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Obstructions at the FCHR

Communications Revealing the FCHR's Obstruction of a Discrimination Case
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Chapter 1: Initial Contact
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017/31/2023 | 10:01Initial Contact
028/1/2023 | 8:28Follow Up to Initial Contact
038/1/2023 | 8:28Forwarding of COD (Internal - FCHR) | A
048/1/2023 | 11:14Forwarding of COD (Internal - FCHR) | B
058/1/2023 | 12:59Pondering Transmission to the EEOC | A
068/1/2023 | 14:26Response to Question Regarding Transmission to the EEOC
078/1/2023 | 14:27The FCHR's False Statement about the Active Case's Existence
088/1/2023 | 14:33Transmission to the EEOC (From the FCHR)
098/1/2023 | 14:34The FCHR's Response to the FCHR's False Statement
108/1/2023 | 15:07Transmission of COD (From: EEOC-Miami | To: EEOC-Atlanta)
118/1/2023 | 15:09Confirmation of EEOC Transmission (From EEOC-Miami | To: FCHR)
Chapter 2: Acknowledgment of Receipt
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128/3/2023 | 8:46Request for Confirmation of Receipt
138/3/2023 | 9:18Forwarding of Complainant's Request for Confirmation (From: FCHR-Info | To: FCHR-Clerk) | A
148/3/2023 | 9:19Forwarding of Complainant's Request for Confirmation (From: FCHR-Info | To: FCHR-Clerk) | B
158/3/2023 | 12:39The FCHR's Second False Statement about the Existence of the Active Case
168/3/2023 | 12:41The FCHR's Response to the FCHR's Second False Statement (Regarding Existence of Case)
178/3/2023 | 12:43The FCHR's Reply to the FCHR's Response to the FCHR's Second False Statement (Regarding...)
188/3/2023 | 13:08The FCHR's Acknowledgement of its Receipt of the Complainant's COD
Chapter 3: Update Request
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199/5/2023 | 10:01Update Request (From Complainant to EEOC) | A
209/13/2023 | 8:21Update Request (From Complainant to EEOC) | B
219/19/2023 | 8:09Update Request (From Complainant to EEOC) | C
Chapter 4: Notice of FCHR Obstruction
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229/28/2023 | 7:31Complainant Notifying the FCHR of the FCHR's Obstructions
239/28/2023 | 7:47Forwarding of Complainant's Notification (of the FCHR's Obstructions) | A
249/28/2023 | 7:58Forwarding of Complainant's Notification (of the FCHR's Obstructions) | B
259/28/2023 | 8:06The FCHR's Short Response to Complainant's Notification [of the FCHR's Obstructions]
269/28/2023 | 8:13The FCHR's Deeper Response to Complainant's Notification [of the FCHR's Obstructions]
279/28/2023 | 8:14The FCHR's Third False Statement Regarding the COD
289/28/2023 | 8:15The FCHR's Update on its Response to Complainant's Notification [of the FCHR's Obstructions]
299/28/2023 | 8:45The FCHR's Repeated False Statement about Informing the Complainanat of the EEOC...
309/28/2023 | 11:50The Agency Head's Inquiry Into the Complainant's Notification [of the FCHR's Obstructions]
319/28/2023 | 12:00The FCHR Manager's Request for Corroboration of the FCHR's False Statement
329/28/2023 | 12:05The FCHR Manager's Message that She Requested Corroboration [of the FCHR's False Statement]
339/28/2023 | 12:05The FCHR Investigator's Short Response to Request for Corroboration
Chapter 5: Allegation of FCHR Obstruction
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349/28/2023 | 12:06Complainant's Direct Allegation of the FCHR's Obstructions
359/28/2023 | 12:08The FCHR's Correction of its Preceding False Statement
369/28/2023 | 12:30Forwarding of the FCHR's Correction of its Preceding False Statement
379/28/2023 | 15:33The FCHR's Response to the Complainant about the FCHR's Obstructions
3810/5/2023 | 11:26Complainant's Request for Information to Corroborate the FCHR's Transmission [to the EEOC]
3910/5/2023 | 11:56The FCHR's Response to Complainant's Request for Information [to Corroborate the FCHR's...
4010/5/2023 | 12:02FCHR Manager Asking EEOC Liaison to Provide Proof of Transmission of COD [From: Miami...
4110/5/2023 | 12:09Forwarding of Complainant's Direct Allegations [of the FCHR's Obstructions] | A
4210/5/2023 | 12:10Forwarding of Complainant's Direct Allegations [of the FCHR's Obstructions] | B
4310/5/2023 | 12:11FCHR's Receipt of the FCHR's Forwarding of Complainant's Direct Allegations [of the FCHR's...
4410/5/2023 | 12:57EEOC's Response to the FCHR's Forwarding of Complainant's Direct Allegations [of...
4510/5/2023 | 12:58EEOC's Response to the FCHR's Forwarding of Complainant's Direct Allegations [of...
4610/5/2023 | 13:14FCHR's Reply to EEOC's Response to the FCHR's Forwarding of Complainant's Direct...
4710/5/2023 | 13:18The FCHR's False Statement about What the EEOC Liaison Told the FCHR
4810/5/2023 | 13:48The EEOC's Diversion
4910/5/2023 | 14:36Update on Complainant's Direct Allegations [of the FCHR's Obstructions]
5010/5/2023 | 15:00The FCHR's Forwarding of the Update on Complainant's Direct Allegations [of the...
5110/5/2023 | 16:48The FCHR's Internal Response to the Forwarding of the Update on Complainant's Direct...
5210/5/2023 | 16:50The FCHR's Internal Response to the Forwarding of the Update on Complainant's Direct...
Chapter 6: Contacting Higher Authorities
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5310/5/2023 | 16:56Complainant's Response to the EEOC's Diversion
5410/16/2023 | 13:10Complainant's Forwarding of the FCHR's Acknowledgment of COD Receipt
5510/20/2023 | 12:30Complainant Asking the EEOC to Disclose the Legal Authority for the Transfer [From...
5610/20/2023 | 13:24EEOC's Response to Complainant's Question Regarding the EEOC's Legal Authority for...
5710/20/2023 | 15:01Complainant's Questions Regarding Jurisdiction | A
5810/25/2023 | 9:01Complainant Asking the EEOC Director to Intervene Into the FCHR's/EEOC's Obstructions | A
5911/1/2023 | 7:36Complainant's Questions Regarding Jurisdiction | B
6011/1/2023 | 11:15Complainant Asking the EEOC Director to Intervene Into the FCHR's/EEOC's Obstructions | B
6111/1/2023 | 12:11The EEOC Finally Acknowledging that Complainant's COD Was Filed on Time
6211/1/2023 | 13:26Complainant Updating the EEOC Director about the Answer that Complainant Finally...
Chapter 7: Records Request
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6311/10/2023 | 8:30Complainant's Follow-Up on the FCHR's Obstructions
6411/13/2023 | 7:46Complainant's Public Records Request
6511/13/2023 | 15:12Forwarding of Complainant's Public Records Request | A
6611/13/2023 | 15:23Forwarding of Complainant's Public Records Request | B
6711/16/2023 | 9:03Response to Complainant's Public Records Request
6811/16/2023 | 9:29Handling Complainant's Public Records Request | A
6911/16/2023 | 9:29Handling Complainant's Public Records Request | B
7011/16/2023 | 9:36Complainant's Reply the FCHR's Response [to Complainant's Public Records Request]
7111/16/2023 | 9:46Handling Complainant's Public Records Request | C
7211/29/2023 | 9:15Satisfying Complainant's Public Records Request
Get booked up on how the FCHR obstructs discrimination cases by saddling them with issues of timeliness!

You should take this into account when file a discrimination complaint in Florida.


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