, a record is produced that will eliminate any question whether the person was informed of his or her rights.
The RECORD ON APPEAL consists of those items introduced in evidence in the lower court, as well as compilation of pleadings, motions, briefs and other papers filed in the proceeding in the inferior court.
conflicting with some provision of the Constitution. A statute found to be unconstitutional is considered void or as if it had never been, and consequently all rights, contracts or duties that depend on it are void. Similarly, no one can be punished for having refused obedience to the law once it is found to be unconstitutional.

II. Legal Citations

Rule 5(d)(3)(B) Fed. R. Civ. P. | Electronic Filing and Signing
(3) Electronic Filing and Signing.

(B) By an Unrepresented Person — When Allowed or Required. A person not represented by an attorney:
(i) may file electronically only if allowed by court order or by local rule; and

(ii) may be required to file electronically only by court order, or by a local rule that includes reasonable exceptions.

Local Rule 1.01 USFLMD | Electronic Filing
By administrative order, the court can prescribe procedures governing electronic filing.
Local Rule 5.4(A) USFLND | Electronic Filing
(A) When Required. Unless the Court orders otherwise, every document submitted for filing must be submitted through the electronic filing system, not in hard copy or by facsimile or other means, except that the following documents may — and if so required by an administrative order or an order in a case must — be filed in hard copy:

(3) A document filed by a party pro se.
14th Amendment (US Constitution) | 'Equal Protections Clause'

III. Samples

# PDF Comments
1logoAdobeTBD case. Plaintiff's Filing (pro se). Poor Person. Calculation Included. Affidavit Included.iconPriceTag
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IV. Templates

# Link Comments
1iconMSWordReplace all of the placeholder tags with real information (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe").iconPriceTag

V. Quick Commentary

  • The federal court's [discriminatory] eFiling prohibition is unconstitutional
  • Legal Note: Read this useful decision on the matter
  • The template is designed for indigents
    • Click Here to learn more
  • Good News: This is a great introduction into using 'standards for review' for testing the validity of a motion or petition
  • Download as many sample documents as you'd like
  • Proofread your document as much as possible.
  • Save the final version as a PDF file.
  • Email the PDF to the other party (read about Serving Court Documents here).
  • File the document with your federal court.

VI. Additional Notes

  • Total Time needed ≈ 0-1 hours
  • Crucial Note: Upon approval [of your eFiling access], you will need to register [with PACER] in order to receive electronic notices
  • The 'Standard for Review' comes from the Judicial Conference of the United States
  • The Court might ask you to supply your email address (the one the Court will use to alert you of docket entries).

VII. Additional Resources

VIII. Bibliography

IX. Conclusion

Your federal court should grant you eFiling access.

If you use this template (filled with your own accurate information) then you might get approved.


Congratulations! You're now booked up on how to get eFiling Access [in Federal Court]!

As always, please get the justice that you deserve.


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