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Important Material from the Criminal Case Against Jeffrey L. Fortenberry (An Official Perjurer)

Original Source: ECF.CACD.USCourts.gov
Basics (All-in-One, Disclaimer, etc.)
###PDFLink to PageDescription
000Info-Perjury-FortenberryAll-in-OnePDF/Page with the pertinent material of the Jeff Fortenberry Perjury Case.
001Info-Perjury-FortenberryDisclaimerTBD's disclaimer on this re-printed material.
Pertinent Docket Entries
###PDFLink to PageDescription
101DktNo1InformationThe charging file that began the criminal case
102DktNo2Cover Sheetthe quasi cover sheet used in the case
103DktNo6ArraignmentMinutes from the arraignment
104DktNo9Notice of Hearing (#1)Court's Notice of a hearing before the magistrate
105DktNo10Advisement of RightsDocument advising Defendant Fortenberry of his rights
106DktNo8Criminal Standing OrderDocument outlining the rules/procedures/customs that will be followed
107DktNo12Motion for Protective OrderJoint request to protect Informant's private information (suggested order attached)
108DktNo13Protective OrderOrder granting joint request to protect private information
109DktNo14Motion to Dismiss #1Defendant's Motion to Dismiss because of venue
110DktNo17Motion to Dismiss #2Defendant's Motion to Dismiss because of lack of materiality
111DktNo18Response to MTD #1Prosecutor's Response to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss (venue)
112DktNo19Motion to Dismiss #3Defendant's Motion to Dismiss First Count (Multiplicitous)
113DktNo20Motion to Dismiss #4Defendant's Motion to Dismiss First Count (Multiplicitous)
114DktNo21Motiont to DisqualifyDefendant's Motion to Disqualify the Prosecutor
115DktNo22Stipulation RequestState's Request for Stipulation to the Granted Continuance
Get booked up on how perjury is prosecuted in Federal Court.

You should take this into account when you litigate your employment discrimination case (especially since your opponent will be prone to lying).

As always, please get the justice you deserve


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