Yes. |
Just contact TBD for any specified sample document (eg, "Motion to Compel", etc.) that's not already on the website. |
please check here as well |
Turnaround time ≈ 36-48 hours (from moment of request) |
Yes. |
If your material is educational/informational/pertinent-to-matters-of-discrimination then TBD will accept it (and publish it). |
In fact, TBD will even pay you for it (with Book Points) {read more here} |
Also, please take note of copyright restrictions (see DMCA Notice) |
No (sorry!). |
Unfortunately, TBD's practice area is primarily focused on the State of Florida (USA). It also hones in on the Federal System in the US. |
Nevertheless, many of TBD's How-To Guides are applicable to other states (especially for federal litigants) |
Please consider selling your real-live court documents to TBD.
In the future, there's a fair chance that TBD will expand to other states/territories. In the meantime, you can help by supplying sample court documents for other visitors (thanks). |
Yes. |
Please take the following steps:
Alternatively, TBD can remove the document from public view. TBD will do so IFF the government has rendered it confidential. Thus, please take the following steps:
Yes. |
All of TBD's webpages/samples/templates/etc are free to use (no sign-ups, no payments, no bologna). |
No. |
No (sorry!). |
Reason = TBD seeks to retain its independence, and donations would interfere with that. |
However, thank you for your consideration!
$0 |
TBD is a non-revenue/non-profit/non-donational website |
It has never accepted money/gifts from anyone.
Yes. |
TBD has never partnered/contracted with any public/private entity/individual. |
This is a peer-to-peer website in the strictest sense that TBD knows (ie, "a labor for my neighbor") |
No. |
TBD does not partner/contract with any public/private entities/individuals. |
This is a peer-to-peer website in the strictest sense that TBD knows (ie, "a labor for my neighbor") |
No (sorry!). |
TBD does not partner/contract with any public/private entities/individuals. |
This is a peer-to-peer website in the strictest sense that TBD knows (ie, "a labor for my neighbor") |
10/7/2020 |
Before then, TBD amassed a lot of knowledge/tools through legal research |
Since then, TBD has added roughly 40,000 pages (please use any of them to "Get Booked Up on Justice") |
Weekly |
TBD usually updates those data points on Mondays/Tuesdays |
Note: those statistics do not update automatically
Weekly |
TBD usually updates those data points on Mondays/Tuesdays |
Note: those values do not update automatically
Monthly |
TBD updates those data points at the start of each month |
Note: those statistics do not update automatically
Periodically |
TBD only updates those data points 2-4 times per year (reason: it's a very time-consuming process) |
Via Email |
Here are the current steps:
Note: As of January 1, 2024, TBD has not yet built the online marketplace for sample court documents. When TBD's Official Online Marketplace is complete, though, then you will be able to sell your sample documents automatically.
Yes |
When you sell your sample court document(s) to TBD you will still retain ownership over it/them. |
Here are the features of the transaction:
Yes. |
Just email TBD the information that you would prefer to have listed |
Turnaround time ≈ 36-48 hours (from moment of request) |
Yes. |
Just email TBD the intake application that you'd like UniApp to populate |
To help somebody get justice. |
Detail: somebody (ie, a site visitor) sought legal representation [from you and/or other attorneys]; doing so by filling out a free application (via UniApp). |
Background: TBD has a list of civil rights attorneys; that list includes you. That list, importantly was procured from public court records. |
Apparently, you've litigated a discrimination case in Florida (probably at DOAH). This is how you made it onto TBD's listing (and, thus, this is the reason you received a Prospective Client Application). |
No. |
The Prospective Client Application that you received was delivered with no strings attached. It was also delivered free-of-charge. TBD did/does not send you Prospective Client Applications with the aims of entering into a business relationship with you. |
TBD is - and always has been - a free/independent entity (please see FAQ 101, and FAQ 201. |
Yes. |
Just tell TBD (via email and/or otherwise) which types of intake applications you do not want to receive. |
Often times, attorneys only want to litigate on certain bases (ie, age, disability, etc.). Plus, some attorneys want geographical restrictions (ie, So-&-So County; or So-&-So City). Other attorneys, in fact, seek total abstinence (usually due to them leaving the area-of-practice). Thus, just tell TBD how you'd like these transmissions to be filtered. |
You can help TBD's founder get justice |