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How-To: Draft Directions to the Lower Tribunal Clerk

Background: You are appealling a legal decision
Problem: You need to control/designate the documents that the appellate court receives
Solution: You follow this guide for writing your 'Directions to the Clerk'

I. Definitions

an assistant or a subordinate.
COURT CLERK: an officer whose duties include keeping records, issuing process and entering judgment.

LAW CLERK: an assistant to a lawyer or a judge, whose primary job is to aid in the research and writing of briefs or opinions and the handling of cases.

II. Legal Citations

Rule 9.190(c)(2)(A) Fla. R. App. P. | The Record - Proceedings Involving Disputed Issues of Material Fact Rule 9.190(c)(2)(C) Fla. R. App. P. | The Record - Declaratory Statements Rule 9.200(a)(1) Fla. R. App. P. | Contents of the Record - Declaratory Statements

III. Samples

# PDF Comments
1 logoAdobe 2021 | FCHR | TBD case. Pro se Filing (appeal from declaratory statement). iconPriceTag
2logoAdobe2019 | DOAH | Attorney filing; included transcript.iconPriceTag
3logoAdobe2018 | DOAH | Attorney filing; verbose.iconPriceTag
4logoAdobe2018 | State Court (Miami) | Pro se filing; included various exhibits.iconPriceTag
5logoAdobe2018 | DOAH | Attorney filing; limited record.iconPriceTag
6logoAdobe2018 | DOAH | Attorney filing.iconPriceTag
7logoAdobe2018 | DOAH | Attorney filing.iconPriceTag
8logoAdobe2017 | DOAH | Attorney filing; limited record.iconPriceTag
9logoAdobe2017 | DOAH | Attorney filing.iconPriceTag
10logoAdobe2017 | DOAH | Attorney filing.iconPriceTag
11logoAdobe2015 | DOAH | Attorney filing; FCHR case.iconPriceTag
12logoAdobe2014 | DOAH | Attorney filing; FCHR case.iconPriceTag
13logoAdobe2008 | DOAH | Pro se filing.iconPriceTag
14logoAdobe2005 | DOAH | Pro se filing; FCHR case.iconPriceTag
15logoAdobe2004 | DOAH | Pro se filing; FCHR case; appendix.iconPriceTag

IV. Templates

# Link Comments
1iconMSWordReplace all of the placeholder tags with real information (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe").iconPriceTag

V. Quick Commentary

  • You shouldn't have to file this document.
    • Rule 9.200 Committee Notes (1977)
      • "Subdivision (a) interacts with subdivision (b) so that as soon as the notice is filed the clerk of the lower tribunal will prepare and transmit the complete record of the case as described by the rule... It therefore will be unnecessary to file directions with the clerk of the lower tribunal in most cases."

  • Feel free to use the template (see Part III - above) to help draft your 'Directions to the Clerk'
  • Please download as many sample documents as you'd like
  • Save the final version as a PDF file.
  • Serve the state agency with the directions

VI. Additional Notes

  • Estimated time ≈ 0-2 hours

VII. Conclusion

With the use of the template (as well as the samples above), you can more easily Direct the Clerk of the Lower Tribunal on sending the appellate court your record on appeal.


Congratulations! You're now booked up on how to draft your Directions to the Clerk!

Please get the justice you deserve.


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