Chapter 4: Notice of FCHR Obstruction
## | Link to Page | Description |
22 | 9/28/2023 | 7:31 | Complainant Notifying the FCHR of the FCHR's Obstructions |
23 | 9/28/2023 | 7:47 | Forwarding of Complainant's Notification (of the FCHR's Obstructions) | A |
24 | 9/28/2023 | 7:58 | Forwarding of Complainant's Notification (of the FCHR's Obstructions) | B |
25 | 9/28/2023 | 8:06 | The FCHR's Short Response to Complainant's Notification [of the FCHR's Obstructions] |
26 | 9/28/2023 | 8:13 | The FCHR's Deeper Response to Complainant's Notification [of the FCHR's Obstructions] |
27 | 9/28/2023 | 8:14 | The FCHR's Third False Statement Regarding the COD |
28 | 9/28/2023 | 8:15 | The FCHR's Update on its Response to Complainant's Notification [of the FCHR's Obstructions] |
29 | 9/28/2023 | 8:45 | The FCHR's Repeated False Statement about Informing the Complainanat of the EEOC... |
30 | 9/28/2023 | 11:50 | The Agency Head's Inquiry Into the Complainant's Notification [of the FCHR's Obstructions] |
31 | 9/28/2023 | 12:00 | The FCHR Manager's Request for Corroboration of the FCHR's False Statement |
32 | 9/28/2023 | 12:05 | The FCHR Manager's Message that She Requested Corroboration [of the FCHR's False Statement] |
33 | 9/28/2023 | 12:05 | The FCHR Investigator's Short Response to Request for Corroboration |
Chapter 5: Allegation of FCHR Obstruction
## | Link to Page | Description |
34 | 9/28/2023 | 12:06 | Complainant's Direct Allegation of the FCHR's Obstructions |
35 | 9/28/2023 | 12:08 | The FCHR's Correction of its Preceding False Statement |
36 | 9/28/2023 | 12:30 | Forwarding of the FCHR's Correction of its Preceding False Statement |
37 | 9/28/2023 | 15:33 | The FCHR's Response to the Complainant about the FCHR's Obstructions |
38 | 10/5/2023 | 11:26 | Complainant's Request for Information to Corroborate the FCHR's Transmission [to the EEOC] |
39 | 10/5/2023 | 11:56 | The FCHR's Response to Complainant's Request for Information [to Corroborate the FCHR's... |
40 | 10/5/2023 | 12:02 | FCHR Manager Asking EEOC Liaison to Provide Proof of Transmission of COD [From: Miami... |
41 | 10/5/2023 | 12:09 | Forwarding of Complainant's Direct Allegations [of the FCHR's Obstructions] | A |
42 | 10/5/2023 | 12:10 | Forwarding of Complainant's Direct Allegations [of the FCHR's Obstructions] | B |
43 | 10/5/2023 | 12:11 | FCHR's Receipt of the FCHR's Forwarding of Complainant's Direct Allegations [of the FCHR's... |
44 | 10/5/2023 | 12:57 | EEOC's Response to the FCHR's Forwarding of Complainant's Direct Allegations [of... |
45 | 10/5/2023 | 12:58 | EEOC's Response to the FCHR's Forwarding of Complainant's Direct Allegations [of... |
46 | 10/5/2023 | 13:14 | FCHR's Reply to EEOC's Response to the FCHR's Forwarding of Complainant's Direct... |
47 | 10/5/2023 | 13:18 | The FCHR's False Statement about What the EEOC Liaison Told the FCHR |
48 | 10/5/2023 | 13:48 | The EEOC's Diversion |
49 | 10/5/2023 | 14:36 | Update on Complainant's Direct Allegations [of the FCHR's Obstructions] |
50 | 10/5/2023 | 15:00 | The FCHR's Forwarding of the Update on Complainant's Direct Allegations [of the... |
51 | 10/5/2023 | 16:48 | The FCHR's Internal Response to the Forwarding of the Update on Complainant's Direct... |
52 | 10/5/2023 | 16:50 | The FCHR's Internal Response to the Forwarding of the Update on Complainant's Direct... |
Chapter 6: Contacting Higher Authorities
## | Link to Page | Description |
53 | 10/5/2023 | 16:56 | Complainant's Response to the EEOC's Diversion |
54 | 10/16/2023 | 13:10 | Complainant's Forwarding of the FCHR's Acknowledgment of COD Receipt |
55 | 10/20/2023 | 12:30 | Complainant Asking the EEOC to Disclose the Legal Authority for the Transfer [From... |
56 | 10/20/2023 | 13:24 | EEOC's Response to Complainant's Question Regarding the EEOC's Legal Authority for... |
57 | 10/20/2023 | 15:01 | Complainant's Questions Regarding Jurisdiction | A |
58 | 10/25/2023 | 9:01 | Complainant Asking the EEOC Director to Intervene Into the FCHR's/EEOC's Obstructions | A |
59 | 11/1/2023 | 7:36 | Complainant's Questions Regarding Jurisdiction | B |
60 | 11/1/2023 | 11:15 | Complainant Asking the EEOC Director to Intervene Into the FCHR's/EEOC's Obstructions | B |
61 | 11/1/2023 | 12:11 | The EEOC Finally Acknowledging that Complainant's COD Was Filed on Time |
62 | 11/1/2023 | 13:26 | Complainant Updating the EEOC Director about the Answer that Complainant Finally... |