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From time to time, TBD publishes material submitted by users/visitors (see FAQ). Plus, TBD hosts a marketplace for sample court documents.

Thus, in conformity with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), TBD has instituted a process for responding to notices of alleged copyright infringement.

If you believe some material on this website (ie, TextBookDiscrimination.com) is infringing on your copyright, then please send a notice to TBD with the following information:

Please send this information to:
TBD Webmaster
Congratulations! You're now booked up on how to notify TBD of a possible DMCA Copyright Violation!

TBD strives to respect people's copywritten material (regardless of which user/visitor submitted it). Of course, TBD has limited resources (and can't track down every submission).

So, if you see something, say something!


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