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How-To: Complete a Docketing Statement

Background: You initiated an appeal in a Florida District Court of Appeal
Problem: You're unsure how to fill out the required docketing statement
Solution: You follow this guide for completing a docketing statement

I. Definitions


II. Legal Citations

AO 10-1 Florida's 1st DCA | Electronic Filing of the Docketing Statement/Notice of Appearance of Counsel
"2) Attorneys for appellants and petitioners must electronically complete and submit the Docketing Statement through eDCA immediately upon receipt of the court’s acknowledgment notice and assignment of a case number in cases involving an original writ, an appeal of a non-final order, or in a “child” case (as defined in the court’s Docketing Statement)"
Rule 12 Fed. R. App. P. | Docketing the Appeal; Filing a Representation Statement; Filing the Record
"(b) Filing a Representation Statement. Unless the court of appeals designates another time, the attorney who filed the notice of appeal must, within 14 days after filing the notice, file a statement with the circuit clerk naming the parties that the attorney represents on appeal.""

III. Samples

# PDF Comments
1logoAdobeTBD case. Pro Se Filing. Petition for a Writ of Mandamus. Appellate Form.iconPriceTag
2logoAdobe2000. 1DCA. DOAH. Civil. A7/C4. DCFS. iconPriceTag
3logoAdobe2001. 1DCA. DOAH. iconPriceTag
4logoAdobe2002. 1DCA. DOAH. C4. DFS. OIR. + Addendum.iconPriceTag
5logoAdobe2003. 1DCA. DOAH. C3 - Rule Challenge. DCAiconPriceTag
6logoAdobe2004. 4DCA. DOAH. A12/C1 - Dept. Prof. RegulationsiconPriceTag
7logoAdobe2005. 1DCA. DOAH. C3 - Rule Challenge. FHFC.iconPriceTag
8logoAdobe2006. 1DCA. DOAH. A7/C4. DCFS. License Revocation.iconPriceTag
9logoAdobe2007. 1DCA. DOAH. C4. DCA.iconPriceTag
10logoAdobe2009. 1DCA. DOAH. A7 - Writ of ProhibitioniconPriceTag
11logoAdobe2010. 1DCA. DOAH. C3 - Rule Challenge. DOAH.iconPriceTag
12logoAdobe2011. 5DCA. DOAH.iconPriceTag
13logoAdobe2013. 5DCA. DOAH.iconPriceTag
14logoAdobe2014. 5DCA. DOAH. Interactive Form.iconPriceTag
15logoAdobe2015. 1DCA. DOAH.iconPriceTag
16logoAdobe2017. 1DCA. DOAH.iconPriceTag

IV. Templates

# Link Comments
1iconMSWordReplace all of the placeholder tags with real information (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe").iconPriceTag
2Official Form. Interactive PDF. Enter information; save file..iconPriceTag

V. Quick Commentary

  • Crucial Note: File this document before the immediately!
    • 1DCA, especially, craves this file at the outset of an appeal/petition
  • Recommendation: Use the official form (Part III #2)
  • Save the final version as a PDF file.
  • File the final version in court

VI. Additional Resources

VII. Conclusion

With the use of the official form (as well as the samples above), you can more easily write your Docketing Statement.


Congratulations! You're now booked up on how to write your Docketing Statement (for a Florida appellate court)!

Please get the justice you deserve.


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