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How-To: Complete 'Corporate Disclosures'

Background: The Federal Court commands you to submit a 'Corporate Disclosures' statement*
Problem: You are unsure of how to comply
Solution: You follow this guide for completing 'Corporate Disclosures'
* The Court may refer to it as
"Plaintiff's Certification of Interested Persons and Corporate Disclosure Statement"

I. Legal Citations

Rule 7.1 Fed. R. Civ. P. | Disclosure Statement
"(a) WHO MUST FILE; CONTENTS. A nongovernmental corporate party must file 2 copies of a disclosure statement that:
(1) identifies any parent corporation and any publicly held corporation owning 10% or more of its stock; or

(2) states that there is no such corporation."

II. Samples

# PDF Comments
1logoAdobeTBD case. Plaintiff's Filing (pro se). No corporate ownership. No interested persons.iconPriceTag
2logoAdobeDefendant's Filing (attorney). Non-Profit. No corporate ownership.iconPriceTag
3logoAdobeDefendant's Filing (attorney). Private. 51% 49% ownership split. Foreign ties.iconPriceTag
4logoAdobeDefendant's Filing (attorney). 100% ownership. Publicly held.iconPriceTag
5logoAdobeDefendant's Filing (attorney). 84% ownership. Nice contextual intro.iconPriceTag
6logoAdobeDefendant's Filing (attorney). Nice format.iconPriceTag
7logoAdobeDefendant's Filing (attorney). Very brief.iconPriceTag

III. Templates

# Link Comments
1iconMSWordReplace all of the placeholder tags with real information (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe").iconPriceTag

IV. Quick Commentary

  • Bad News: You probably won't need to submit a corporate disclosure statement in your civil case:
    • Reason #1: It seems inapplicable to you, because you aren't a corporation (and Rule 7.1 seems to be geared solely towards corporations)
    • Reason #2: TBD has never seen a pro se litigant file a Corporate Disclosure statement (sample size = 60,000+ federal court records)
  • Good News: It only takes 10-30 minutes to complete
  • Better News: It'll take you even less time if you use TBD's free template! (see Part III - above)
  • Please download as many sample documents as you'd like
  • Proofread your document as much as possible.
  • Save the final version as a PDF file.
  • Email the PDF to the other party (read about Serving Court Documents here).
  • File the document with your federal court.

V. Additional Notes

  • The 'Corporate Disclosures' is a very simple file (no need for legal citations, etc.)
  • Total Time needed ≈ 0-1 hours

VI. Conclusion

The 'Corporate Disclosures' document might be required in Federal Court cases of discrimination. The Court will let you know if you need to supply one; and they will set the deadline. Luckily, the document itself is very simple.


Congratulations! You're now booked up on how to satisfy the 'Corporate Disclosures' requirement of your federal case!

Please get the justice you deserve.


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