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liability imputed to one person for the actions of another, where the law contemplates that the other should be held responsible for a wrong in fact committed by somone else. Sometimes this doctrine is called IMPUTED LIABILITY.
EXAMPLE: Mekhi drives a truck for Speedy Delivery Service. While pulling out of a driveway, he hits a pedestrian. Speedy will be vicariously liable for the pedestrian's injuries under the doctrine of respondeat superior.
EXAMPLE: Taye agrees to drive the getaway car in a robbery. Donna, who enters the bank, kills a teller during the robbery. In most states, Taye is vicariously liable for the killing.
compare strict liability
Source: Barron's Dictionary of Legal Terms, Steven H. Gifis, 5th Edition; ©
"[A]n employee is a ‘supervisor’ for purposes of vicarious liability under Title VII if he or she is empowered by the employer to take tangible employment actions against the victim."
"[W]hen a supervisor engages in harassment which results in an adverse ‘tangible employment action’ against the employee, the employer is automatically held vicariously liable for the harassment."
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