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Important Material from the Criminal Case Against Shellie N. Zimmerman (A Florida Perjurer)

Basics (All-in-One, Disclaimer, etc.)
###PDFLink to PageDescription
000Info-FLPerjury-ZimmermanAll-in-OnePDF/Page with the pertinent material of the Shellie Zimmerman Perjury Case.
001Info-FLPerjury-ZimmermanDisclaimerTBD's disclaimer on this re-printed material.
###PDFLink to PageDescription
101blahInformationThe State Prosecutor's document which lists the charges presented
102blahAffidavitProbable Cuase Affidavit in Support of Capias for Shellie Zimmerman
103blahArrest WarrantArrest Warrant for Shellie Zimmerman
104blahArrest ReportFull Arrest Report from the Seminole County Sherrif's Office
105blahBond SlipAppearance Bond to Secure Defendant Zimmerman's Appearance
106blahClerk’s MemoClerk's Memo to Case File Regarding Redaction
107blahArraignmentCourt's Notification of the Arraignment Hearing
108blahHearing NoticeCourt's Notificiation of a Hearing
109blahAppearance WaiverDefendant's Waiver of Attending Status Hearing
110blahContinuance MotionDefendant's Motion for Continuance
111blahSpeedy Trial WaiverDefendant's Waiver of a Speedy Trial
112blahDiscovery IntentDefendant's Notice of Intent to Participate in Discovery
113blahState's ExhibitProsecutor's Discovery Exhibit and Demand for Reciprocal Discovery
114blahMotion to DismissDefendant's First Motion to Dismiss
115blahContinuance GrantedOrder Granting Prosecutor's Motion for Continuance
116blahExecutive Order 12-279Executive Order 12-279 from the Florida Governor
117blahResponse to Dismiss MotionState's Response to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss
118blahDefendant's DemandDefendant's Demand for Supplemental Discovery
119blahParticularsState's Statement of Particulars
120blahMotion to DismissDefendant's Second Motion to Dismiss
121blahDesignation of ASAAmended Designation of Assistant State Attorney
122blahHearing NoticeState's Notice of Plea Hearing
123blahPlea HearingMinutes/Outline from Plea Hearing
124blahJudgment & SentenceFinal Judgment
125blahPlea AgreementPlea Agreement
126blahApologyDefendant's Letter of Apology to the Court
127blahDischarge BondClerk's Certificate of Discharge Bond
128blahSatisfaction of JudgmentClerk's Certificate of Judgment Satisfaction
Get booked up on how perjury is prosecuted in Florida.

You should take this into account when you litigate your employment discrimination case (especially since your opponent will be prone to lying).

As always, please get the justice you deserve


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